Ashoke De is currently a Professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering and having joint appointment in the Department of Sustainable Energy Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. He is also the Dean of Academic Affairs. Dr. De received his PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from Louisiana State University, USA in 2009. Before joining IIT Kanpur, he has worked as post-doctoral scholar at Technical University of Delft (TU-Delft), Netherlands and as Research Engineer in GE Global research at Bangalore, India. He is the recipient of DAAD Fellowship (2016), IEI-Young Engineer’s Award-2014 (Aerospace Engineering), Early Career Research award-2015 (DST, India), Expertise Award-2010 (GE Global research), and P K Kelkar Young Research Fellowship (2015-2018, IITK). He is ASME Fellow, AvHumboldt Fellow, AIAA Associate Fellow, Fellow of West Bengal Academy of Science and Technology, Associate Editor of International Journal of Energy for a Clean Environment (2019-present), and currently member of APS, AIAA, ASME, SIAM, FMFP, ISHMT and Combustion Institute. Dr. De leads large scale initiatives in the modelling of turbulent flows at IIT Kanpur. His current research interests include multiphase modeling, hybrid RANS/LES model development, supersonic flows and Fluid-Structure interactions (FSI). He is actively pursuing research projects from various organizations like ISRO, ARDB, DST, DRDO, BRNS and Pratt & Whitney Canada.