User's Manual For Code :

This programme calculates the cordinates on the surface of a NACA designated airfoil and after that using these calculated coordinates it finds the pressure distribution on the prescribed airfoil.

The following input format is required:


(four,fourm,five,fivem,one,six) which signify the NACA4series, ,NACA4series modified, NACA5series ,NACA5series modified,NACA one series and NACA6series respectively.

2)Total no. of digits provided in the input.

3)NACA airfoil no.

such that all the digits are separated by either a blank or a newline character.

4)angle of attack

(float)(in degree)(program converts it into radian).


for sweep (either 1,2 0r 3 corresponding to normal,sheared,sweptback airfoils).

6.sweep angle (In degrees)

Input can be provided by a file or can be given continuously.

Here are some typical NACA specifications :

series --------------- Example ------------- No. of digits

four --------------- 6612 ----------------- 4

fourm -------------- 4306_32 -------------- 6

five --------------- 23025 ---------------- 5

fivem -------------- 23012_32 ------------- 7

one ---------------- 16_612 --------------- 5

six ---------------- 65002120 ------------- 8

------------------- 65212120 --------------8

For display the Gui.c is used which was provided for assignments in ME451 course.