ME 681




Course details

Course No: ME 681

Instructor: Basant Lal Sharma

Department: Mechanical Engineering

Units: (L-T-P-D-U) 3-0-0-0-4

Schedule: LEC: TTh 9:00-9:50, F 4:00-4:50 L9


Email: bls at

Phone: 6173

Main BookS

Kreyszig, E., Advanced Engineering Mathematics1 , John Wiley & Sons.  (Text Book)

Book for General Reading

1. Courant, R., Hilbert, D., Methods of Mathematical Physics, Vol. 1, 2. John Wiley & Sons.

Useful links

Wiki, Menger, Mathworld, Derivative


Course Summary

  1. Properties of Vector Algebra, Vector space, subspace, basis, null and

  2. range space, invertibility and matrix representation; Cartesian Tensor

  3. notation and vector analysis; Matrices and Matrix algebra, Echelon

  4. form, orthogonalization; Eigen values and eigenvectors of a linear

  5. operator; First and second order ODEs, Linear Differential equations

  6. with constant coefficients and equi dimensional equations; Second

  7. order linear homogenous differential equations and their                    

  8. solutions; Methods of Taylor and Frobenius, Laplace and Fourier

  9. transforms, Fourier series; Legendre and Bessel functions; Sturm

  10. Louville Problem; classification of PDEs; Analytical solution of linear

  11. PDEs.

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