Ph.D in Engineering Mechanics (February 2009)
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA
On- Wavelet-based Spatio-Temporal Multiscaling Grade Point
Average (GPA): 4.0/4.0
Advisors: Prof. George N. Frantziskonis and Prof. Pierre Deymier
M.Tech in
Structural Engineering (July 2005)
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
On- Reliability of Orthotropic Deck Bridge
Grade Point Average (CGPA): 9.57/10.0
B.E in Civil Engineering (July
Bengal Engineering and Science University, Howrah, India
Percentage Marks: 78.8%
Choudhury A., Mishra S. K., Ghosh P. (2025) Seismic demand amplification in earth dam by dynamic Dam-Reservoir Interactions (DRI) under near fault pulse type ground motions, Engineering Geology, 344, 107853.
Majumder R., Mishra S. K. (2024) Reliability consistent knockdown factors for truncated conical shells via artificial neural network (ANN) based predictions and metamodeling, Thin-Walled Structures, 205 (part C), 112541.
Chatterjee R., Mishra S. K. (2024) Flutter in Functionally Graded Conical Shell under Follower Force, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 136, 115618.
Choudhury A., Ghosh P., Mishra S. K., Pandey D. K. (2024) Seismic Vibration Control of Retaining Walls using Compliant Tuned Liquid Damper, ASCE Journal of Geomechanics, 04024265, 1-16.
Sengupta P., Chakraborty S., Mishra S. K. (2024) Gaussian Mixture-Based Autoregressive Error Model with a Conditionally Heteroscedastic Hierarchical Framework for Bayesian Updating of Structures, ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 10(3), 04024032.
Majumder R., Mishra S. K. (2024) Consistent meta-modelling approach for a less-conservative reliability based design of shells against buckling, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 130, 327-345.
De B., Kumar A., Mishra S. K. (2024) Large eddy simulation of wind loading on an anticlastic conical tensile membrane, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 246, 105658.
Alam M., Mishra S. K. (2023) Post Critical Imperfection Sensitivity of Functionally Graded Piezoelectric Cylindrical Nano-Shells using Boundary Layer Solutions, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE
Amardeep, Mishra S. K. (2023) Rheological and Flexural Properties of High Strength Cementitious Composite Reinforced with L-Shaped end Super-elastic Short Fibers, Journal of Material in Civil Engineering, ASCE
Majumder R., Chakraborty S., Mishra S. K. (2023) Reliability Analysis and Design of Randomly Imperfect Thin Cylindrical Shell against Post-Critical Drops, Thin Walled Structures,
Alam M., Mishra S. K. (2023) A Boundary Layer Solution for the Post-critical Thermo-Electro-Mechanical Stability of Nonlocal-Strain Gradient Functionally Graded Piezoelectric Cylindrical Shells, European Journals of Mechanics-A/Solids, 2023.
Dhanoriya A., Alam M., Mishra S. K. (2023) Post-Critical Behavior of Nonlocal Strain Gradient Arches: Formulation and Differential Quadrature Solution, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 149(2): 04022105
Pandey D. K., Mishra S. K., Chakraborty S., (2022) A Tuned Liquid Mass Damper (TLMD) Implemented in a Deep Liquid Storage Tank for Seismic Vibration Control of Short Period Structures, Structural Design of Tall and Special Building, 31(8), e1928
Saha A., Mishra S. K. (2022) Implications of inter-storey-isolation (ISI) on seismic fragility, loss and resilience of buildings subjected to near fault ground motions, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 20(2), 899-939.
Saha A., Mishra S. K. (2021) Synthesis of a vector-valued intensity measure for improved prediction of seismic demands in Inter-storey-Isolated buildings subjected to near fault ground motions, Engineering Structures, 248, 113241.
Pandey D. K., Mishra S. K. (2021) Inerter assisted robustness of compliant liquid column damper, Journal of Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 28 (8), e2763 2021.
Saha A., Mishra S. K. (2021) Amplification of seismic demands in inter-storey-isolated buildings subjected to near fault pulse type ground motions, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 147, 106771.
Shyamsundar L., Pandey D. K., Mishra S. K. (2021) Behavior of torsionally coupled buildings isolated by super-elastic bearing subjected to earthquakes, Journal of Building Engineering, 43, 102573.
Alam M., Mishra S. K. (2021) Nonlinear Vibration of Nonlocal Strain Gradient Functionally Graded Beams on Nonlinear Compliant Substrate, Journal of Composite Structures, 263, 113447.
Alam M., Mishra S. K., Kant T. (2021) Scale Dependent Critical External Pressure for Buckling of Spherical Shell based on Nonlocal Strain Gradient Theory, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 21(1), 2150003.
Alam M., Mishra S. K. (2020) Thermo-mechanical Post-critical Analysis of Nonlocal Orthotropic Plates, Journal of Applied Mathematical Modeling, 79, 106-125.
