Rajesh Srivastava


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Contact Information

Address (Home):

House No. 452, I.I.T. Kanpur, Kanpur 208016 INDIA

Address (Work):

Department of Civil Engineering

I.I.T. Kanpur, Kanpur 208016  INDIA

Phone Numbers:

512-259 8252 (Home, Preferred). Alternate: 512-679 8252

512-259 7755 (Work)

FAX Number:

512-259 7395 (Work)


rajeshs_at_iitk.ac.in (Preferred)




Wife: Jayshree (working at Opportunity School, IIT Kanpur)

Son, Soumya, and Daughter-in-law, Ashley (Both are Software Engineer at Google at Kirkland, Washington)

Daughter: Tanu (Freelance Editor, New York)    

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  Ph.D.    Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Univ. of Arizona, USA, 1992. (Advisor: Dr. Dinshaw N Contractor)

Dissertation: Boundary element simulation of three-dimensional salt water intrusion problems
List of courses: Finite Element Method, Water Quality Modelling, Open Channel Flow, Flow through Hydraulic Structures, Stochastic Subsurface Hydrology, Numerical Methods in Subsurface Hydrology, Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics, Boundary Element Method, Hydrologic Transport Processes, Finite Elements in Fluid Mechanics.

  M.E.    Civil Engineering, University of Roorkee,1982. (Supervisor: Dr. K G Ranga Raju)

Thesis: Effect of free stream turbulence on the characteristics of a turbulent boundary layer on a flat plate
List of courses: Water Resources Planning, System Engineering, Fluid Mechanics, Hydrology and Hydrometery, Irrigation, Complex Analysis, Unsteady Flow, Computer Methods in Civil Engineering, Partial Differential Equations, Sediment Transport, Advanced Fluid Mechanics, Design of Rigid Dams, Design of Embankment Dams, Open Channel Flow.

   B.E.     Civil Engineering, University of Roorkee, 1980.

Project: Design of earth dam on River Kho
Partial List of courses: Hydrology, Irrigation Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Computer Programming and its Application to Civil Engineering, Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulic Machines, Open Channel Flow, Economics and Principles of Management.

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Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India


Head, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India

Sir M. Visvesvaraya Chair Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India


Hydrogeologist, Water Management Consultants, Inc. (now part of Schlumberger), Tucson, USA (with Amado Guzman)


Graduate Associate, Research Scientist, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA (with T.-C. Jim Yeh and Mark L Brusseau)


Research Associate, Lecturer, University of Roorkee, India

Short Visits

Summer 1998, 1999, 2000 - Research/Consultancy Visits, University of Arizona/Water Management Consultants, Inc., Tucson, USA

Summer 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2023, 2024 - Research Visits, HydroGeoSense Inc., Tucson, USA

Summer 2017 - Visiting Professor, Technical University of Munich, Germany

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Minera San Augusto, Mexico and Placer Dome International, Canada: Development of rating-curve for the Mulatos river. Flood-frequency analysis to determine the 100-yr flood. Flow-duration analysis to determine the low-flow conditions. Maintenance, updating and analysis of the climatic and geochemical database for the site. Cost-estimates for alternative sources of water supply for mining needs. Determination of the sedimentation rate for the final pit.

ERM-Southwest, Houston: Synthetic weather generation and numerical simulation of infiltration into plots used for degrading oil and grease.

Barrick Resources (USA), Inc.: Post-closure hydrologic and engineering performance of the tailings impoundment. Determination of long-term seepage out of the main dam and reclaim levee and ways to control it.

Golder Associates, Inc., Denver: Numerical simulation of infiltration into waste rock dumps subject to synthetic precipitation and evaporation. Estimation of long-term flux from the dumps and evaluation of cap designs to reduce infiltration.

Lassen Gold Mining, Inc., California: Determination of unsaturated flow properties of the ore heap and the cover materials. Simulation of long-term heap water budget using finite element modelling.

Waihi Gold Mining Company, New Zealand: Simulation of water quality and temperature fluctuations in the Waihi pit lake using CE-QUAL-W2. Verification of the results obtained from a one-dimensional reservoir model (DYRESM).

Magma Copper Company, Tucson: Analysis of pump-test data to determine the hydraulic conductivity and storativity of the aquifer.

United States Air Force, Tucson: Development of a regional scale transport model. Data collection from a two-well tracer test using several monitoring wells and multilevel samplers. Analysis of rate-limited transport of reactive chemicals.

Water and Energy Research Institute, Guam: Development of a two-dimensional finite element model and incorporation of iterative solvers.

