Anurag Misra 12144 CSE

Experiment 1

Recalling words that start with K is easier because of our how it is stored in the memory, though words with k in the third position are more than those starting with k. This is due to the avaibility heuristic. Since we associate words with letters during our learning process. It is stored like a hash table where the key "k" access words starting with the letter k in the list. Due to this, we have a false conception of more density of words starting with k.

Experiment 2

Two different set of students were shown the same images with different labels, and asked to redraw. The different groups drew the image very differently. This is because after seeing the image, what is left is only the memory of strong characteristic of the image and not the image itself. As a result, the group grew differently because they perceived dumbell and eyeglasses differently. Those with dumbells had a higher l/d ratio. I was shown the pic labelled as eye glasses.

Experiment 3

This was something interesting. However I was able to get only reading due to unavailibilty of data. This was what perceived after experimentation on myself. The image shows that taste are not confined to specific regions or there are no taste specific zones on the tongue, that respond only to sugary or salty tastes. However I did feel a bitter taste in the case of water, maybe primarily due to the fact that it was done after salt testing.