Lyngdoh G.A., Rahman M.A., Mishra S. K. (2019) Bayesian Updating of Structural Model with a Conditionally Heteroscedastic Error Distribution, Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE) , 145(12): 04019091.
Saha A., Mishra S. K. (2019) Adaptive Negative Stiffness Device based Nonconventional Tuned Mass Damper for Seismic Vibration Control of Tall Buildings, Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 126, 105767.
Pandey D. K., Sharma M. K., Mishra S. K. (2019) A Compliant Tuned Liquid Damper for Controlling Seismic Vibration of Short Period Structures, Journal of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 132, 405-428.
Pandey D. K., Mishra S. K., (2018) Moving orifice Circular Liquid Column Damper for Controlling Torsionally Coupled Vibrations, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 82,357-374.
Riya C. George, Mishra S. K., Dwivedi M.(2018) Mahalanobis Distance among the Phase Portraits as Damage Feature, Journal of Structural Health Monitoring,, 17(4), 869-887.
Gur S., Frantziskonis G. N., Mishra S. K. (2017) Thermally Modulated Shape Memory Alloy Friction Pendulum (tmSMA-FP) for Substantial Near-fault Earthquake Structure Protection, Journal of Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 24,11.
Bhowmick S., Mishra S. K., (2017) Ferrous SMA (FNCATB) based Superelastic Friction Bearing Isolator (S-FBI) Subjected to Pulse type Ground Motions, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 100, 34-48.
Riya C. George, Mishra S. K., (2017) Structural Interrogation using Phase Space Topology Changes of the Wind Induced Responses, Journal of Vibration and Control, 24(14), 3148-3172.
Riya C. George, Paul B., Mishra S. K., (2017) Phase Space Interrogation of Empirical Response Modes for Seismically Excited Structures, Mechanical System and Signal Processing,91, 250-265.
Rajesh S., Babel K., Mishra S. K. (2017) Reliability Based Assessment of the Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Slope, Journal of Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste Management, ASCE. 21(2), 04016016.
Bhowmick S., Mishra S. K. (2017) FNCATB Superelastic Damper for Seismic Vibration Mitigation, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 27 (15), 2062-2077.
Roy B. K., Chakraborty S. Mishra S. K., (2016) Seismic Vibration Control of Bridges with Excessive Isolator Displacements, Earthquakes and Structures, 10, 6, 1451-1465, 2016.
Gur S., Mishra S. K., Roy K. (2016) Stochastic Seismic Response of Building with Super-elastic Damper, Mechanical System and Signal Processing, 72, 642-659.
Mishra S. K., Gur S., Chakraborty S. (2016) Stochastic response of bridge isolated by Shape-Memory-Alloy-Rubber Bearing subjected to Random Earthquakes, Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, 21(3), 04015071.
Gur S., Mishra S. K., Frantziskonis G. N. (2016) Thermo-mechanical strain rate dependent behavior of SMAs as vibration dampers and comparison to conventional dampers, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 27(9), 1250-1264.
Shinozuka M., Ray Chaudhuri S., Mishra S. K., (2015) Shape-Memory-Alloy Supplemented Laminated-Rubber-Bearing (SMA-LRB) for Seismic Isolation, Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics , 41, 34-45.Das S., Gur S., Mishra S. K., Chakraborty S. (2015) Optimal Performance of Base Isolated Building Considering Limitation on Excessive Isolator Displacement, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 11(7), 904-917.
Gur S., Mishra S. K., Bhowmick S., Chakraborty S.(2014) Compliant Liquid Column Damper Modified By Shape Memory Alloy Device for Seismic Vibration Control, Journal of Smart Materials and Structures, 23, 105009, Institute of Physics.
Gur S., Mishra S. K., Chakraborty S. (2014) Stochastic Optimization of Shape-Memory-Alloy- Rubber-Bearing (SMARB) for Isolating Buildings against Random Earthquake, Journal of Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 21,9, 1222-1239.
Das S., Mishra S. K. (2014) Optimal Performance of Buildings Isolated by Shape-Memory-Alloy-Rubber-Bearing under Random Earthquakes, International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics, 15,3.
Roy B. K., Chakraborty S.,
Mishra S. K. (2014) “Robust optimum design of base
isolation system in seismic vibration control of structures under
uncertain bounded system parameters”,
Journal of Vibration and Control, 20, 20(5),786-800.
De A., and Mishra S. K. (2014) "Simulation of Chemical Reactions Induced by Droplet in a Phase Seperating Media Using Lattice Boltzmann-kinetic Monte Carlo framework", Computers and Fluids, 89,133-142.
Mishra S. K., Gur S., Chakraborty S. (2013) "An improved Tuned Mass Damper (SMA-TMD) by Shape-Memory-Alloy Spring," Journal of Smart Materials and Structures, Institute of Physics, 22, 9.