Waste Management of North America, Chicago: Evaluation of performance of multilayer liner systems for landfills.

Natural Resources Consulting Engineers, Berkeley: Groundwater aspects of development of an irrigation plan in the Tohono O'Odham nation.

Water Management Consultants, Inc.: An Integrated Approach towards Metal Extraction by Leaching of Ore Heaps: Parameter Estimation, Model Development, Calibration, and Application

GeoSystemsAnalysis, Inc.: Numerical Modeling Of Gold Extraction By Leaching: Application To Column Experiments

HydroGeoSense, Inc.: Estimation Of Moisture Distribution From Electrical Current And Voltage Measurements


In India

Government of Bihar: Erosion and sedimentation modelling of the Kosi river using HEC-6.

U.P. Jal Nigam: Design of Channel at Ganga Barrage in Kanpur

U.P.P.W.D. : Model studies for bridge construction on river Ramganga near Kolaghat

Lucknow Development Authority: Protection of Gandhi Setu on River Gomti and the Embankments near Gomti Nagar, Lucknow against flood damage

Gas Authority of India Limited: Technical Design Package for the Protection of Yamuna River Bank at Agra near GAIL′s 10″ Bajhera-Agra Pipeline (Spurline)

Tandon Consultants Pvt Ltd: Model studies for bridge construction on river Ganga near Allahabad

Blacksmith Institute: Remediation of groundwater pollution due to chromium in Noraiakheda area of Kanpur City, U.P.


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Publications and Presentations


1.      Flow through open channels (2008). Oxford University Press, 410 pages. Seventh reprint 2015.

2.      Numerical Methods for Engineering and Science (2010) with Saumyen Guha. Oxford University Press, 594 pages, Third reprint 2015.

3.      Engineering Hydrology (2017) with Ashu Jain, McGraw Hill Education, 408 pages.

Edited Book

1.      Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power - Contemporary Research (2017). Springer, Saha, A.K., Das, D., Srivastava, R., Panigrahi, P.K., Muralidhar, K. (Eds.).

Video Lectures

Water Resources Engineering

Ph.D. theses guided

1.      P K Sharma (2004). Analysis of spatial and temporal moments for reactive transport in porous media

2.      S A Kartha (2008). Non-ideal flow and transport in heap-leaching of precious metals

3.      C Chaudhuri (2015). Characteristics of Historical Climate Change over Indo-Gangetic Basin: Observational Analysis and Numerical Modeling

4.      Md Ayaz (2015). Identification of Groundwater Pollution Source and aquifer Parameters Using Breakthrough Data

5.      P Soni (2018). Implications of Data Uncertainty on Trend Analysis and Effects of Renewed Solar Dimming on the Hydrology of Indian River Basins

Journal Articles (48) and Discussions (19)

