Prof. Binayak Rath,
Former Prof. Economics, Department of Humanties and Social Sciences
IIT Kanpur


  1. Steel Industry in India and its Employment Multiplier Linkages, Himalaya Publishing House Ltd, Bombay, 1991.
  2. Rehabilitation and Resettlement in India: Approaches, Policies and Remedial Action Plan. (manuscript in the process of submission for publication)
  3. Management of Irrigation Projects in India: Planning & Operational Aspects of Irrigation (manuscript in the process of submission for publication)
  4. Problems and Prospects of Irrigation Projects in India in Empowering the deprived sections of Rural India. (manuscript in the process of submission for publication)



1. Rath, B.(1969), "Orissa: The Epitome of Poverty in the Midst of Plenty". The Scholar, April, pp. 81-86.
2 Rath, B. (1979), "Water Use Decision Criteria of a Multi-Purpose Project at the Stage of Project Planning". Proceedings of the Workshop on Conjunctive Use of Surface & Ground Waters, WRDTC, Roorkee, Vol. I, pp. CW 25-38.
3 Rath, B. (1981), "Development of Non Conventional Energy: An Answer to the Growing Energy Crisis in India". Proceedings of the 64th Annual Conference of Indian Economic Association, December. 28-30, pp. 41-49.
4 Rath, B. (1982), "Measuring Economic Efficiency in a Trade- off Situation: A Quantitative Approach." Orissa Economic Journal. Vol. XV (2), pp. 1-16.
5 Rath, B.(1982), "Development of Inland Water Transport Potentials: Its Nature and Significance in Orissa." Orissa Economic Journal Vol. XV (2), pp.43-44.
6 Rath, B.(1983), "Possible Future Source of Energy". In V.S. Mahajan (Ed), "Energy Development in India, Deep and Deep Publications, New Delhi, pp. 177-186.
7 Rath, B.(1983), "Estimation of SWR: An Empirical Verification from a Multi- Purpose Project in Orissa". Indian Economic Journal Vol. 30(4), pp. 97- 102.
8 Rath, B. (1983), "Windmill: The Appropriate Technology for Rural Development in India". Yojana, Vol.27 (11): pp.19- 21.
9 Rath, B. (1984),"Social Benefit Cost Analysis of the Rengali Multi-purpose Project, Orissa". Wamana, Vol.3 (1): pp. 1-5.
10 Rath, B. (1984),"A Note on Approaches to Project Evaluation". The India Journal of Economics, Vol.64, Part III, pp.353-360.
11 Rath, B., Tripathy, A. & Barik, D.(1986),"Flood Damage Estimates of the Rengali Multi-Purpose Project: Some Methodological and Conceptual Issues". Proceedings of Workshop on Flood Damage Assessment, Central Board of Irrigation and Power, New Delhi, October 28-30, pp. 71-79.
12 Singhania, R. & Rath, B. (1987), "Scope of Solar Energy for Dairy Development: A
Financial Analysis". In J.K. Gehlawat & K. Kant, (Ed) Strategies for Rural Development, Arnold Publications, New Delhi, pp.227-244.
13 Rath, B.(1987), "The Industrial Policies of the Government of Orissa: Progresses and Prospects". Orissa Economic Journal, Vol. 20, pp. 94-101.
14 Rath, B. & Singhania, R. (1988), "Economic Evaluation of Solar Water Heating System as a Device to Conserve Conventional Fuel in the Dairy Industry". Proceedings Eighth National Symposium on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, IIT Kanpur, February 26-27, pp. 207-219.
15 Rath, B. (1989), "The Rengali Multi-Purpose Project". In D. Panigrahi (Ed), Studies in Regional Economy, Dhenkanal College, Orissa, pp. 86-107.
16 Saxena,K.K.& Rath, B.(1989), "Employment Multiplier Effects of Modernisation and Capacity Expansion of the Public Sector Steel Plants: A Case Study of Bhilai Steel Plant". Asian Journal of Economics &Social Studies, Vol.6, No.3, pp 238-257.