Gur S., Mishra S. K. (2013) "Multi-objective Stochastic-Structural-Optimization of Shape-Memory-Alloy assisted Pure-Friction Bearing for Isolating Building against Random Earthquakes," Soil Dynamics and earthquake Engineering,54,(1-16).
Gur S., Mishra S. K., Chakraborty S.(2013)
"Performance Assessment of Building Isolated by
Shape-Memory-Alloy-Rubber-Bearing (SMARB) and Conventional
Elastomeric Bearing under Near-fault Earthquakes,"
Journal of Structural Control and Health Monitoring,
Mishra S. K., Roy B. K., Chakraborty S. (2013)
“Reliability-Based-Design-Optimization of Base Isolated
Buildings Considering Stochastic System Parameters Subjected to
Random Earthquakes,
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 75,
Mishra S. K. and Chakraborty S. (2013)
“Performance of base isolated building subjected to
stochastic earthquake considering system parameter
International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, 18
(1), 7-19.
Mishra S. K. and De A. (2013) “Coupling of reaction and hydrodynamics around a reacting block modeled by Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM)”, Computers and Fluids, 71, 30, 91-97.
Mishra S. K., Deymier P. A., Muralidharan K., Frantziskonis G., Simunovic S., Pannala S.(2010) “ Modeling the Coupling of Reaction Kinetics and Hydrodynamics in a Collapsing Cavity”, Ultrasonic Sonochemistry, 17,1,258-265.
Mishra S. K., Paik J. K., Atluri S. N.(2009) ‘‘Modeling of the Inhibition-Mechanism Triggered by ‘Smartly’ Sensed Interfacial Stress Corrosion and Cracking’’, Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, 1427,1,1-30.
Mishra S. K., Mishra S. R. (2008) ‘‘Wavelet-Based Identification of Dominant Scales of Self-Affine Road Roughness in Context of Riding Comfort in Vehicles’’, Journal of Geotechnics and Geologoical Engineering, an International Journal, 27, 4, 473-484.
Muralidharan, K., Mishra, S. K., Nukala, P., Simunovic, S., Deymier, P. A., Frantziskonis, G. (2008) “Dynamic Compound Wavelet Matrix Method for Multiphysics and Multiscale Problems”, Physical Review E,77, 026714.
Mishra S. K., Muralidharan K., Simunovic, S., Daw, C.S., Nukala, P., Fox, R. O., Deymier, P. A., Frantziskonis G. (2008) “Spatiotemporal Compound Wavelet Matrix Framework for Multiscale/Multiphysics Reactor Simulation: Case Study of a Heterogeneous Reaction/Diffusion System”, International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 6, A28.
Mishra S. K., Muralidharan K., Deymier, P. A., Frantziskonis G., Simunovic S., Pannala S. (2008)‘‘Wavelet Based Spatial Scaling of Coupled Reaction Diffusion Fields’’, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Berlin, 5102. Computational Science-ICCS, 301-310..
Frantziskonis G., Mishra S. K, Pannala S., Simunovic S., Daw C. S., Nukala P., Fox R. O., Pierrie A. Deymier (2006) ‘‘Wavelet-Based Spatiotemporal Multiscaling in Diffusion Problems with Chemically Reactive Boundary’’, International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 4,5-6, 755-770.
Roy S., Mishra S. K., Chakraborty S., (2015) Performance of alternative Wavelet basis for feature-based damage detection in structures, Life Cycle Reliability and Safety Engineering, 1(4), 29-37.
Mishra S.R., Mishra S.K. (2010) Probabilistic Simulation of orthotropic-deck Bridge under random live load” Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 15(1), 139-160.
Mishra S. K., Ray Chaudhuri S., Chakraborty S., Frantziskonis G. (2009) Spectral Characterization of the Stochastically Simulated Vehicle Queue on Bridges, Engineering with Computer, 25, 4, 367-378
Mishra, S. K., Muralidharan K., Deymier, P. A., Frantziskonis G., Simunovic S., Pannala S. (2008) Wavelet Based Spatial Scaling of Coupled Reaction Diffusion Fields, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Berlin, 5102. Computational Science-ICCS, 301-310, 2008.
10. Choudhury A., Ghosh P., Mishra S. K. (2025) Investigation of Interference Effect of Adjacent Strip Footings on c-ϕ Soil Using the CEL Technique. To appear in Geotechnical Special Publication by ASCE.
9. Choudhury A., Ghosh P., Mishra S. K. (2024) A simplified procedure for FE analysis of an earth dam under seismic loading, In Book: Geotechnical Engineering Challenges to Meet Current and Emerging Needs of Society Edition, CRC Press, DOI: 10.1201/9781003431749-187
8. De B., Kumar A. and Mishra S. K. (2023) A comparative study of peak factor prediction models for aerodynamic loading on an anticlastic conical tensile membrane structure, In: Goel M. D., Kumar R., Gadve S. S., Recent Developments in Structural Engineering, volume 3, SEC 2023. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 52, 47-55, Springer, Singapore.