  1. R. Srivastava and K.G. Ranga Raju (1984). Spatially varied flow effects on weir discharge. Irrigation and Power Journal, Central Board of Irrigation and Power, 41(4), 403-408.
  2. K.G. Ranga Raju, R. Srivastava, and P.D. Porey (1990).Scale effects in modeling flow over broad-crested weirs. Irrigation and Power Journal, Central Board of Irrigation and Power, 47(3), 101-106.
  3. D.N. Contractor and R. Srivastava (1990). Simulation of saltwater intrusion in the Northern Guam Lens using a microcomputer. Journal of Hydrology, 118, 87-106.
  4. Chandra and R. Srivastava (1991). A Boundary Element analysis of axisymmetric upsetting. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 15(3-5), 81-92.
  5. R. Srivastava and T.-C.J. Yeh (1991). Analytical solutions for one-dimensional, transient infiltration toward the water table in homogeneous and layered soils. Water Resources Research, 27(5), 753-762.
  6. Srivastava and D.N. Contractor (1992). Efficient evaluation of integrals in 3-D Boundary Element Method using linear shape functions over plane triangular elements. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 16(6), 282-290.
  7. P. Broadbridge, R. Srivastava, and T.-C.J. Yeh (1992). Burgers' equation and layered media: Exact solutions and applications to soil-water flow. Mathematical and Computer Modeling, 16(11), 163-169.
  8. R. Srivastava and T.-C. J. Yeh (1992). A three-dimensional numerical model for water flow and transport of chemically reactive solute through porous media under variably saturated conditions. Advances in Water Resources, 15(5), 275-287.
  9. T.-C.J. Yeh, R. Srivastava, A. Guzman, and T. Harter (1993). A numerical model for two dimensional water flow and chemical transport. Ground Water, 31(4), 634-644. (ERRATA: In Eq. (A6), second line: the exponential term should be e^(H-z)/2 and ″}cos(lambda_n x)″ should be added after sin(lambda_n a)).
  10. T.-C.J. Yeh, A. Guzman, R. Srivastava, and P.E. Gagnard (1994). Numerical simulation of the wicking effect in liner systems. Ground Water, 32(1), 2-11.
  11. R. Srivastava and A. Guzman-Guzman (1994). Analysis of slope-matching methods for aquifer parameter determination. Ground Water, 32(4), 570-575. Discussion and Reply, 33(3), 506-507.
  12. R. Srivastava (1995). Implications of using approximate expressions for the well function. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 121(6), 459-462. Discussion and Reply, 122(6), 364-365.
  13. R. Srivastava and A. Guzman-Guzman (1995). Analysis of hydraulic conductivity averaging schemes for one dimensional steady state unsaturated flow. Ground Water, 33(6), 946-952.
  14. R. Srivastava and M.L. Brusseau (1995). Darcy Velocity Computation in Randomly Heterogeneous Porous Media. Advances in Water Resources, 18(4), 191-201.
  15. T.-C.J. Yeh, A. Guzman, R. Srivastava, P.E. Gagnard, and J. Kramer (1995). Simulation of the wicking effect in a two-layer soil liner system. Waste Management and Research, 13(4), 363-378.
  16. R. Srivastava and M.L. Brusseau (1996). Nonideal transport of reactive solutes in heterogeneous porous media: 1. Numerical model development and moments analysis. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 24(2), 117-143.
  17. M.L. Brusseau, Q. Hu and R. Srivastava (1997). Using flow interruption to identify factors causing nonideal contaminant transport. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 24(4), 205-219.
  18. M.L. Brusseau and R. Srivastava (1997). Nonideal transport of reactive solutes in heterogeneous porous media: 2. Quantitative analysis of the Borden natural-gradient field experiment. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 28(1/2), 115-155.
  19. R. Srivastava and A. Guzman-Guzman (1998). Practical approximations of the well function. Ground Water, 36(5), 844-848. (ERRATA: In Eq. (13), 0.09937 should be 0.009937).
  20. M.L. Brusseau and R. Srivastava (1999). Nonideal transport of reactive solutes in heterogeneous porous media: 4. Analysis of the Cape Cod Natural-gradient field experiment. Water Resources Research, 35(4), 1113-1125.
  21. R. Srivastava, P.K. Sharma, and M.L. Brusseau (2002). Spatial Moments for Reactive Transport in Heterogeneous Porous Media. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 7(4), 336-341. Errata, 7(6), 449.
  22. R. Srivastava (2003). Aquifer Response to Linearly Varying Stream Stage, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 8(6), 361-364. Discussion and Reply, 11(1), 84-85.
  23. R. Srivastava, P.K. Sharma, and M.L. Brusseau (2004). Reactive solute transport in macroscopically homogeneous porous media: analytical solutions for the temporal moments. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 69(1/2), 27-43.
  24. A.D. Vasudeo and R. Srivastava (2005). Increase in Groundwater Level due to Artificial Recharge. ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 11(3), 24-31.
