Instrument information

  • Machine/ Equipment: Wire Bonder
  • Student/ Responsible personnel: Sagnik and Kuldeep
  • Cost (per hour or per session/ sample): Rs. 100/Bond
    Max Slot duration = 1 hour
  • Probable day and timings per week: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday ( 10 AM to 1 PM)

About machine

West Bond Wedge wire bonder bond aluminum or gold wires from 0.0007 in. to 0.002 in. diameter by the wedge-wedge technique using ultrasonic energy to attach aluminum wire at room temperature and adding workpiece heat for gold wire. The wire is fed to the work point by two methods selectable by the exchange of wire clamps, either diagonally through the heel of the bonding wedge or vertically down through a hollow wedge. Either allow programmed motions to clamp, break, and feed wire continuously but requires front-to-back bonding direction.

Machine Specification

West Bond, Model 7476D series, Wedge -Wedge Wire Bonders, manual X-Y-Z Machine Size- 22"deep x 19" wide x12"high (Exclusive of Microscope), 18" in height to scope eyepieces
Weight-60 lb
Wires- Aluminum and Gold (Currently Unavailable), Diameter: - 0.0007 in. to 0.002 in.
Free Furnace – (Model 45G), Adapter, mechanical Hold Dimension- 2” ×2”
Maximum operating temperature of 175⁰ C
Adjustable height Work platform
Nominal elevation - 68.28 mm
Range -2.39 mm above and 13.49 mm below
Ultrasonic transducer (K-Sine model, k-74D), 5 W, Dual Channel
Wavelength- 1.5 cm
Frequency- 63 kHz
Tool Length- 0.750 in., Dropped below center- 0.656 in.