Weather Report

Monsoon has recently covered the area around Kanpur quite adequately. Possibly, you can say, ``There exists a continuous domain |r - r(Kanpur)| < d, for d > 0 finite, in which Effect(Monsoon(r,t)) > 0 at t=EndOfJune.'' Even without going into the complicated partial differential equations governing the phenomenon, which are known to be always tricky to solve precisely, it can be said with a reasonable confidence that this effect will remain significant upto t=MidOfJuly. As such, the good news is that the terror of heat is now a matter of past. However, it also means that those of you who prefer taking a protection against the other (possibly happier!) option of getting wet in rainwater once in a while without prior notice should keep adequate provision of your favourite protective equipments like umbrella, rain-jacket etc.

Since we have been swept by monsoon only recently, we expect that till now it has not got enough opportunity to damage the path segments in the neighbourhood. (If you find on your way that the pathways are already in not a highly praiseworthy condition; then, well, you may be right!) And, we do hope that conditions remain fairly navigable for next three weeks.

Wishing you all a nice journey to Kanpur, a pleasant stay here and a safe return at the end of the course.

Bhaskar Dasgupta
29 June 2006