  25. R. Srivastava (2006). Aquifer Diffusivity Estimation from response to Stream Stage Variation, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 11(3), 273-277.
  26. J. Kumar, A. Jain, and R. Srivastava (2006). Neural network based solutions for locating groundwater pollution sources, Hydrology Journal (IAH), 29(1/2), 55-66.
  27. S. A. Kartha and R. Srivastava (2006). Non-ideal transport in vadose zone due to leaching from a landfill, ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 12, 12-20.
  28. S. A. Kartha and R. Srivastava (2008). Effect of Immobile Water Content on Contaminant Transport in Unsaturated Zone, Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 1(3-4), 206-215.
  29. S. A. Kartha and R. Srivastava (2008). Effect of Slow and Fast Moving Liquid Zones on Solute Transport in Porous Media, Transport in Porous Media, 75(2), 227-247.
  30. R. K. Singh, B. Sengupta, R. Bali, B.P. Shukla, V.V.S. Gurunadharao and R. Srivastava (2009). Identification and Mapping of Chromium (VI) Plume in Groundwater for Remediation: A Case Study at Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 74(1), 49-57.
  31. P. K. Sharma and R. Srivastava (2011). Numerical analysis of virus transport through heterogeneous porous media, Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 5(2), 93-99.
  32. P. K. Sharma and R. Srivastava (2012). Concentration profiles and spatial moments for reactive transport through porous media, Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste, American Society of Civil Engineers, 16(2), 125-133.
  33. A. Bhargava, A. Das, and R. Srivastava (2012). Estimation of permeability of porous asphalt mix. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Transport, 165(4), 303-310.
  34. S. A. Kartha and R. Srivastava (2012). Slow and fast transport in heap leaching of precious metals, Transport in Porous Media, 94(3), 707-727.
  35. P. K. Sharma, M. Sekhar, R. Srivastava and C.S.P. Ojha (2012). Temporal Moments for Reactive Transport through Fractured Impermeable/Permeable Formations, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 17(12), 1302-1314.
  36. R. Srivastava (2013). Groundwater Resources under a Changing Climate, Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 93(2), 251-264.
  37. P. K. Sharma and R. Srivastava (2014). Numerical analysis of spatial moments for reactive transport through fractured porous media, ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 20(3), 278-290.
  38. P. K. Sharma, N. Joshi, R. Srivastava and C.S.P. Ojha (2015). Reactive transport in fractured permeable porous media, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 20(7), 04014078.
  39. C. Chaudhuri, S.N. Tripathi, R. Srivastava, and A. Misra (2015). Observational and numerical analysis based dynamics of the Uttarkashi cloudburst, AnnalesGeophysicae, 33, 671-686.
  40. C. Chaudhuri, R. Srivastava, S.N. Tripathi, and A. Misra (2015). Climate Change Observed over the Indo-Gangetic Basin, Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change, 6(4), 271.
  41. Pramod Soni, S. N. Tripathi, and R. Srivastava (2017). Radiative effects of black carbon aerosols on Indian monsoon: A study using WRF-Chem model, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, doi:10.1007/s00704-017-2057-1.
  42. C. Chaudhuri, and R. Srivastava (2017). A novel approach for statistical downscaling of future precipitation over the Indo-Gangetic Basin, Journal of Hydrology, 547, 21-38.
  43. Pramod Soni, S. Tripathi, and R. Srivastava (2018). Implication of data uncertainty in the detection of surface radiation trends and observational evidence of renewed solar dimming over India, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, doi: 10.1007/s00704-018-2743-7.
  44. Amit Varshney, S. Dauji, R. Mishra, and R. Srivastava (2019). Comparison of Various Downscaling Methods for Estimation of Precipitation in Ganges Basin, IWRA (India) Journal, 8(1), 6-8.
  45. Pramod Soni, S. Tripathi, and R. Srivastava (2021). A comparison of regionalization methods in monsoon dominated tropical river basins, Journal of Water and Climate Change, 12 (5), 1975-1996.
  46. Pramod Soni, S. Tripathi, and R. Srivastava (2022). Impact of renewed solar dimming on streamflow generation in monsoon dominated tropical river basins. Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 41, 12-24. doi:10.1016/j.jher.2022.02.002
  47. Jyoti Chaubey, and R. Srivastava (2022). Simultaneous identification of groundwater pollution source location and release concentration using Artificial Neural Network, Environmental Forensics, 23(3-4), 293-300.
  48. G Krishan, MS Rao, B Singh, SVD Sivapreetha, PK Thakur, P Singh, SA Shad, R Ojha, R Srivastava, S. Tripathi, and S. Guha (2024). Intra-annual variations in isotopic composition of atmospheric water vapour in a semi-arid monsoon region: observations and inferences, Discover Atmosphere, 2, 7, https://doi.org/10.1007/s44292-024-00010-w.