7. Majumder R., Mishra S. K. (2024) Reliability Based Design Optimization (RBDO) of Randomly Imperfect Thin Cylindrical Shells against Post-Critical Drop, In: Goel M. D., Kumar R., Gadve S. S., Recent Developments in Structural Engineering, vol. 1, SEC 2023. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 52, 47-55, Springer, Singapore.
6. De B., Kumar A. and Mishra S. K. (2023) A comparative study of peak factor prediction models for aerodynamic loading on an anticlastic conical tensile membrane structure, Proceedings of the 13th Structural Engineering Convention (SEC 2023), Nagpur, India.
5. Majumder R. and Mishra S. K. (2023) Reliability Based Design Optimization (RBDO) of Randomly Imperfect Thin Cylindrical Shells against Post-Critical Drop, Proceedings of the 13th Structural Engineering Convention (SEC 2023), Nagpur, India.
4. Saha A, Mishra S. K. (2021) Seismic Response Mitigation of Structure by Negative Stiffness Devices via Mid-story Weakening. Advances in Structural Vibrations, Lecture notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer Nature Singapore, 223-231.
3. Pandey D. K., Mishra S. K., (2021) Modified Tuned Liquid Damper for Vibration Control of Short Period Structures, Seismic Hazard and Risk, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Spring Nature, ISSN 2366-2557.
2. Pandey D. K., Mishra S. K.,(2020) Vibration Control of Torsionally Coupled Building using Tuned Liquid Column Ball Damper, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering ~ Advances in Rotor Dynamics, Control and Structural Health Monitoring, Spring Nature, ISSN 2195-4356.
1. Alam M., Mishra S. K., (2019) Buckling of Pressurized Nano-Sized Spherical Shell, Recent Advances in Computational Mechanics and Simulations, Springer Nature,1,3-15.
23. Choudhury A., Ghosh P., Mishra S. K. (2025) Investigation of Interference Effect of Adjacent Strip Footings on c-ϕ Soil Using the CEL Technique. Geotechnical Frontiers Conference, 2-5 March, Louisville, KY, USA.
22. Dutta A., Majumder R., Mishra S. K., (2024) Knockdown factors (KDFs) in laminated composite Cylindrical shells with geometric imperfections, in Eighteen East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-18), 13-15th November, 2024.
21. Majumder R., Mishra S. K., (2024) Predicting postcritical load drop in shells through Artificial Intelligence. (Paper id J0005) Eighteen East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-18), 13-15th November, 2024
20. Ajay K., Mishra S. K., Aerodynamic stability analysis of orthotropic tensile membrane, Eighteen East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-18), 13-15th November, 2024.
19. Majumder R. and Mishra S. K., (2023) Reliability Based Design Optimization (RBDO) of Randomly Imperfect Thin Cylindrical Shells against Post-Critical Drop, Presented at the 13th Structural Engineering Convention (SEC 2023), Nagpur, India.
18. De B., Kumar A. and Mishra S. K., (2023) A comparative study of peak factor prediction models for aerodynamic loading on an anticlastic conical tensile membrane structure, Presented at the 13th Structural Engineering Convention (SEC 2023), Nagpur, India.
17. Mishra S. K. Alam M., Post-critical instability in nonlocal, strain-gradient arches, 8th International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS 2022) at IIT Indore, Madhya Pradesh, 9-11th December.
16. Alam M., Mishra S. K., Thermo-Electro-Mechanical Post-Buckling Behavior of Functionally Graded, Nonlocal Strain-Gradient, Piezoelectric Cylindrical Shells, 8th International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS 2022) at IIT Indore, Madhya Pradesh, 9-11th December.
15. Mazumder R., Mishra S. K., Reliability Analysis and Design of Randomly Imperfect Thin Cylindrical Shells against Post-Critical Drop, 12th Structural Engineering Convention (SEC) 2022, 19-22 December, NIT Jaipur, Rajasthan.
14. Amardeep and Mishra S. K., Investigation of fracture behaviour of the cementitious system using microstructure-guided Peridynamic modeling,Seventh International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS 2019), 11-13th December, IIT Mandi, Himachal, Pradesh India.
13.Lyngdoh G. A., Rahman M. A., Mishra S. K., Bayesian Updating of Structural Model with a Conditionally Heteroscedastic Error Distribution, Seventh International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS 2019), 11-13th December, 2019, IIT Mandi, Himachal, Pradesh India
12. Saha A., Mishra S. K., (2017) Seismic Response Mitigation of Structure by Negative Stiffness Devices via Mid-story Weakening, International Conference on Vibration Problems (ICOVP), 29th November-2nd December, India Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India.
