SESSION 2003-2004: Semester I
PHY 553
All lectures for this course are over.
to End-Sem Examination, Part I (Objective) |
Attendance at all the classes is compulsory. One point will be assigned for every class attended and the final number will be suitabley normalised to a total of 50. Those who have full attendance will get a bonus of 5 marks above the total of 50. Click here for a list of final attendance pointsStudents unable to attend classes for medical reasons should produce a certificate signed by an authorised person from the Health Centre, IITK. On production of such a certificate, attendance points will be assigned for the missed classes. Medical certificates which are not endorsed by the Health Centre, IITK, are not acceptable. |
TRACK I: Wave propagation and Optics | TRACK II: Special Relativity and Radiation Theory |
Equations: Revision of Maxwell equations, Solutions in free space, wave equation, harmonic solutions, transverse waves, energy transport and Poynting's theorem, momentum flux and Maxwell's stress tensor (Minkowski form), electric-magnetic duality, harmonic fields and complex Poynting vector. Retarded Potentials: Wave propagation in media: |
Relativistic Kinematics:Lorentz transformation, boosts and rotations, general form
of Lorentz transformation, invariance of light wavefronts, velocity addition
law: longitudinal and transverse, transformation laws for acceleration,
length contraction and time dilation, proper length and proper time, plane
waves and invariance of phase, Doppler effect, aberration, stellar aberration,
velocity of light in moving media.
Relativistic Dynamics:Need to redefine momentum, relativistic mass and relativistic momentum, force, work and kinetic energy in relativity, relativistic principle of work, energy-momentum relation, relativistic acceleration, longitudinal and transverse mass, motion under a constant acceleration, Lorentz transformations for energy and momentum, mass-energy equivalence. Minkowski space:Euclidean and non-Euclidean spaces, curvilinear coordinates, concept of line element and metric form, Riemannian space, coordinate transformations, contravariant and covariant vectors, tensors, inverse metric, raising and lowering of indices, quotient law, Minkowski metric, light cone, Lorentz transformations and Lorentz group, proper & improper Lorentz transformations, orthochronicity, parity, time-reversal and inversion, Lorentz boosts as hyperbolic rotations, velocity addition law, null, spacelike and timelike vectors. Particle dynamics in Minkowski space:Minkowski line element and proper time, four-velocity, four acceleration, four-wave vector, reproduction of all results in relativistic kinematics, four-momentum, four-force, four-angular momentum, reproduction of all results in relativistic kinetics, relativistic Lagrangian and Hamiltonian, invariant action, geodesic equation, relation between geometry and dynamics (notional). Relativistic Electrodynamics:
Fields due to a moving point charge:
Lagragian formulation for the electromagnetic
field: |