Conference publications

Full-length papers

1.      Pandey, A. D., and Das, A., Incorporation of loading sequence in computation of non-linear cumulative damage for asphalt pavement design, 14th ISAP International Conference on Asphalt Pavement (ISAP 2024), June 2-7, 2024, Montreal, pp.485-489.

2.      Mandal, S., Bandyopadhyaya, R., and Das, A., Prediction of aggregate gradation from two-dimensional (2-D) image of aggregates - a simple approach, 7th Conference of Transportation Research Group of India, December 17-20, 2023, Surat.

3.      Mandal, S., and Das, A., Observation on bitumen globules during breaking of emulsion on aggregate surface, 8th International Conference on Bituminous Mixtures and Pavements, June 12-14, 2024, Thessaloniki.

4.      Kuity, A., and Das, A. Experimental study on effect of geometrical arrangement of aggregates on strength of as asphalt mix, International Airfield & Highway Pavements Conference (ICDT), Austin, June 14-17, 2023.

5.      Jain, S., Das, A., and Venkatesh, K. S., A method to reduce occlusion when measuring pavement surface profiles using triangulation based laser scanners, RILEM International Symposium on Bituminous Materials, December 14-16, 2020, Lyon, pp.97-102.

6.      Bora, B., and Das, A., Blending of RAPM samples with virgin binder : a study using FTIR spectroscopy, 11th International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology, July 10-12, 2019, Kuala Lumpur.

7.      Jain, S., and Das, A., Characterization of pavement surface undulations using side view images, 11th International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology, July 10-12, 2019, Kuala Lumpur.

8.      Bindal, A. Das, A. and Das, A., Study on effect of particle shape on interlocking, IACMAG Symposium, IIT Gandhinagar, March 5-7, 2019, Gandhinagar, Advances in Computer Methods in Geomechanics, pp.455-466.

9.      Bora, B., and Das, A., Estimation of binder quantity in binary mixture of asphalt binders, WCTR 2019, IIT Bombay, May 26-31, 2019, Mumbai, Transportation Research Procedia, Vol.48, 2020, pp.3756-3763.

10.  Jain, S. and Das, A., Effect of undulations on pavement friction - a literature review, Proceedings, International Conference on Pavements and Computational Approaches (ICOPAC 2018), CSIR-CRRI, November 16-17, 2018, New Delhi, pp.189-194.

11.  Makowska, M., Huuskonen-Snicker, E., Alanaatu, P., Aromaa, K., Savarnya, A., Pellinen, T. and Das, A., Incorporating the transverse profile of the wearing course into the control of the hot in-place recycling of asphalt concrete, Konferencia Nowoczesna Diagnostyka I Naprawy Nawierzchni Drogowych, Instytut Badawczy Drog I Mostow, May 8-9, 2018, Warszawa.

12.  Kuity, A. and Das, A., Effect of gradation of fine aggregates on creep deformation of fine aggregate mix (FAM) and asphalt mix, 4th Conference of Transportation Research Group of India, IIT Bombay, December 17-20, 2017, Mumbai, pp.737-745.

13.  Gogoi, R., Das, A., and Chakroborty, P., Inter-dependency between some structural distresses of asphalt pavement, 10th International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology, August 8-10, 2017, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.

14.  Savarnya, A., Kuity, A., Gupta, S., Chandra, A., and Das, A., Study of asphalt binder diffusion using atomic force microscopy, 10th International Conference for Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways and Airfields, June 28-30, 2017, Athens, pp.311-315.

15.  Kumar, D., Kuity, A., and Das, A., Study on absorption of water and asphalt binder in aggregates, 3rd Conference of Transportation Research Group of India, December 17-20, 2015, Kolkata.

16.  Kuity, A., and Das, A., Estimation of appropriate filler quantity in asphalt mix from micro-structural studies, 8th RILEM International Symposium on Testing and Characterization of Sustainable & Innovative Bituminous Materials, 2015, Ancona, pp.49-59.

17.  Kuity, A., and Das, A., Study on aggregate size distribution in asphalt mix using images obtained by different imaging techniques, 11th International Conference on Transportation Planning and Implementation Methodologies for Developing Countries (TPMDC), IIT Bombay, December 10-12, 2014, Mumbai,.

18.  Kaur, K., Swamy, A. K., Das, A., Constituent proportioning in recycled asphalt mix with multiple RAP sources, 2nd Conference of Transportation Research Group of India, December 12-15, 2013, Vol.104, Agra, pp.21-28.

19.  Mondal, S., Das, A., and Ghatak, A., Effect of thickness of a sandwiched layer of bitumen between two aggregates on the bond strength : an experimental study, 7th RILEM International Conference on Cracking in Pavements, TU-Delft, June 20-22, 2012, Vol.2, Delft, pp.1039-1047.