17 Rath, B.(1990), "Environmental Hazards of the Talcher Industrial Complex and their Socio Economic Impacts in the Brahmani Flood -Plain". In L.M.Pattanaik (Ed.), The Environmental Impacts of Industrial and Mining Activities, Ashish Publication House, New Delhi, pp. 37-51.
18 Rais,M. & Rath, B.(1990), "Problems and Prospects of Sugar Industry in Uttar Pradesh", Indian Sugar, December, pp. 665-668.
19 Rath, B. (1991), "Flood Control Benefits of a Multi-Purpose River Valley Project-A Conceptual Framework". Irrigation & Power Journal, Vol.48, No1, Jan., pp. 95-107.
20 Saxena, K.K. & Rath,B. (1991), "Technological Up-gradation Policies of the Steel
Industry and the Impact of Steel Industry in the Indian Economy". Management Review, Vol 5, No 2, July- Dec., (1990), pp. 83- 99.
21 Saxena, K.K. & Rath,B. (1991), "Employment Multiplier Linkages of the Integrated Steel Plants in India". The Indian Journal of Economics, Vol.38, No.2, October-December, 1990 , pp. 1-19.
22 Rath, B.(1991),"Energy-Cum-Rural Technology Complexes in Uttar Pradesh", Productivity, Vol.32, No.1, April-June, pp. 70-75.
23 Rath, B. & Saxena, K.K.,(1991) "Backward Employment Linkages of the Integrated Steel Plants in their Raw Materials and Inputs Sectors: A Case Study". PSE Economic Analyst, Vol.XI, NO.1, 1990 Issue, pp. 13-27.
24 Saxena, K.K.& Rath, B. (1991)"Technological Innovation in the Iron & Steel Industry and its Impact on Economic Development of India". Asian Journal of Economics & Social Studies, Vol.9 No.2, April, 1990 Issue, pp. 149- 159.
25 Rath, B. & Saxena, K.K.(1991), "Backward and Forward Employment Multiplier Linkages of the Rourkela Steel Plant and their Significance in its Programme of Modernisation and Capacity Expansion". Indian Journal of Regional Science, Vol.XXIII, No.2, pp 82-103.
26 Rath, B.(1992), "Grass Roots Approach to Community Development Programmes". Productivity, Vol.33, No.2, July- Sept., 1992, pp.325-328.
27 Rath, B. (1992), "Community Action for Social Justice: Grass Root Organisation in India, (Review), Productivity, Vol.33, No.2, July-September, 1992, pp. 383-384.
28 Rath, B. (1992), "Irrigation Development in India: A Blessing or Bane”, Proceedings of the Seminar on Irrigation Water Management, Water Management Forum, New Delhi, Vol.II A, July 31-Aug. 2, pp. 265-291.
29 Rath, B. (1992), "Privatisation Policy: A Reversal of the Nehruvian Plan Perspectives and its Consequences". Orissa Economic Journal, Vol /XIV, No.192, July December, 1992, pp. 120 -129.
30 Rath, B., Dash, U.K., & Acharya, S.(1996) "A New Methodology of Estimating the Socio Economic Dimensions of Standard of Living". Orissa Economic Journal, Vol. XXVIII, No.1 & 2, pp. 67-77.
31 Rath, B. (1996), "Organisational Ethnography: An Illustrative Application in the Study of Indian R & D Setting (Review)". Productivity, Vol.37, No.1, April-June, pp.169-171.
32 Rath, B. & Mahapatra, R, (1997), "Scope of Income Augmenting Employment Scheme in our Rural Economy: A Comparative Regional Analysis". In Mohanty Bedmati (Ed) Employment Perspectives in Rural India, A.P.H. Publishing Corporation, New Delhi, pp. 157-179.
33 Rath, B. (1997), "Towards an Asian Economic Area, edited by V.R.Pachamukhi & R. Sobhan (Review)". Productivity, Vol.38, No.3, October-December, pp. 535-537.
