Instrument information

  • Machine/ Equipment: Nano Calc
  • Student/ Responsible personnel: Ranomay and Hemant
  • Cost (per hour or per session/ sample): Rs. 50/hr.
  • Probable day and timings per week: Weeekdays

About machine

The Nano Cal-c is a thin film measurement instrument which is capable of measurement of stacks of transparent films upto 500nm. It is based on the principle of reflectance measurements carried out by a laser and detector. It can be used to measure the thickness of oxides, SiNx, photoresists and other semiconductor process films. In addition to these single-layer applications, many two- and three-layer film measurements are also possible.

Machine Specification

Name: NanoCalc-2000-UV/VIS
Wavelength: 250-850nm,
Thickness: 10nm....20µm,
Spectrometer, A/D-Converter, USB- and RS232-Interface, Deuterium-HalogenLightsource, Reflection Probe, NanoCalc Software