20.  Das, A., Reliability considerations in asphalt pavement design, (Invited theme paper), International Symposium on Engineering Under Uncertainty: Safety Assessment and Management (ISEUSAM- 2012), Bengal Engineering and Science University, January 4 to 6, 2012, Shibpur, pp.345-354.

21.  Khan, I., and Das, A., Mix design for cement grouted bituminous mix, 7th International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology, August 3-5, 2011, Bangkok, pp.1150-1158.

22.  Dhasmana, H. and Das, A., Study of moisture sensitivity of some aggregates in asphalt mix, 7th International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology, August 3-5, 2011, Bangkok, pp.768-778.

23.  Varma, S. N., and Das, A., Innovative materials for asphalt pavements, All India Seminar on Advances in Materials & Techniques in Construction, The Institution of Engineers (India), U.P. State Centre & Kanpur Local Centre, IIT Kanpur, October 1-2, 2010, Kanpur, pp.2-8.

24.  Dhasmana, H. and Das, A., Moisture sensitivity study on some aggregate-bitumen mixes, Roads in High Precipitation Areas, Indian Roads Congress, Guwahati, February 19-20, 2010.

25.  Das, A. and Ghosh, A., Perpetual pavements: innovations in pavement design, Civil Engineering Conference - Innovations Without Limits, NIT Hamirpur, September 18-19, 2009, Hamirpur, pp.46-48.

26.  Rajbongshi, P. and Das, A., A systematic approach for development of field rutting equation, International Conference on Pavement Engineering, College of Engineering and Technology, B.P.U.T., February 14-15, 2009, Bhubaneswar, pp184-190.

27.  Rajbongshi, P. and Das, A., Estimation of structural reliability of asphalt pavement for mixed axle loading conditions, 6th International Conference for Road and Airfield Pavement Technology, July 20-23, 2008, Sapporo, pp.35-42.

28.  Rajbongshi, P. and Das, A., Temperature stresses in concrete pavement - a review, International Conference on Civil Engineering in the New Millennium : Opportunities and Challenges (CENeM 2007), Bengal Engineering and Science University, January 11-14, 2007, Shibpur, Vol. III, pp.2080-2090.

29.  Chakroborty, P., Agarwal, P. K., and Das, A., Simple model to predict the structural condition of asphalt concrete pavements at the network level, TRB 86th Annual Meeting, Washington, D. C., January 21-25, 2007.

30.  Goel, A. and Das, A., A brief review on different surface wave methods and their applicability for non-destructive evaluation of pavements, Highway Geophysics - NDE Conference, December 4-7, 2006, St. Louis, Missouri, pp.337-350.

31.  Mitra, K., Das, A. and Basu, S. Micromechanical analysis of asphalt concrete, 2nd International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation, IIT Guwahati, ICCMS-06, December 8-10, 2006, Guwahati, Vol.2, Part XXVI, pp.2062-2066.

32.  Aravind K., Sahu, P. K. and Das, A., Mix design for hot-mix recycled bituminous mixes, National Conference on Advances in Road Transportation, ART-2005, February 12-13, 2005, Rourkela, pp.556-561.

33.  Bandyopadhyaya, R., Das, A. and Basu, S., Micromechanical analysis of irregular particulate composites at high volume fractions, 1st International Congress of Computational Mechanics and Simulation, ICCMS-04, IIT Kanpur, December 9-12, 2004, Kanpur, Vol.-II, pp.443-450.

34.  Goel, A. and Das, A., Ultra thin concrete overlays, Seminar on Design, Construction, Maintenance of Cement Concrete Pavements, Indian Roads Congress, October 8-10, 2004, New Delhi, pp.IV-183-IV-189.

35.  Mallick, B. R. and Das, A., An approach to rehabilitation of low traffic volume flexible pavement, International Conference on Structural and Road Transportation Engineering, IIT Kharagpur, January 3-5, 2005, Kharagpur, pp.496-505.

36.  Goel, A. and Das, A., Emerging road materials and innovative application, National Conference on Materials and their Application in Civil Engineering, NIT Hamirpur, August 26-27, 2004, Hamirpur, pp.15-23.

37.  Agarwal, P. K., Das, A., Chakroborty, P., A rational approach for prioritization of highway sections for maintenance, 6th International Conference on Managing Pavements, October 19-24, Queensland, 2004.

38.  Das, A., Some suggestions to improve the Mechanistic-Empirical bituminous pavement design in Indian context, 1st International Symposium on Design and Construction of Long Lasting Asphalt Pavements, June 7-9, 2004, Auburn, pp.199-215.

39.  Dwivedi, R. and Das, A., Fatigue crack propagation and performance of bituminous mixes as per Indian specifications, 5th RILEM International Conference on Cracking of Pavement, Mitigation, Risk Assessment and Prevention, May 5-8, Limoges, 2004.