33 Rath, B & Mahapatra, R. (1997), "Determinants of Consumption Expenditure in Rural U.P". Orissa Economic Journal, Vol. XXIX, No.1, pp. 80-91.
34 Rath, B. & Acharya, S.(1997), "Scope of NGOs in Development of Social Forestry as a means of Rural Development". Orissa Economic Journal, Vol. XXIX, No.1 & 2, pp. 135-142.
35 Rath, B. (1999), " An Alternative Approach Towards Ash pond Utilisation: A Case Study of the Ash pond (Phase I) of FGUTPP, Raibareli, U.P". In V.Dayal, R.Sinha, & V.Kumar(Ed), Fly ash Disposal and Deposition Beyond 2000 AD, Narora Publishing House, New Delhi, PP 230-136.
36 Rath, B. (1999), "Environmental Economics: Issues, Policies, Strategies and Perspectives, Part I ". Orissa Economic Journal, Vol. XXXI , No. 1 & 2, pp. 4-16.
37 Rath, B. (2000), "Environmental Issues, Challenges and Policies in India and the Prospects for Indo-Australian Collaboration in the Next Millennium". In the Proceeding of the Conference "Midnight to Millennium: Australia-India Interconnection", University of Canberra, Canberra, Australia, pp 237-251.
38 Rath, B. (2000), “Perspective Remedial Action Plan for the Flood and Cyclone Disaster Prone Areas of Coastal Orissa”. Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Development of Water Resources: Socio-Economic, Institutional and Environmental Aspects, Institute of Resource Management & Economic Development New Delhi, pp 34-46.
39 Rath, B. (2000), "Environmental Economics: Issues, Policies, Strategies and Perspectives, Part II ". Orissa Economic Journal, Vol. XXXII , No. 1 & 2, pp. 30-48.
40 Rath B & Mahapatra, K.M (2000), "Social Structure of Child Labour Force in the Leather Goods Industry of Kanpur". Orissa Economic Journal, Vol. XXXII , No. 1 & 2, pp. 104-113.
41 Rath B. (2002), “SWM and Scope of Peoples Participation: A Case Study of Kanpur Nagar Nigam”, India Infrastructure Report – 2002, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, pp 229-236.
42 Rath B. & Ramakrishnan, K. (2002), “Power Projects Development: Review of Social and Environmental Issues”, India Infrastructure Report – 2002, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, pp 121-124.
43 Rath B. (2003), “People’s Participation for Efficient and Accountable Management of Irrigation Systems”, India Infrastructure Report – 2003, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, pp 243-246.
44 Rath B. (2003), “The Scope of Judicial Reforms in Rehabilitation and Resettlement of Project Affected Persons”, in Development and Human Rights edited by Munmun Jha, Project for Economic Education, Mumbai, pp 97-112.
45 Rath B, (2003), “Project Planning & Project Appraisal vis-à-vis our Approaches towards Sustainable Development”. Orissa Economic Journal, Vol. XXV, No. 1 & 2, pp. 33-45.
46 Rath B & Jena P.R., (2003), “Post Structural Reform Growth Patterns in Orissa & Their Implications for Future Development of the State”. Orissa Economic Journal, Vol. XXV, No. 1 & 2, pp. 117-128.
47 Rath B. (2003) “Perspective Remedial Action Plan for the Flood and Cyclone Disaster Prone Areas of Coastal Orissa” in K. Prasad (Ed.) “Water Resources and Sustainable Development”, Shipra Publications, New Delhi, pp 201-222.
48 Rath, B. & Sahu, N.C. (2004), “Export and Growth Causality:An Indian Experience in the Post Liberalisation Period”, Vision, Vol. XXIII, No. 1-2, pp1-12.
49 Rath B. (2004), "Technological Advancement as a Threat to Human Value System". In KM Mohapatra (Ed) "Technology, Environment and Human Value: A Metaphysical Approach to Sustainable Development", Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, pp 27-38.