  1. R. Srivastava, and D.N. Contractor (1992). Bed-load and suspended-load transport of non-uniform sediments. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 118(6), 948-949.
  2. R. Srivastava (1995). Prediction of Deep-bed-filter performance using recursive algorithm. Journal of Environmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 121(12), 931-932.
  3. R. Srivastava (2003). Integrating Equation of Gradually Varied Flow, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 129(1), 77-78.
  4. R. Srivastava (2004). Comparison of Continuous and Cyclic Pumping from a Well, Ground Water, 42(3), 457-458.
  5. R. Srivastava (2004). Explicit Estimation of Aquifer Diffusivity from Linear Stream Stage, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 130(12), 1213-1214.
  6. R. Srivastava (2005). Drawdowns due to Intermittent-Pumping Cycles, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 131(11), 1023.
  7. R. Srivastava (2006). Exact Solutions for Normal Depth Problem, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 44(3), 427-8.
  8. R. Srivastava (2006). Simplified Use of Gamma-Distribution/ Nash-Model for Runoff Modeling, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 11(1), 86-87.
  9. R. Srivastava (2006). Parameter Estimation of Beta Distribution for Unit Hydrograph Derivation, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 11(2), 194-196.
  10. R. Srivastava (2006). Determination of Length of a Horizontal Drain in Homogeneous Earth Dams, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 132(1), 88-89.
  11. R. Srivastava (2006). Efficient Algorithm for Computing Einstein Integrals, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 132(3), 336-337. NOTE: in the reply to the discussion, the authors made a calculation error and concluded that the expressions given in the discussion are inaccurate. The statements made in the discussion about the accuracy ARE CORRECT.
  12. R. Srivastava (2006). Exact Solutions for Sequent Depths Problem, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 132(3), 304.
  13. R. Srivastava (2006). Ramp Kernels for Aquifer Responses to Arbitrary Stream Stage, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 132(4), 429-30.
  14. R. Srivastava (2006). Aquifer Parameters Estimation using Artesian Well Test Data, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 11(5), 510.
  15. R. Srivastava (2006). Master Diagnostic Curve for Dispersion Coefficient of Soils. Journal of Environmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 132(9), 1082-3.
  16. R. Srivastava (2006). Uniform and Critical Flow Computations. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 132(6), 633-4.
  17. R. Srivastava (2007). Exact Equations for Critical Depth in a Trapezoidal Canal. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 133(5), 509.
  18. R. Srivastava (2008). Diagnostic Curve for Estimating Soil Dispersivity and Instantaneously Injected Mass. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 134(1), 111-2.
  19. R. Srivastava (2009). Effect of Convergence on Nonlinear Flow in Porous Media, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 135(6), 533-5.

