National Workshop




Recycling and other Pavement

Rehabilitation Methods






Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur


February 8 to 10, 2005




About the Workshop


Any in-service road needs a maintenance. The maintenance of roads can be done in the form of minor repair, overlay, recycling or reconstruction. Given the fund constraint for any maintenance job, an engineer needs to equip himself/ herself on various techniques of evaluation of pavement, alternative rehabilitation measures and systematic approach to allocate maintenance funds. The proposed workshop will discuss the recent trends in pavement evaluation, rehabilitation measures and resource allocation for pavement maintenance, with special reference to the Indian conditions.


Pavement recycling is expected to be a major thrust in pavement rehabilitation in India, soon. Significant advancement has been achieved in mix design and construction practices of bituminous pavement recycling in various countries. Recycling of existing roadway materials is a highly attractive option for rehabilitation. Recycling can not only save in costs of materials, but in most cases, can also lead to significant savings in time of construction, and in all cases, lead to reduction in disposal, and environmental benefits. Interestingly, not much of  pavement recycling works at present being carried out India, though basic initiative was taken quite sometime back. The present workshop proposes to share the knowledge of state of the art tools and techniques of bituminous pavement recycling which is vital for proper utilization of the most appropriate recycling method for optimum utilization of funds. Discussions will take place on what are the present technological constrains in India and how major initiate on pavement recycling can be taken up in future.




1.     An understanding on the various principles and methods of non-destructive structural evaluation of pavements.

2.     Knowledge on how to prioritize the pavement maintenance needs.

3.     An understanding on the pavement maintenance measures with an emphasis to overlay design.

4.     Knowledge on decision making amongst alternative pavement maintenance strategies and resource allocation.

5.     An understanding of the various methods (hot and cold) of recycling asphalt pavements.

6.     The ability to determine when asphalt recycling is a rehabilitation alternative.

7.     Knowledge of how to select the most appropriate asphalt recycling method.

8.     Information on laboratory and field tests for evaluating materials used in asphalt recycling.

9.     Detailed pavement design methods for cold and hot recycled asphalt pavements.



Teaching Faculty


Faculty for the workshop are Dr. Rajib B. Mallick of Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA, Dr. A. Veeraragavan of IIT Madras, Dr. B. B. Pandey of IIT Kharagpur, Mr. R. S. Shukla,  Retired Scientist and Head, Flexible Pavement Division, Central Road Research Institute, Dr. Animesh Das and Dr. Partha Chakroborty of the Civil Engineering Department, IIT Kanpur.