50 Rath, B. & Sahu, N.C. (2004), “Revitalisation / Renovation of Common Property Resource (CPR) Potentials as an Alternative Means to Improve the Economy of Orissa”, in R.K. Panda (Ed.) “Reviving Orissa Economy: Opportunities and Areas of Action”, APH Publishing Co., New Delhi, pp183-207
51 Rath, B. (2004), “Self-help Groups and Rural Non-Farm Employment Opportunities”, in Rohini Nayyar & Alakh N Sharma (Ed.) “Rural Transformation in India: the Role of Non-farm Sector” Institute For Human Development, New Delhi, pp 447-461.
52 Rath, B. & Sahu, N.C. (2004), “Export-Growth Causality: An Empirical Investigation during Pre & Post Liberalisation Period in India”, “Orissa Economic Journal, Vol. XXXVI”, pp.45-58.
53 Acharya S. K. & Rath B. (2004), “Comparison between Government Forestry Project and Social Forestry Project: A Case Studies from Orissa”, Boppana Nagarjuna (Ed.) “Economic Reforms and Perspective”, Serial Publications, New Delhi, pp-593-621.
54 Jena P.R.,& Rath, B. (2004), “Trade-Environment Linkages: Review of Theory and Evidence”. International Journal of Environment and Development, Vol. 1 No. 2, pp. 149-168.
55 Rath, B. & Jena P.R. (2005), “A study of Changing Patterns of Energy Consumption and Energy Efficiency in the Indian Manufacturing Sector”. In V. Upadhyay (Ed) “Productivity and Quantity: A Multidisciplinary Perspective” pp. 964-979.
56 Rath, B., Jena P.R.,& Sahu, N.C. (2005), “Does Trade Liberalization Create Pollution Haven? The Indian Experience”. International Journal of Environment and Development, Vol. 2 No. 2, pp. 253-270.
57 Rath, B. (2006), “Water Crisis Deepens, World Body Responds and Government of India Enacts”. Direction, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, Vol. 7, No. 4, May, pp 66-75.
58 Rath, B. & Jena P.R. (2006), “Growth Determinants of Orissa and their Implications for Future Development of the State”. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 61, No.2, April-June, pp 200-217.
59 Sahu, N.C. & Rath, B. (2006), “Does Socio-Economic Heterogeneity Matter in the Community Based Forest Resource Management? An Empirical Investigation from Orissa”. International Journal of Environment and Development, Vol. 3 No.1, June, pp.35-43.
60 Rath, B. (2006), “Reformation Strategy for the key Infrastructure Sector in Uttar Pradesh calls for Public Private Partnership (PPP)”, Convention Journal of Lucknow Management Association, volume 2, No. 1, October, pp 28-45.
61 Rath, B. (2007), “National Resettlement & Rehabilitation (R&R) Policy of the Government of India for Project Affected Persons (PAPs): Issues and Challenges”, Proceedings of the Ist International Conference on “Social and Environmental Consequences of Coal Mining Projects in India”, organized by ISM, Dhanbad in collaboration with University of New South Wales and Australian National University, Australia to be held at New Delhi, November 19-21, 2007, pp 345-356.
62 Rath, B. & N. C Sahu (2008), “Impact of JFM on the State of Labour Market in a Tribal economy of Orissa”. Utkal Economic Papers, Utkal University, Vol 14, 2007-2008, pp 09-25.
63 Kaushaik, Roopesh. Rath, B. & Patnaik, B. (2008), “A Critical Approach Towards Energy Scenario in India in the light of State’s Policy for All Round Development of Renewable Energy” In V.K Vijay & H.P. Garg (Ed), “Renewable Energy and Environment for Sustainable Development”, Narosa Publication, New Delhi , pp 75-84.
64 Kaushaik, Roopesh. Rath, B. & Patnaik, B. (2008), “Power Sector in India: A Review of the Major Development under Command-and Control Public Dominated Model to a Market- Dominated Sector”. In V.K Vijay & H.P. Garg (Ed), “Renewable Energy and Environment for Sustainable Development, Narosa Publication, New Delhi , pp 152-158.