11. Pandey D. K., Mishra S. K., (2017) Vibration Control of Torsionally Coupled Buildings using Tuned Liquid Column Damper, International Conference on Vibration Problems (ICOVP), 29th November-2nd December, India Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India.
10. George, R. C., Posey, J., Gupta, A., Mukhopadhyay, S., & Mishra, S. K. (2017). Damage Detection in Railway Bridges Under Moving Train Load. In Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, Volume 3, 349-354. Springer, Cham.
9. Bhowmick S., Mishra S. K., (2016) Seismic Isolation Bearing using Ferrous Shape Memory Alloy (FNCATB) , Eight National Conference on MEMS, Smart Materials, Structures & Systems, 28-30th September.
8. Bhowmick S. and Mishra S. K. (2014) "An Improved Tuned Mass Damper (SMA-TMD) by Shape Memory Alloy Springs", Ninth Structural Engineering Convention, IIT Delhi, 22-24 December.
7. Mishra S. K., Gur S. (2013) Multi-objective Stochastic Structural Optimization (SSO) of Shape-Memory-Alloy assisted Pure-friction (SMA-PF) bearing for isolating building against Random Earthquakes, 20th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV 20) in Bangkok, Thailand, 7-11 July.
6. Mishra S. K. and Das S. (2012), "Constrained Optimization of the Shape-Memory-Alloy-Rubber Bearing under Stochastic Earthquakes", Fourth International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS) , IIT Hyderabad, 9-12 December.
5. Mishra S. K. and De A. (2012), "The Effects of reaction kinetics on transport processes modeled by the Lattice Boltzman Method", Fourth International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS) , IIT Hyderabad, 9-12 December.
4. Mishra S. K., Das S., (2012) “Stochastic response evaluation of connected buildings subjected to random earthquakes.”, International Symposium on Engineering under Uncertainty: Safety Assessment and Management, Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpore, Howarh, India, 4-6 th January.
3. Mishra S. K., Chakraborty S. (2012) “Reliability based design optimization of base isolated structures under random earthquake considering parameter uncertainty,” Asia-Pacific Symposium on Structural Safety and Reliability, Singapore, May, doi:10.3850/978-981-07-2219-7_P309.
2.‘‘Wavelet based spatio-temporal multiscaling of stochastic reactive-convective-diffusive filed’’, S. K. Mishra, George N. Frantzisconis, 2007, January 3-7. International Conference on Civil Engineering in New Millennium, opportunities and Challenges. Bengal Engineering and Science University, Howrah, India.
1. S. K. Mishra, Krishna Muralidharan , Pierre Deymier , George Frantziskonis, Srdjan Simunovic and Sreekanth Pannala “Wavelet Based Spatial Scaling of Coupled Reaction Diffusion Fields’’International Conference of Multiscale Computational Engineering, Poland 2008.
16. Keynote speaker at the International Conference on Smart Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure (SRISTI), 24-25th January, 2025, Indian Institute of Technology, Dhanbad in association with the American Society of Civil Engineers, India on “Post critical behavior of Shells with Stochastic Imperfections”
15. Invited talk at the Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, 9th September 2024 on “Static and Dynamic Instabilities in Shells”
14. Invited Speaker at the Structural Engineering Convention (SEC) 2023 at VNIT Nagpur, 07-09 December 2023 on “Aerodynamic loading on an anticlastic tensile membrane through Large Eddy Simulation”
13.Invited Speaker at the Structural Engineering Convention (SEC) 2022 at NIT Jaipur, 19-22 December, 2022 on "Reliability Analysis and Design of Randomly Imperfect Thin Cylindrical Shells against Post-critical Drops"
12.Invited Speaker at the online courses on Advances in Structural Engineering and Materials at National Institute of Technology, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir, 15th-19th February, 2021. Topics "Inter-Storey-Isolation for Seismic Protection of Tall Buildings"
11. Invited Speaker at the Third Structural Integrity Conference and Exhibition (SICE 2020) at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay from 11-13 and 18-20 December. On "Post-critical behavior of Nonlocal Strain Gradient (NL-SG) Arches"
10. Invited Speaker in one week online international workshop on "Developments in Structural Dynamics and Soil-Structure Interactions" (DSD & SSI- 2020), organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Silchar, 11-15th September 2020 under TEQIP-III. On "Seismic Vibration Control using Adaptive Negative Stiffness Device by Implementing a Non-Conventional Tuned Mass Damper"
9. Invited speaker in a workshop on "Hazard Mitigation of onshore and offshore structures" (HMOOS2019), under TEQIP-III at National Institute of Technology, Silchar from 26th-30th April, 2019.
