Mathematics Quiz ---------------- Quiz date: 14th July (Friday) Time: 1:45-6:45 p.m. (high tea at 7:00 p.m.) (with two tea-breaks during 4:00-4:14 and 5:45-6:00) Venue: L1 Rounds: Regular, Premium and Exclusive ------------------------------- IMPORTANT: (I) MAINTAIN SAME SEAT THROUGH THE PROGRAMME. (II) ALWAYS REPORT YOUR CORRECT SCORE CAREFULLY. (III) OPT AND CLAIM A QUESTION, NEVER SHOUT THE ANSWER. (IV) CRITIC SCORE SYSTEM WILL BE ANNOUNCED AT THE START. ------------------------------- Seating and Rounds ------------------ With reference to L1 Geography: Many extra Back Rows, we do not need them. Row 5 Row 5 Row 5 Row 4 Row 4 Row 4 Row 6 Row 6 Row 3 Row 3 Row 7 Row 7 Row 2 Row 2 Row 8 Row 8 Row 1 Row 1 / Blank front rows \ (for title and admin) As a contestant (participant) reports at the venue (L1), he/she is randomly given an entry slip with a number (I to VIII) written on it. He retains the slip and sits in the corresponding "numbered" row as shown above, which is his seat for the entire programme. Score card: First time when a participant makes a score, he/she is given a score card, showing the score. At every subsequent score/penalty, the score card is exchanged with one showing the current score. There are TWO regular rounds of questions, in which questions are asked and passed in forward and reverse orders. Order: Forward order means Row 1 to 8, Wall to Aisle (Round 1); Reverse order means Row 8 to 1, Aisle to Wall (Round 2). Regular Scores -------------- A participant correctly answering a direct question gets 5. No penalty for wrong answer, the question simply passes. Algorithm for passing: 1. A question is asked to participant k. 2. If participant k does not give the right answer, then the same question passes to participant (k+1) as a direct question with full value 5. 3. If (k+1) also does not answer it correctly, then it goes to participant (k+2) with full value 5. 4. If (k+2) also fails, then the question is devalued to 4 and is thrown to the rest of the participant in the SAME row as a premium question, to which premium priority and score rules apply, no penalty within row attempts. 5. If nobody from the row gives the correct answer, then it is further devalued to 3 marks and thrown open to the entire class as a full-fledged premium question. 6. Next direct question is asked to participant (k+3). ----- 7. Row migration: While passing a question, if row boundary is encountered, then the question passes to the first participant of the NEXT row. In the event of that question not being answered as a DIRECT, when it is made 4-mark restricted premium question, the restricted premium question goes to the CURRENT (new) row, NOT to the old row. Exception: If quiz-master decides to split marks on contributed answer, then he back-tracks, and the game continues from the participant next to the one who last got the question DIRECT, without any contribution made by anybody else. Priority in the case of a score tie: Within the row, and in the full class, for limited premium question (devalued regular question), the priority is governed by the "low score high priority" rule, and in the case of a score tie only, priority cycles on the normal Round order starting from the participant to whom this question was a DIRECT. Premium Scores -------------- There are two ways of scoring premium marks: 1. When a regular question is thrown OPEN, participants having the answer show cards and chance is given in the increasing order of marks already scored, and in case of a tie, according to normal round order. 2. After the two regular rounds, a premium round is held, in which every question is a premium question, is OPEN and priority is awarded according to the normal "low score high priority" rule. [ Just in case the corollary is not obvious, any question in the premium "round" is an open premium question to begin with, and has 3 marks that stays constant at 3. ] Premium priority in case of a score-tie: In cases of two or more claimants for a premium question with all other conditions equal, the priority order goes in forward and reverse cycles for odd and even questions, respectively. Penalty: Wrong answer to a premium question (of either kind above) attracts a penalty of 1 (penalty for spoiling the good time of others) and it is immediately updated with no history maintained. Exceptions: (a) A participant with current score of two or less attracts no penalty, (b) In any case, the quiz-master may use discretion to waive the penalty in the case of a wrong answer, but a sensible approach (wild guess is GOING to be penalized). Title ------- Once a participant reaches (or crosses) 12 marks, he is given a "Title" - then he moves to the front row of the classroom. (For this purpose, the front row has been kept vacant since the beginning.) A Title holder gets the opportunity to answer only premium questions, even if his erstwhile row-mates are going through their regular round. Among Title holders, normal priority rules follow. (The idea is to promote non-Title participant to improve scores, and possibly earn Titles.) Similarly, when a participant reaches (or crosses) 25, he is given a second title. Priority among Title holders with a score-tie claiming a particular question will be decided by the seniority of the Title. A Title is a quantum asset and a penalty cannot cut into that. Therefore, any penalty on a Title-holder will be levied only on his/her score over the Title. Termination of the Premium Round -------------------------------- Premium round ends as soon as one of the following conditions hold. 1. There are four contestants ready for the Exclusive round for the championship. 2. Time for the entire programme is over. Exclusive Round --------------- The four contestants for the championship have an Exclusive round among themselves, which is now for the championship. However, any question passed from them is thrown open to audience and a non-contestant in this round giving the correct answer gets, as usual, toffee. Exclusive round has two (sub-)rounds and a premium bunch, with 5 marks on DIRECT question, 4 on passed (only one pass), 3 on OPEN premium (of either kind) and possibly tie-breakers. The number of questions in the premium bunch will be announced at the launch of the Exclusive Round. Auditors' Special ----------------- Auditors who are helping in organizing the event are not normal participants. But, they have got a special Auditors' Jackpot offer. Any question, not answered by the participants is open for them, and an auditor answering a question correctly is awarded 11 (eleven) marks in one shot (just short of a title). An Auditor winning two Jackpots gets entry to the Exclusive round for championship. There is no score penalty on a wrong Jackpot attempt. But, if there are multiple claims to a particular Jackpot, then a wrong answer by early responder will lead to a loss of priority at the next Jackpot. Otherwise, among Auditors, the normal 'low score, high priority' rule runs good. Currently, people eligible for Auditors' Jackpot are Queeny, Gagan, Gaurav Joshi, M V Reddy, Santosh, Saurabh and Shuchi. Other members of organizing team are already acquainted with the quiz. Decision of the quiz-master in interpretation in grey areas is final (as usual). ------------------------------- ALL the BEST in QUIZZING. ------------------------------- For high score for all of you, the strategy should be to reach and take seat early enough, not to spoil time on wild guesses or delay answering if you really do not have the answer etc.