65 Basant, K., Sarkar, Runa & Rath, B. (2009), “In search of a Methodology to Assess Sustainability for Mining & Mineral Sector”. PES Business Review, Volume 4, Issue 1, January, pp 22-31.
66 Rath, B. & P Bhakta Vatchalam (2009), “Role of Geographical Information System(GIS) as a Process Technology to Preserve / Protect Socio economic Environment of a Project”. Eastern Geographer , the journal of Eastern Geographical Society, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, Vol XV, June 2009, pp 01-14.
67 Sahu, N.C. & Rath, B. (2010), “Impact of Joint Forest Management (JFM) on Environmental Stress Migration: Evidence from Orissa”. International Journal of Rural Management, Issue 6(1), pp 63-78.
68 Basant, K., Sarkar, Runa & Rath, B. (2011), “A Fuzzy Logic Based Approach to Assess Sustainable Development of the Mining and Minerals Sector”. Sustainable Development, published online by Wiley Online Library, DOI pp 1-14
69 Rath,B. (2012), “Scope of Public-Private Partnership in Water Resource Management in India”. Direction, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, Vol. 12, No.24, June, pp 107-121.


1 Rath, B. & Keshava, G.P. (1979), "Flood Control Benefits: A Post Evaluation of the Hirakud Dam Project". International Workshop on Post Fact Evaluation of a Water Resource Projects, BCE, Patna University, Patna, January 5-9.
2 Rath, B. & Keshava, G.P. (1979), "Trade Off in water Use Decisions: A Case Study of the Rengali Multi -Purpose Project: Orissa ".All India Econometrics Conference, Srinagar, J&K, May 22-25.
3 Rath, B (1979), "Saving Behaviour in LDCs: A Survey". 62nd Annual Conference of Indian Economic Association, South Gujarat University, Surat, Dec.27-29 (Abstract published in the Conference volume).
4 Rath, B. (1981), "Choice of Alternative Energy: The Appropriate Technology for Rural Industrialization in Orissa". XIV Annual Conference of the Orissa Economic Association, OUAT, Bhubaneshwar, April 17-18.
5 “Methods of Evaluation of a Multi Purpose River Valley Project". Workshop on Quantitative Methods of Economic Analysis, ANDMM, Kanpur University, Kanpur, May 5-6.
6 Rath, B.(1982), "The Growth and Spread of Regional Rural Banks with Special Reference to their Progresses in Orissa". Annual Conference of the Indian Econometrics Society, New Delhi, Jan. 6-8.
7 Rath, B. (1982), "Case for a Modern Managerial Approach to the Water Resource Planning in India". Discussion Group on Water Resource / Development and its Socio Economic Impacts, WRSP, BCE, Panta University, Patna, July 16-17.
8 Rath, B. (1983), "NSS: The Change Agent for Improving the delivery systems for Rural Development in India". Second National Conference on the Avenues of Social Services in University Education, Juhari Devi Girls College, Kanpur University, Kanpur, February 26-28.
9 Rath, B.(1983), "Relevance of SWR in Evaluation of Public Sector Projects in India".XVI Annual Conference of Orissa Economic Association, Ravenshaw College, Cuttack, March 26-27.
10 Rath, B. (1983), "Strategies of Economic Development: The Lop Sided Rural Development Policies in India". 8th Indian Social Science Congress, Hyderabad University, Hyderabad, July 8-12. (Abstract published in the Congress volume).
11 Rath, B.(1983), "Evaluation of Some Rural Development Programmes for the Upliftment of the Weaker Sections: Case Studies of Three Villages in U.P”. National Seminar on Rural Development Strategies and Production Opportunities for Weaker Sections, Utkal University, Bhubneshwar, Dec.10-11
12 Rath, B., Shukla, A. & Tewary, A.P. (1983), "Motivations and Attitudes Towards Savings in the Rural Households of of Eastern UP". 66th Annual Conference .of the Indian Economic Association, Bangalore, December 28-30.