8. Invited Speaker, Seventh International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS 2019), 11th-13th December 2019, Indian Association for Computational Mechanics 2019, at Indian Institute of Technology Mandi. On- Bayesian Model Updating with a Conditionally Heteroscedastic Error Distribution
7. Plenary speaker for a session in the conference
Critical Infrastructural Sustainability in Hilly Region
2017, 21st December in National Institute of Technology,
6. Chaired a Session on Shape Memory Alloy based Smart System in
Eight National Conference on MEMS, Smart Materials, Structures
& Systems,
28-30th September, 2016 at IIT Kanpur.
5. Invited Speaker for a talk organized by
Institute of Civil Engineers, UK (Kolkata Chapter) on
19-th December, 2014 at the Narula Institute of Technology,
4. Keynote speaker in Structural Engineering Convention 2014,
organized by the
Indian Association for Structural Engineers (IASE) on
22nd-24th December, 2014 at IIT Delhi
3. Invited speaker for a workshop on "Nonlinearities in Structural Engineering and Mechanics:
Concepts, Recent Developments and Applications (NSEM-2014)” during February 18-22, 2014
" at National
Institute of Technology, Durgapur.
2. Invited Speaker for a seminar on "Latest Innovations and Challenges in Civil Engineering" on 6th September, 2014 at the Department of Civil Engineering, PSIT College of Engineering organized in association with the Institute of Engineers, Kanpur centre.
1. Invited Speaker for a seminar on "Advances in Structural Vibration Control" (under TEQIP) on 19-20 th August 2013 in Bengal Engineering College and Science University, Shibpur.
1. Omprakash Vishwakarma - on Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) Simulation of Wind Loading around Tensile Membrane Structures (TMS) (2021-2022).
1. Riya Catherine George (2014-2018) -
Exploration of Damage Sensitive Features Based on Phase Space
Distortion and Signal Energy
2.Dhirendra Kumar Pandey (2015-2020) -
Few Modifications on Liquid Dampers for Improved Vibration
Control of Short Period and Torsionally Coupled Structures
3. Arijit Saha (2015-2021) -
Inter-Storey-Isolation Systems for Near Fault Seismic Vibration
Control of Tall Buildings
Manjur Alam (2015-2022)
Closed Form Solutions for Post-critical Instability in Gradient
5. Amardeep (2015-2022) -
Exploration on Strength and Durability of Super-elastic
Cementitious Composites
7. Ajay Kumar -
Aerodynamic Loading and Instability in Tensile Membranes
8. Ayan Dutta -
Nano-composites: New system, Stability and Dynamics
9. Ashish Choudhury -
on several soil-fluid interaction problems in geotechnical engineering
26. Mohammad Aaquib (2024) Exploration on utilization of low density plastic waste in bituminous mix
25. Budhaditya De (2023) Computational Fluid Dynamics Study of Aerodynamic Loading and Dynamic Response of an Anticlastic Conical Tensile Membrane Structures
24. Rupsagar Chatterjee (2022) Analysis of Flutter in Conical Truncated Shell: Simple Analysis and Behaviour
23. Shubhankar Paul (2021) Bayesian Updating of Structures incorporating Modal Sensitivity Information
22. Abhilash Dhonoriya (2021) Post-Critical Instability of Nonlocal Strain Gradient Arch
21. Puskar Kumar (2020) Corrosion behavior of NiTi 60 alloy in simulated concrete pore solution
20.Sounak Barik (2019) A power law Meta-model for Reliability Based Design Optimization (RBDO) of thin cylindrical shells subjected to stochastic geometric imperfections
19.Ronit Roy (2018) Geometric and Material Instability Problem with Differential Quadrature
18. Minangshu Baidya (2017) Super-elastic damper for vibration control of pipeline networks
17. Gideon A. Lyngdoh (2017) Bayesian model updating for structural Health Monitoring
16. Ankur Durga Prasad Kurmi (2016) Analysis of the Layered Quasi-crystalline Plates
15. Aakash Gupta (2016) Experimental Investigation on Phase Space Based Health Monitoring of Railway Bridges
14. Laukham Shyamsunder (2016) Performance Assessment of the Super-elastic Base Isolation isolating Torsionally Coupled Building
13. Amit Khosta (2016) Reliability based assessment of the imperfection sensitive cylindrical panel
12.Samruddhi Pable (2015) Phase Space Interrogation of Railway Bridges under moving train
11.Anita Bhatt (2015) Behavior of the elevated water tank under near fault pulse type motions
10.Sutanu Bhowmick (2015)
Performance Assessment of the Superelastic Friction Base
Isolator under Near-Fault Earthquakes
9.Bibhas Paul (2015)
Chaotic Interrogation of Structures under seismic excitations