Conferences (42), Symposia (8), and Technical Reports (15)

  1. R. Srivastava, and K.G. Ranga Raju (1983). Effect of free-stream turbulence on characteristics of a turbulent boundary layer on a flat plate. Proceedings, Twelfth National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, 241‑246, New Delhi, India.
  2. Garde, R.J., P.K. Pande, G.L. Asawa, and R. Srivastava (1985). Model studies for the intake tower in the ash pond of Singrauli thermal power station, Technical Report, Univ. of Roorkee, India.
  3. D.N. Contractor, and R. Srivastava (1989). Calibration of a seawater intrusion model for the Northern Guam Lens using a microcomputer, Technical Report, Water & Energy Research Institute, Guam.
  4. D.N. Contractor, and R. Srivastava (1989). Simulation of saltwater intrusion in an island aquifer using a microcomputer. Finite Element Analysis in Fluids, Proceedings, Seventh International Conference on Finite Element Methods in Flow Problems, 1303‑1310, Alabama.
  5. R. Srivastava, and D.N. Contractor (1990). Boundary element simulation of saltwater intrusion in an island aquifer. Proceedings, International Symposium on Tropical Hydrology, American Water Works Association, 339‑348, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
  6. R. Srivastava, and T.-C.J. Yeh (1990). Convergence and accuracy of numerical solutions to the Richard's equation. Fall meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU), San Francisco, 1990; Abstract in EOS Trans., AGU, 71(43), 1346.
  7. T.-C.J. Yeh, and R. Srivastava (1990). VSAFT2: Variably saturated flow and transport in 2-dimensions, Technical Report No. HWR 90-010, Univ. of Arizona.
  8. R.J. Garde, P.K. Pande, K.G. Ranga Raju,  G.L. Asawa, R. Srivastava, U.C Kothyari (1990). Mathematical Modelling of The Morphological Changes in The  River Kosi, Technical Report, Univ. of Roorkee, India.
  9. R. Srivastava, and T.-C.J. Yeh (1991). Finite Element simulation of three-dimensional chemical transport through variably saturated porous media. Workshop on Characterization of Transport Phenomena in the Vadose Zone, AGU & Soil Science Society of America (SSSA), Tucson.
  10. T. Harter, R. Srivastava, and T.-C.J. Yeh (1991). Numerical simulation of flow and transport in heterogeneous, unsaturated media using stochastic methods. Workshop on Characterization of Transport Phenomena in the Vadose Zone, AGU & SSSA, Tucson.
  11. R. Srivastava, and T.-C.J. Yeh (1991). Finite Element simulation of three-dimensional flow and transport through variably saturated porous media using the modified method of characteristics. Fall meeting, AGU, San Francisco; Abstract in EOS Trans., 72(44), 169.
  12. T.-C.J. Yeh, J. Mas-Pla, and R. Srivastava (1992). A three-dimensional numerical model for transport and fate of chemicals in heterogeneous media under variably saturated conditions. AGU Western Pacific Meeting, Hong Kong; Abstract in EOS Trans., 73(25), 30.
  13. R. Srivastava, and D.N. Contractor (1992). Numerical simulation of seawater intrusion into the Guam aquifer using three-dimensional Boundary Integral Equation Method. Abstract in EOS Trans., 73(25), 31.
  14. R. Srivastava and T.-C.J. Yeh (1992). Comparison of mixed Finite Element Method and a sequential solution approach for modeling flow and transport in variably saturated porous media. Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco; Abstract in EOS Trans., 73(43), 218.
  15. A. Guzman, R. Srivastava, and M.J. Sully (1992). Feasibility groundwater study of the Sif-Oidak District in the Tohono O'Odham Nation, Technical Report, Natural Resources Consulting Engineers, Berkley.
  16. T.-C.J. Yeh, R. Srivastava, and A. Guzman (1992). Numerical simulation of the wicking effect in a two-layer liner, Technical Report, Waste Management of North America Inc., Chicago.
  17. T.-C.J. Yeh, T. Harter, R. Srivastava, and A. Guzman (1993). Analysis of Uncertainty in Prediction of Seepage from Waste Disposal Basins, Technical Report, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.
  18. M.L. Brusseau, R. Srivastava, and L. Xu (1993). Non-ideal transport of rate-limited reactive solutes in porous media: Multi-scale, multi-factor approach. Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco; Abstract in EOS Trans., 74(43), 307.
  19. R. Srivastava, and M.L. Brusseau (1994). Effect of physical and chemical heterogeneities on aquifer remediation by pump and treat. Annual Meeting, American Chemical Society, Division of Environmental Chemistry, San Diego; Extended Abstract in Proceedings, 34(1), 262-265.
  20. R. Srivastava, and D.N. Contractor (1995). Boundary element simulation of flow through a earthen embankment subjected to cyclic variations of water level. International Symposium, International Association for Boundary Element Methods, IABEM-95, Hawaii; Extended abstract in Computational Mechanics '95, 2939-2944.
  21. M.L. Brusseau, and R. Srivastava (1995). Reanalysis of reactive transport for the Borden natural-gradient experiment. Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco; Abstract in EOS Trans., 76(46), 201.
  22. D.N. Contractor, J. Jenson, R. Srivastava, J. Jocson, and H.G. Siegrist (1995). Modeling of Anisotropic Guam Aquifer Using a 2-D, FE Sharp-Interface Saltwater Intrusion Model. Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco; Abstract in EOS Trans., 76(46), 262-263.