13 Rath, B. (1984), "Role of Social Services in Development of Eco Systems: Some of my Experiences". International Workshop on Development and Biosphere Stability, Organized by the World Council for Biosphere, Indian Environment Society, & Department of Environment, GOI, at New Delhi, June 1-5.
14 Rath, B. (1984), "Management of Science & Technology Policies and the Social Realities: A Case Study". National Seminar on Social Perspective of Utilisation of Indigenous S&T, IIT Kanpur, December 22-23.
15 Rath, B. (1985), "An Analysis of Welfare Foundations of Project Economics". XVIII Annual Conference of Orissa Economic Association, VD College, Jeypore, Orissa, February 7-9.
16 Rath, B. (1985), "Allocation of Costs in Multi Purpose River Valley Projects: A Case Study of the Rengali Multi-Purpose Project, Orissa". Workshop on Planning, Design, and Operation of Reservoirs, WRSP, BCE, Patna, October 3-5.
17 Rath, B. (1985), "Economic Analysis of the Methods of Cost Allocations in Planning of Multi Purpose River Valley Projects". Workshop on Planning, Design, and Operation of Reservoirs, WRSP,BCE, Patna, Oct.,3-5.
18 Rath, B. (1986), "Integrated Rural Development Programmes in U.P: A Case Study". National Seminar on Rural Development, IIT Kanpur, May 3-4.
19 Rath, B.(1987), "A Renewed Industrial Strategy for Backward Area Development with Special Reference to Orissa". 20th Annual Conference of Orissa Economic Association, Kendrapara College, Utkal University, Feb. 14-15.
20 Rath, B. (1988), "From Flood Hazards to Energy Crunch: An Analysis of These Issues in Context of the Coastal Flood Plains of Orissa". 21st Annual Conference of Orissa Economic Association, SCS College, Puri, Orissa, March 27-28.
21 Saxena, K.K. & Rath, B. (1988), "Employment Multiplier Effects of Modernization & Capacity Expansion of the Public Sector Steel Plants: A Case Study of Bhilai Steel Plant. Seminar on Rationale of Public Sector in India, Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur, M.P. Aug 13-14.
22 Rath, B. (1988),"Decentralised Planning in India: Is it the Appropriate Means to Achieve Our Planned Goal of Equity and Social Justice?".71st Annual Conference of the Indian Eco. Asso. Jadavpur University, Calcuttra, Dec. 29-31. (Abstract in Conference volume).
23 Saxena, K.K.& Rath, B.(1989), "Employment Multiplier Linkages of the Integrated Steel Plants in India". 26th Indian Econometrics Conference, IGIDR, Bombay, Jan. 2-4 (Abstract published in Conference volume).
24 Rais, M. & Rath, B. (1989), "Diagnosing Sickness of Sugar Industry by Using Discriminant Analysis: A Study of a Few Sugar Mills in U.P.". 26th Indian Econometrics Conference, IGIDR, Bombay, Jan. 2-4 (Abstract Conference volume).
25 Rath,B.(1989), "Environmental Hazards of the Talcher Industrial Complex and their Socio Economic Impacts in the Brahmani Flood Plain". International Seminar on Environmental Impact of Industrial & Mining Activities, Organized by the Orissa State Prevention and Control of Pollution Board, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, Feb. 1-2.
26 Rath, B. (1989), "A Prospective Eighth Plan Strategy for U.P.: The Revitalisation of Social Overheads for Rural Upliftment". Seminar on Indian Economy on the Eve of the VIII Plan, BHU, Varanasi, Feb.25-26.
27 Rath, B.(1989), "An Approach Towards Promotion and Consolidation of Social Infrastructure in Uttar Pradesh during the Eighth Five Year Plan". Seminar on U.P's Approach to Eighth Five Year Plan, held at Yojana Bhawan, Lucknow, Organised by GIDS, Lucknow, May 13-14.
28 Rath, B. & Saxena, K.K. (1989), "Backward and Forward Employment Multiplier Linkages of the Rourkela Steel Plant and their Significance in its Programme of Modernisation and Capacity Expansion". National Seminar on "Economic Development: Issues and Constraints, Utkal University, Bhubneshwar, Orissa. November 10-11.