8.Sanjana Bhargava (2015) Structural health Monitoring through Phase Space Dissimilarity measure
7. Abhinava Sharma (2014) Experimental study on Shape Memory Alloy Isolation Systems
6. Monica Chavva (2014) Performance Assessment of the Super-Elastic Buckling Restrained Brace
5.Saket Kumar (2013) Performance Enhancement of Masonry Wall Fiber Reinforced Composite (Co-advising with Prof. Samit Ray Chaudhuri)
4. Mohd. M. Atif (2013) Shape Memory Alloy-Buckling Restrained Brace for Seismic Vibration Control
3.Abhishek Pathak (2012) Stochastic Finite Element Model Updating of Structures for Health Assessment
2. Manik Garg (2012) Static and Dynamic Stability of nano-sized Beams and Plates by Nonlocal Theories
1. Sumanta Das (2012) Constrained Stochastic Structural Optimization of Base Isolated Structures
1.“Performance Evaluation and Robust Design Optimization of Shape Memory Alloy Based Isolation System” funded by the Science and Engineering Research Council, Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India (Rs.17,64,000/) (SERC/ET-0028/2012), 2012-2015
2. "Super elastic friction damper for gas pipelines," funded by the Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL), Rs. 31,68,000 (GAIL/CE/2016086)
3. "Study of Structural Integrity of submerged Intake Structures with Variation in Tehri Reservoir Water Head with Particular Reference to the Construction and Lift Joints" (Rs. 29,82,000) funded by the Tehri Hydro Development Corporation India Limited (THDCIL/CE/2021065)
4. "Forensic Investigations on Failed Prestressed Concrete Railway Sleepers" , funded by North Eastern Railway (Rs. 15,00,000) (NER/CE/2021253) (Co-PI Professor K. V. Harish)
5. "Exploring the use of Plastic Waste as Construction Materials for Waste Management" (GEL/DORA/2021012), funded by Ganesha Ecosphere Limited (Co-PI Professor Tarun Gupta)
45. Miscellaneous (MISC /CE /2017139)
44. Consultancy Work for DLC & PQC Mix Design and Other Specific Works (UPRNN /CE /2019521)
43. Consultancy Of Concrete Mix Designs and Other Similar Works (MISC /CE /2020096)
42. Consultancy For Miscellaneous Construction Material Tests, Analysis and Design Works (MISC /CE /2020119)
41. Quality Assurance and Audit of The Construction of Science & Technology Building at IIT Kanpur (CPWD /CE /2021057)
40. Site Visit and NDT Testing of Under Construction CBI Housing Complex New Delhi (NBCC /CE /2021176)
39. Non-Destructive Testing of Civil Structure and Materials Testing (MISC /CE /2021107)
38. Third Party Quality Control of Research Lab Complex Building-IITK (CPWD /CE /2021140)
37. Technical Assessment and Audit Charges of Coated Fabric Use in Poultry Farm (GTFL /CE /2021402)
36. Consultancy For Wind Tunnel Test on Section Model of Pedestrian Suspension Bridge at BKC (DFIPL /NWTF/2021357)
35. Study On Feasibility of Replacement of Ms Profile Sheets (0.50 Mm Thick) With Ss Profile Sheets Of 201 Grade (0.35 To 0.4mm Thick) For Industrial Roofing (RIMJHI/CE /2021206)
34. Site Visit NDT Test of Power Grid (PGCIL /CE /2020355)
33. NDT Test ofNTPCL, Barabanki (TEECL /CE /2020258)
32. Site Visit of KGMC University,Lucknow (UPJN /CE /2020257)
31. Site Visit of Overhead Water Tank at Lucknow (UPJN /CE /2020217)
30. Site Visit of Rajkiya Inter College, Sitapur, Lucknow (UPJN /CE /2020143)
29. Assessment of structural health and Service Life for Mine Supporting Structure (RSMML /CE /2019266)
28. Wind Tunnel Test of Chimney, Chimney Design Validation For 3x120 Tph CFBC Boilers & 1x35 Mw Stg CppAtHpl Complex, Haldia (HPL /NWTF/2019221)
27. NDT-Retrofitting of Army Building, Jodhpur (MMJS /CE /2019054)
26. Review of Design in Rinhand NTPC Plant (NTPC /CE /2018390)
25. Site Visit of Retaining Wall on Lucknow-Agra Expressway (L&T /CE /2018141)
24. NDT & Health Monitoring Tests on Rewallat Lucknow-Agra Express Way (AFCON /CE /2017487)
23. Checking Of Design & Drawing (MCW /CE /2017339)
22. Afcon - Lucknow - Agra Expressway (AFCON /CE /2017308)
21. Planning & Design of Transformer Workshop (KESCO /CE /2017235)
21. NDT Inspection of Old OPD Building at SGPGIMS (SGPGIM/CE /2017278)
20. Vetting Of Design & Drawing of Psc Box Girder (VAMCON/CE /2017090)
19. Structural Soundness Testing andthe necessary Inspections/Investigations (UPAV /CE /2017089)
18. Vetting Of Designs Drawing Of 90-M Steel Bridge on River SaryuatPancheswarChampavat (PWD /CE /2017034)
17. Vesting Of Designing Drawing of Ram Nagar Enclave 960 E.W.S (G,3) Houses (KDA /CE /2016441)
16. Checking the Construction of Dhyanchand Stadium (UPRNN /CE /2016433)