  23. M.L. Brusseau, and R. Srivastava (1996). Analysis of reactive transport for the Borden natural-gradient experiment, Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America, Denver, USA.
  24. J.E. Blue, M.L. Brusseau, and R. Srivastava (1996). Simulation of Bromide tracer test data from a dual-well forced gradient field experiment at a superfund site, Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco.
  25. A. Guzman, R. Srivastava, and G. Beale (1998). A new method for estimating the hydraulic behavior of spent ore heaps, waste dumps, and tailing impoundments, Proceedings, Fifth International Conference on Tailings and Mine Waste, 263-271, Fort Collins, USA.
  26. A. Guzman, R. Srivastava, G. Beale, and C. Filippone (1998). Hidrodinamica De Bancos De Lixiviacion, (in Spanish) Asociacion de Ingenieros Industriales y Minas de Chile, Villa del Mar, Chile.
  27. J. E. Blue, M. L. Brusseau, and R. Srivastava (1998). Simulating Tracer and Resident Contaminant Transport to Investigate the Reduced Efficiency of a Pump-and-Treat Operation. In: Groundwater Quality: Remediation and Protection, Proc. of an International Conference of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences, Tubingen, Germany. IAHS Publication 250 1998, IAHS Press, p 537-543.
  28. A. Guzman, R. Srivastava, G. Beale, and C. Filippone (1999). Dynamics of solution flow through heap leach pads. Workshop on Closure, Remediation, & Management of Precious Metals Heap Leach Facilities. University of Nevada, Reno, USA.
  29. A. Guzman, J. W. Rowe, R. Srivastava, S. Atkin, and K. Krukar (1999). Pit lake evaluation - A risk evaluation approach. Workshop on the Characterization, Modeling, Remediation, and Monitoring of Mining-Impacted Pit Lakes, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency , USA.
  30. A. Guzman, C. Filippone, R. Srivastava, J. Chahbandour, and I. Carrera (2000). Hydrodynamic Characterization and Optimization of the Chuquicamata Ripios Mina Sur Aglomerados Heap Leach Project - Part 2, Hydromet 2000, Tucson, Arizona, USA.
  31. T. Gangadhariah, R. Srivastava, A. Jain (2001). Hydraulic design of entry channel to sump for Kanpur city water supply at Ganga barrage. Technical Report submitted to Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam, Kanpur.
  32. T. Gangadhariah, P.K. Basudhar, R. Srivastava, A. Jain (2001). River training works forGomti river near Gandhi setu in Lucknow, Technical Report submitted to Lucknow Development Authority, Lucknow.
  33. T. Gangadhariah, P.K. Basudhar, R. Srivastava, A. Jain (2002). Model studies for selection of a bridge on Rapti river in district Shravasti. Technical Report submitted to Uttar Pradesh Public Works Department, Shravasti.
  34. T. Gangadhariah, P.K. Basudhar, R. Srivastava, O. Dikshit, A. Jain (2002). Model studies for selection of a bridge site on Sarada river near Lakhimpur. Technical Report submitted to Uttar Pradesh State Roads Project, Lucknow.
  35. T. Gangadhariah, P.K. Basudhar, R. Srivastava, A. Jain (2002). Model studies for selection of a bridge site on Ramganga river in Shahjahanpur. Technical Report submitted to Uttar Pradesh Public Works Department, Shahjahanpur.
  36. T. Gangadhariah, M.R. Madhav, R. Srivastava, A. Jain (2003). GAIL pipeline protection from the meandering of the river Yamuna. Technical Report submitted to Gas Authority of India Limited, Agra.
  37. T. Gangadhariah, P.K. Basudhar, R. Srivastava, A. Jain (2003). Hydraulic model studies of the bridge proposed on river Ganga near Allahabad. Technical Report submitted to Tandon Consultants Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.
  38. P.K. Sharma, and R. Srivastava (2003). Virus transport through heterogeneous porous media. Proceedings of Symposium on Advances in Geotechnical Engineering, IIT Kanpur, 360-367.
  39. T. Gangadhariah, P.K. Basudhar, R. Srivastava, A. Jain, O. Dikshit (2003). Hydraulic model studies for river training works on Ghaghra river near Kamaria Ghat, U.P. Technical Report submitted to DHV Consultants, BV, Lucknow.
  40. P. K. Sharma, and R. Srivastava (2004). Solute transport through heterogeneous porous media, 11th National Symposium on Hydrology, Roorkee.
  41. A.D. Vasudeo, and R. Srivastava (2004). Finite difference approach for groundwater recharge. Proceedings, National Conference on Hydraulics and Water Resources - Hydro 2004, 164-169, Nagpur.
  42. P. K. Sharma, and R. Srivastava (2005). Analysis of spatial moments for reactive transport through heterogeneous porous media, Geotechnics in Environmental Protection, IV-1-IV-5, Allahabad.
  43. J. Kumar, A Jain, and R. Srivastava (2005). Estimating groundwater pollution source location from observed breakthrough curves using neural networks, 2nd Indian Intl. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, Pune.
  44. J. Kumar, A Jain, and R. Srivastava (2005). Locating groundwater pollution source using breakthrough curve characteristics and artificial neural networks, Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco.
  45. P. K. Sharma, and R. Srivastava (2005). Breakthrough curves for reactive transport through porous media, National Conference on Hydraulics and Water Resources - Hydro 2005, Tumkur.
  46. L. N. Bachu, R. Srivastava, and P. K. Mohapatra (2005). Estimation of unsaturated flow parameters using multistep outflow experiments, National Conference on Hydraulics and Water Resources - Hydro 2005, Tumkur.
  47. S. A. Kartha, and R. Srivastava (2005). Nonideal transport in vadose zone due to leaching from a landfill, National Conference on Hydraulics and Water Resources - Hydro 2005, Tumkur.
