Ajay Singh Thakur

Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Kanpur 208016

Email: asthakur [AT] iitk.ac.in

Office: FB578, Faculty Building

Phone: +91 512 259 7287

Research Interest: Algebraic Topology


Work Experiences:


  1. Parameswaran Sankaran and Ajay Singh Thakur: Complex structures on product of circle bundles over complex manifolds. C.R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 349 (2011), 437-439.

  2. Július Korbaš, Aniruddha C. Naolekar and Ajay Singh Thakur: Characteristic rank of vector bundles over Stiefel manifolds. Archiv der Mathematik (Basel) 99 (2012), 577-581.

  3. Ajay Singh Thakur: On trivialities of Stiefel-Whitney classes of vector bundles over iterated suspensions of Dold manifolds. Homology, Homotopy and Applications 15 (2013), 223-233.

  4. Parameswaran Sankaran and Ajay Singh Thakur: Complex structures on product of circle bundles over complex manifolds. Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 63 (2013), no. 4, 1331-1366.

  5. Aniruddha C. Naolekar and Ajay Singh Thakur: Vector bundles over iterated suspensions of stunted real projective spaces. Acta Math. Hungarica., 142 (2014), 339-347.

  6. Indranil Biswas, Mahan Mj and Ajay Singh Thakur: Infinitesimal deformations and Brauer group of some generalized Calabi-Eckmann manifolds. Tokyo J. Math 37 (2014), no. 1, 61-72.

  7. Aniruddha C. Naolekar and Ajay Singh Thakur: On trivialities of Chern classes. Acta Math. Hungarica 144 (2014), no. 1, 99-109.

  8. Aniruddha C. Naolekar and Ajay Singh Thakur: Note on the characteristic rank of Vector bundles. Math. Slovaca 64 (2014), no. 6, 1525-1540.

  9. Prateep Chakraborty and Ajay Singh Thakur: Nonexistence of Almost Complex Structures on the product S2m x M. Topology and its applications 199 (2016), 102-110.

  10. Prateep Chakraborty and Ajay Singh Thakur: On Stiefel-Whitney classes of vector bundles over real Stiefel manifolds. Topology Proceedings 52 (2018), 309-319.

  11. Mainak Poddar and Ajay Singh Thakur: Group actions, non-Kähler complex manifolds and SKT-Structures. Complex manifolds 5 (2018), no. 1, 9-25.

  12. Aniruddha C. Naolekar and Ajay Singh Thakur: Euler classes of vector bundles over iterated suspensions of real projective spaces. Math. Slovaca 68 (2018), no. 3, 677-684.

  13. Aniruddha C. Naolekar and Ajay Singh Thakur: KO-groups of stunted complex and quaternionic projective spaces. In: Singh M., Song Y., Wu J. (eds) Algebraic Topology and Related Topics. Trends in Mathematics (2019), Birkhäuser.

  14. Aniruddha C. Naolekar, B. Subhash and Ajay Singh Thakur: On Trivialities of Euler classes of oriented vector bundles over manifolds. Homology, Homotopy and Applications 22 (2020), no. 1, 215-232.

  15. Gopal Chandra Dutta, Debasis Sen, and Ajay Singh Thakur: Equivariant self-homotopy equivalences of product spaces. Topology and its applications, 325 (2023).

  16. Devender Singh, B. Subhash and Ajay Singh Thakur: On KO-groups of complex Milnor Manifolds. Topology and its applications 337 (2023).