15. Site visitand NDT Inspection ofa Girder at Lucknow-Agra Expressway (L&TC /CE /2016276)
14. Vetting Of Structural Drawing ofthe "Proposed High Rise Buildings in Villages Baidani, Bilhaur, Distt. Kanpur (Up)" (VAMCON/CE /2016232)
13. Vetting Of Structural Design and Drawings of Proposed Construction of Residency A1, A2 & B At O-Block Kidwai Nagar, Kanpur (KDA /CE /2016221)
12. Vetting Of Structural Drawings Of "Barrack Site inAllahabad High Court" (VAMCON/CE /2016211)
11. Site Visit in Connection with Checking the Quality Of 30 M Long Concrete Girder Constructed at Lucknow Unnao Expressway Project (L&TC /CE /2016065)
10. Vetting Of Design of Green Park Dressing Room Kanpur (AUDIST/CE /2016055)
9. Checking Of Design/Drawing ofthe Netragaad Motor Road Extension Lohaghat Uttarakhand (ASES /CE /2016025)
8. Vetting Of Structural Design of Hotel Ramada at Varanasi (VAMCON/CE /2015398)
7. Resolving Non-ConformityReports (NCR) At Different Structures (TATAAL/CE /2015328)
6. Vetting Of Design of Stadium at Jhansi (UPRNN /CE /2015233)
5. Proof Checking for Bridge DPRof Baxana Bridge (Piu-Dhar-I) For MPRDA Bhopal (MPRDA /CE /2015155)
4. Structural Design & Vetting of Hanger No.2 Amausi Airport Lucknow (UPJN /CE /2015104)
3. Design of theMulti-storeyed Parking at Mall Road Kanpur (KDA /CE /2014347)
2. Vetting Of Structural Drawings for Pawan Apartments (VAMCON/CE /2014317)
1. Vetting/ Checking of Design and Drawing of The Mandi Bhawan, Lucknow (UPMP /CE /20130038)
7. Instructor for Faculty Training Programme on Condition Assessment and Retrofitting of Civil Engineering Structures for Operational and Extreme Loads, 21-25 October 2019, IIT Kanpur
6. Zonal Coordinator (North India) of the National Competition for the Civil/Structural Engineering Students for the Best Innovative Structural Steel Design by the Institute for Steel Development & Growth (INSDAG) for the Years of 2018 & 2019.
5. Serve as Instructor in imparting Training to RDSO officials on Finite Element Analysis, 22-27 November, 2010
4. Alternate committee member for the Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee, Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS) (from 2011-present)
3. Organizing Committee Member, International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences (ICCES' 15), Reno, Neveda, USA
2. Committee member for International Symposium on Engineering under Uncertainty: Safety Assessment and Management (ISEUSAM-2012), in Bengal Engineering College and Science University, Kolkata in January 2012
1. Instructor in QIP course on "Numerical and Experimental Modeling in Geotechnical Engineering", offered by the Department of Civil Engineering on February 04-09, 2013.
1. Faculty Advisor for the Society of Civil Engineers (2011-2012)
2. Placement Coordinator for the Department of Civil Engineering (2013-2014)
3. Member of Department Undergraduate Program Committee (2015-2019)
4. Convener of the Department Undergraduate Program Committee (2017-2018)
5. Associate Dean of Physical Infrastructure (ADPI) (2017-2019)
6. Member in the Institute Core Curriculum Committee (2017-2018)
7. Member of the Management & Technical Committee (M&TC) for National Wind Tunnel Facility (NWTF) at IIT Kanpur (2019-2020)
8. Faculty-In-Charge (2020-2023) Structural Engineering Laboratory, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
2. Member of Structural Safety Sectional Committee, CED 37 (2020-2022)
1. Alternate committee member for the Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee, Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS) (from 2011-2013)
Journal of Structural Control and Health Monitoring
Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
Journal of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE
Earthquake Spectra: EERI
Journal of Engineering Optimization
Journal of Smart Materials and Structures
Journal of Sound and Vibration
Journal of Materials and Structures
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics
Journal of Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences
Journal of Ocean Engineering
Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering
Journal of Reliability Engineering and System Safety
Journal of Structure and Infrastructure Engineering
Journal of Marine Structures
Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration
Journal of Vibration and Control
Journal of Shock and Vibration
International Journal of Fatigue
Nonlinear Dynamics
Journal of Colloid and Interface
Engineering Structures
Indian Society of Earthquake Technology (ISET)