  48. J. Kumar, A. Jain, and R. Srivastava (2006). Estimating groundwater pollution source location using neural networks and noisy breakthrough curve data, European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna.
  49. J. Kumar, A. Jain, and R. Srivastava (2006). Estimating groundwater pollution source location using neural networks presented with partial and noisy data, EGU General Assembly, Vienna.
  50. S. A. Kartha, and R. Srivastava (2006). Effect of Immobile Water Content on Contaminant Transport in Unsaturated Zone, 15th Congress of Asia and Pacific division of the International Association for Hydraulic Research, IIT Madras, Chennai.
  51. R. K. Singh, B. P. Shukla, B. Sengupta, R. Bali, and R. Srivatstava (2006). Groundwater Remediation- An applied approach for Remediation of Cr Polluted Groundwater in Kanpur, India, An International Perspective on Environmental and Water Resources, Conference organized by Environmental & Water Resources Institute, ASCE, and IIT Kanpur, New Delhi.
  52. S. A. Kartha, and R. Srivastava (2007). Slow and fast transport in landfill leaching - effect of geomembrane, Fifth International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, Tempe, Arizona, USA.
  53. P. K. Sharma, and R. Srivastava (2009). Analysis of Concentration Profiles for Reactive Transport in Fractured Porous Media, International Conference on Water, Environment, Energy and Society (WEES-2009), New Delhi.
  54. Md. Ayaz, and R. Srivastava (2011). Identification of Unknown Groundwater Pollution Sources Using Linked ANN-Optimization Model. Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco.
  55. Chiranjib Chaudhury, R. Srivastava, and S.N. Tripathi (2012). Development of a Dynamic Downscaling strategy for Ganga Basin and Investigation of the Hydrological Pattern. EGU General Assembly, Vienna.
  56. Md. Ayaz, and R. Srivastava (2012). Groundwater Pollution Source Identification Using Trained ANN Model. EGU General Assembly, Vienna.
  57. R. Srivastava, Md. Ayaz, and A. Jain (2013). Estimation of Release History of Pollutant Source and Dispersion Coefficient of Aquifer Using Trained ANN Model. Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco.
  58. Md. Ayaz, R. Srivastava, and A. Jain (2014). Groundwater Pollution Source Identification Using Linked ANN-Optimization Model. EGU General Assembly, Vienna.
  59. C. Chaudhuri, R. Srivastava, and S. N. Tripathi (2014). Observed Climate Change Over Indo-Gangetic Basin. EGU General Assembly, Vienna.
  60. A. Guzman-Guzman, O.Y. Caceres Hernandez, R. Srivastava, and J.W. Jones (2014). Integrated process control to enhance heap leach performance. Second International Conference on Heap Leach Solutions, Lima.
  61. Pramod Soni, R. Srivastava, and S. N. Tripathi (2015). Performance of WRF-Chem model during monsoon season over India. Annual Monsoon Workshop, Indian Meteorological Society, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune.
  62. R. Srivastava, Pramod Soni, and S. Tripathi (2017). Impact of renewed solar dimming on water balance of basins in peninsular India using SWAT model. Fall Meeting, AGU, New Orleans.
  63. B. Singh, Krishan G., M. S. Rao , P. Singh, S. A. Shad , S. Tripathi , R. Ojha , R. Srivastava, and S. Guha. Methodological considerations for the collection of air moisture for isotopic analysis, Roorkee Water Conclave, IIT Roorkee.
  64. Gopal Krishan, Pankaj Thankur, Dani Rinyo, MS Rao; Pravesh Singh, Balan,D, R. Ojha, R. Srivastava, S. Tripathi, and S. Guha (2024). Partitioning of Evapotranspiration into Evaporation and Transpiration fluxes using Stable Water Isotopes and Temporal Change Detection in Isotopic Values with Atmospheric Temperature and Air Moisture Change, International Conference on Future of Water Resources, IIT Roorkee.
  65. Dani Rinyo, Krishan G., M. S. Rao , P. Singh, D. Balan, R. Ojha , R. Srivastava, S. Tripathi  and S. Guha (2025). Effects of Climatic Parameters on the Isotopic Signature of Air Moisture, Transpiration, and Soil Moisture Evaporation, EGU General Assembly, Vienna.



Awards on publications:


G M Nawathe medal of the Indian Society for Hydraulics for best paper at Hydro-2004, Nagpur

G M Nawathe medal of the Indian Society for Hydraulics for best paper at Hydro-2005, Tumkur

Best paper award in the 15th Congress of Asia and Pacific Division of International Association of Hydraulic Research (APD-IAHR) in August 2006, Chennai.

Best poster award in the Annual Monsoon Workshop of Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology in March 2015, Pune.

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Nonacademic Interests


Swimming: Prizes at university level tournaments at the University of Roorkee (1982).

Carrom: Prizes at Hostel and University level tournaments at the University of Roorkee (1976-82).

Badminton: Gold Medal in Inter-IIT staff and faculty sports meet (2001, 2011, 2012).

Tennis: Rating of 4.0 in the USTA National Tennis Rating Program (1987). Photo with Leander Paes.

Fairly good player of Squash, Racquetball, Billiards, and Table Tennis.


Books: particularly detective short stories.

Puzzles: Crossword with Cryptic clues, Sudoku.

Movies: Comedies and Suspense (Hrishikesh Mukherjee and Hitchcock are favorite).

Music: Hindi Film Songs (particularly, Kishore Kumar).

Dumb Charade and Quiz Programs.

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