40.  Das, A., Perpetual pavements, National Conference on Modern Cement Concrete and Bituminous Roads, GITAM, December 18-20, 2003, Vol.II, Visakhapatnam, pp.35-39.

41.  Das, A., Estimation of subgrade strength for pavement design, Symposium on Advances in Geotechnical Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kanpur, 2003, Kanpur, pp.305-310.

42.  Das, A., Deol, M. S., Ohri, S. and Pandey, B.B., Development of new bituminous mix specification for performance enhancement, International Seminar on Sustainable Development in Road Transport, PIARC & Indian Roads Congress, November 8-9, 2001, New Delhi, Vol-I.

43.  Das, A. and Pandey, B. B., Pavement design using cementitious stabilisers in road construction, ASCE-India Section, September 9, 2000, Calcutta.

44.  Das, A. and Pandey, B. B., Economical design of bituminous pavements with two grades of bitumen in the surfacing, Road Financing, Design, Construction and Operation of Highways in 21st Century, Indian Roads Congress, September 24-25, 2000, New Delhi, pp.II-35-II-42.

45.  Das, A. and Pandey, B. B., Application of optimization technique for overlay design of bituminous pavement by analytical method, International Seminar on Highway Rehabilitation and Maintenance, Indian Roads Congress, November 12-13, 1999, New Delhi, pp.I-151-I-161.

46.  Das, A., Reddy, K. S., and Pandey, B. B., Analytical overlay design and validation : an Indian case study, 5th International Conference on the Bearing Capacity of Roads and Airfields, July 6-8, 1998, Trondheim, Vol-III, pp. 1787-1796.

47.  Kumar, T. S., Das, A. and Pandey, B. B., Evaluation of pavement by Falling Weight Deflectometer, Conference on Role of Civil Engineering for Development of Infrastructure in the 21st Century, ASCE-India Section, September 26-27, 1997, Calcutta.

48.  Das, A., Reddy, K. S., Pandey, B. B., Design of pavement using lime and cement treated laterite soil, Terzaghi-96, Indian Geotechnical Society (Kakinada Chapter), Oct 1-2, 1996, Kakinada, pp.187-191.

49.  Reddy, K. S., Das, A. and Pandey, B. B., Material characterisation for design of flexible pavements, 2nd International Conference of ICROT Series, University of Roorkee, December 11-14, 1996, New Delhi.

50.  Das, A. and Pandey, B. B., Layer equivalency factors in pavement design, National Get-Together on Road Research and its Utilization, CRRI, January 3-4, 1996, New Delhi, pp.94-98.

51.  Das, A., Dash, N. K. and Pandey, B. B., Aggregate grading design using personal computer, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Highway Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Banaglore, March 10-11, 1995, Bangalore, pp.P2.1-2.6.

52.  Das, A. and Pandey, B. B., Design of flexible pavement for expressways, New Vistas of Civil Engineering in the Liberalised Economy, ASCE-India, September 27-28, 1994, Calcutta, pp.AB-1-8.

53.  Das, A., Reddy, K. S., and Pandey, B. B., Analytical method of design of bituminous overlays, Seminar on Bituminous Roads: Design and Construction Aspects, August 25-26, 1994, Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi, pp.III-1- 11.


1.      Das, A., Design and construction of pavements - current trends and future, National Conference on Advances in Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Tezpur University, February 16-17, 2018, Tezpur. 

2.      Das, A. Emerging trends in pavement engineering research, All India Seminar on Innovations and challenges in materials and construction, October 28-29, 2017, The Institution of Engineers (India), Kanpur Center and Department of Civil Engineering, HBTU, Kanpur.

3.      Das, A., Imaging studies on aggregates and asphalt mix - from microscope to camera, International Conference on Advances in Highway Engineering & Transportation Systems, University of Moratuwa, July 21, 2017, Hotel Jetwing Blue, Negombo.

4.      Das, A., Stresses in concrete pavement, 12th International Conference on Transportation Planning and Implementation Methodologies for Developing Countries (TPMDC), December 19-21, 2016, IIT Bombay, Mumbai.

5.      Das, A., Principles of asphalt pavement design - a discussion, Conference on Infrastructure, Sustainable Transportation & Urban Planning, CiSTUP, IISc Bangalore, October 18-20, 2010, Bangalore.

6.      Das, A., In quest of an optimal pavement design, Indo-US Workshop on Highway and Airport Pavement Engineering: Challenges and Opportunities, IIT Kharagpur, July 30-31, 2010, p.37, Kharagpur.

7.      Das A. and Kumar, D. Infrastructure and technology, 3rd NatFOE Symposium, IIT Madras, October 24-25, 2008, Madras.

8.      Das, A., Some current issues related to design and maintenance of road pavements, 2nd NatFOE Symposium, IIT Delhi, March 31-April 1, 2007, New Delhi.


