import sys import cv2 import numpy as np import networkx as nx from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import math import pylab sys.setrecursionlimit(10000) i=0 # CLASS POINT class Point: def __init__(self,x,y): self.x=x self.y=y # CLASS OBSTACLE class Obst: def __init__(self,p1,p2): self.p1=p1 self.p2=p2 self.slopey=(p2.y-p1.y) self.slopex=(p2.x-p1.x) # def printo(self): # print "(",self.p1.x,",",self.p1.y,") to (",self.p2.x,",",self.p2.y,")" # Check the side on which a point lies def ccw(A,B,C): return (C.y-A.y) * (B.x-A.x) > (B.y-A.y) * (C.x-A.x) # Return true if line segments AB and CD intersect def intersect(A,B,C,D): return ccw(A,C,D) != ccw(B,C,D) and ccw(A,B,C) != ccw(A,B,D) #convert the angle data into points def makeconfig(state,dof): config = [[0]*2 for x in range(dof+1)] teta = 0 config[0][0] = 0 for i in range(1,dof+1): angle = math.radians(state[i-1])+teta config[i][0] = config[i-1][0] + arms[i-1]*math.cos(angle) config[i][1] = config[i-1][1] + arms[i-1]*math.sin(angle) teta = angle return config #check whether a configuration intersects any obstacle def checkobs(obstacles,state,dof): config = makeconfig(state,dof) for i in range(1,dof+1): #traversing all arms p1= Point(config[i-1][0],config[i-1][1]) #marking the end points p2= Point(config[i][0],config[i][1]) for n in range(0,numobs): # to check with all obstacles obsta = obstacles[n] if intersect(obsta.p1,obsta.p2,p1,p2): return 1 return 0 ### START READING THE INPUT flag=0 # TO CAPTURE OBSTACLE POINTS # READING THROUGH INPUT FILE for line in open("robot2.dat", 'r'): item = line.rstrip() # strip off newline and any other trailing whitespace item = item.split() if len(item)==0: continue # IF THE LINE IS BLANK LEAVE IT AND MOVE AHEAD item = [int(x) for x in item] i=i+1 if i==1: dof=item[0];arms = [0]*dof # FIRST LINE OF INFORMATION HAS THE DOF elif i==2: # SECOND LINE OF INFORMATION HAS ARM LENGTHS for k in range(0,dof): arms[k] = item[k] elif i==3: numobs = item[0];obstacles = [Obst]*numobs;obs=0 #THIRD LINE OF INFORMATION HAS OBSTACLE-COUNT elif flag==0: p1=Point(item[0],item[1]);flag=1 #ALL REMAINING LINES HAVE INFORMATION ABOUT OBSTACLES elif flag==1: p2=Point(item[0],item[1]);flag=0;obstacles[obs] = Obst(p1,p2);obs=obs+1 #print "dof=",dof,"armlengths=",arms,"numobs=",numobs #for obstacle in obstacles: # obstacle.printo() space = 10000 theta = [[0]*dof for x in range(space)] out = [""]*space #READING GOAL MATRIX i=0 j=0 for line in open("goals2.dat", 'r'): item = line.rstrip() item = item.split() item = [float(x) for x in item] if checkobs(obstacles,item,dof): print item,"has an obstacle intersection";continue i=i+1 if i==1: theta[0] = item;out[0] = [str(ab) for ab in theta[0]];out[0] = " ".join(out[0]) else: for p in range(0,dof): if item[p]<0: item[p]= 360+item[p] theta[j+1] = item;out[j+1] = [str(ab) for ab in theta[j+1]];out[j+1] = " ".join(out[j+1]);j=j+1 ngoals = j i=ngoals+1 # GENERATING RANDOM POINTS FOR C - SPACE from random import * while i180: diff=360-diff sum1 = sum1 + diff*diff return math.sqrt(sum1) k=10 #FINDING NEAREST NEIGHBOURS nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=k, algorithm='ball_tree').fit(theta) distances, indices = nbrs.kneighbors(theta) #print indices[0] #print distances[0] # NOW THE MAIN PROCESSING BEGINS def midpt(state1,state2): state = [0 for x in range(dof)] for i in range(0,dof): diff = abs(state2[i]-state1[i]) #if diff > 180: # diff = 360-diff #if state2[i]-state1[i] > 0: # state[i] = state1[i]+diff/2 #else: # state[i] = state2[i]+diff/2 val=(state2[i]+state1[i])/2 if diff > 180: state[i]=(val+180)%360 else: state[i]=val%360 return state def edgechecker(state1,state2,epsilon): if dist(state1,state2) <= epsilon: return 1 else: mid = midpt(state1,state2) if checkobs(obstacles,mid,dof): return 0 else: return (edgechecker(state1,mid,epsilon) and edgechecker(mid,state2,epsilon)) G = nx.Graph() def localplanner(indlist): guiltyedges=0 vert = indlist[0] distances[vert][0]=sys.maxint for i in range(1,len(indlist)): j = indlist[i] if edgechecker(theta[vert],theta[j],dist(theta[vert],theta[j])/50)==0: distances[vert][i] = sys.maxint guiltyedges=guiltyedges+1 else: G.add_edge(vert,j,distance=distances[vert][i]); def planner(): for k in range(0,space): localplanner(indices[k]) planner() i=5 soln = nx.dijkstra_path(G,0,i,'distance') print soln len1=len(soln) if len1>0: final = [[0]*2 for x in range((dof+1)*len1)] for i in range(0,len1): result=makeconfig(theta[soln[i]],dof) for j in range(0,dof+1): final[j+(dof+1)*i] = [str(ab) for ab in result[j]];final[j+(dof+1)*i] = " ".join(final[j+(dof+1)*i]) final = "\n".join(final) fp = open("final.txt","w") fp.write(final) with open("final.txt") as f: data = data = data.split('\n') del data[-1] x = [[0]*3 for p in range(len1)] y = [[0]*3 for p in range(len1)] for i in range(0,len1): x[i] = [row.split(' ')[0] for row in data[3*i:3*i+3] ] y[i] = [row.split(' ')[1] for row in data[3*i:3*i+3] ] fig = plt.figure() pylab.ylim([-500,500]) pylab.xlim([-500,500]) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) ax1.set_title("Plot title...") a = [0]*2;b=[0]*2 for i in range(0,numobs): a[0]=obstacles[i].p1.x a[1]=obstacles[i].p2.x b[0]=obstacles[i].p1.y b[1]=obstacles[i].p2.y ax1.plot(a,b, c='k', linewidth=8) name = "demo"+str(0)+".png" ax1.plot(x[0],y[0], c='r') pylab.savefig(name) for i in range(1,len1-1): name = "demo"+str(i)+".png" ax1.plot(x[i],y[i], c='y') pylab.savefig(name) name = "demo"+str(0)+".png" ax1.plot(x[i],y[i], c='b') pylab.savefig(name) leg = ax1.legend()