As per our web announcement all proposals of papers for IPHS 2006 will be received in the form of abstract.
All abstracts will be classified as per the sub-themes of IPHS 2006.
All proposals in the abstract form will be reviewed by two referees (one member from the International Advisory Committee or an international expert in the area of the theme/sub-theme and another expert or member of the National Advisory Committee or Organizing Committee from India ).
If one of the experts gives a positive feedback and the other a negative feedback, the paper will be reviewed by a committee comprising of the Convener, Local Co-convener and the Paper processing co-ordinator. If the Committee feels it necessary, it can be send to a third party referee for his comments.
The decision of acceptance / rejection of the paper will be communicated to the authors/ participants and they will be asked to submit the full paper by end of August, 2006.
All accepted abstracts will be placed in our web page and these will be published in the proceedings of IPHS 2006.
The full papers will not be refereed before the conference.
The full papers shall be either incorporated in our web site or may be provided to the delegates in a CD.
Only a few selected thematic papers may be published after a proper review at a later stage.