29 Saxena, K.K. & Rath, B.(1989), "Technological Innovation in the Iron and Steel Industry and its Impacts of the Economic Development of India". Seminar on 21st Century Perspective on the Role of HSS in Technical Education, University of Roorkee,U.P., Dec.1-2.
30 Rais,M.& Rath, B.(1990), "Financial Analysis of Sickness of Sugar Industry: A Case Study of Private Sugar Mills in U.P". 27th Indian Econometric Conf., AMU, Aligarh, Jan 4-6. (Abstract in Conference Volume).
31 Rath,B. & Saxena,K.K.(1990), "Backward Employment Linkages of the Integrated Steel Plants in the Raw Materials and Inputs Sectors: A Case Study. 27th Indian Econometric Conf., AMU Aligarh, Jan 4-6. (Abstract published in Conference Volume).
32 Rath, B. & Singhania,R.(1990), "An Economic Analysis of Solar Energy Applications in a Textile Manufacturing Unit of Ahmedabad. National Seminar on Economic Utilisation of Renewable Energy Resources, AMU, Aligarh, May 11-12.
33 Rath, B. & Pandey, S.K.(1990), "Social Benefit Cost Analysis of a Community Bio Gas Plant: A Case Study". National Seminar on Economic Utilisation of Renewable Energy Resources, AMU, Aligarh, May 11-12.
34 Saxena, K.K.& Rath, B.(1990), "Technological Up-gradation Policies of the Steel Industry and their Impact on the Indian Economy". Annual Conference of the Indian Economic Association Bihar University, Muzaffarpur, December 28-30.
35 Rath, B. (1991), "Social Forestry as a Tool for Soil Conservation and Wasteland Development". Perspective Planning for Land Use for Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Purposes, Organised by the Institute of Applied Statistics & Management at Yojana Bhavan, Lucknow, January7-9.
36 Rath, B. (1991), "Role of Entrepreneurs in Promotion of Non Conventional Sources of Energy in India. Regional Workshop on Role of Entrepreneurs in Technology Development, organised by the I.I.M., Lucknow & Lucknow Management Association at Shakti Bhawan, Lucknow, Jan 1-2.
37 Rath, B. (1991), "A Grass Root Approach to our Community Development Programmes: The Role of People's Participation". Seminar on "Development Perspectives of Bundelkhand Region", Organised by the DRDA, Jaluan at Jaluan, February 15-16.
38 Rais,M.& Rath, B.(1991), "Financial Determinants of Profitability of Sugar Industry in Uttar Pradesh. 28th Annual Conference of the Indian Economic Society, University of North Bengal, Siliguri (Darjeeling), October 29-31.
39 Rath, B.& Sharma, S.P.(1991), "The New Industrial Policy and its Impact on Socio Economic Development of India". XVI Indian Social Science Congress, University of Poona, Dec. 20-24.
40 Rath, B.& Nayak, P.K. (1991), "Market Oriented Economic Theory and its Relevance in Development of the Service Sector in India". 74th Annual Conference of the Indian Eco. Asso., Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, December 28-30.
41 Rath, B.(1992), "Privatisation Policy: A Reversal of Nehruvian Plan Perspectives and its Consequences".24th Annual Conference of the Orissa Economic Association, Sambalpur University, Burla, February, 23-24.
42 Rath, B.(1992),"Implications of the New Economic Policy on Promotion of Merit Wants and Power of Women. National Workshop on Social Development, Technology and Empowerment of Women, I.I.T., Kanpur, April 24-25.
43 Rath, B. (1992),"Social Implications and Social Effects of the Government Sponsored Programmes: A Case Study of the IERT Complex in Kanpur Rural District". National Symposium on "Community Issues And Interventions" I.I.T., Kanpur, May 2-3.
44 Rath, B.& Nayak P.K.(1993), "Comparative Economic Analysis of Medium vs Minor Irrigation Projects: A Case Study". 29th Indian Econometric Conference, IIT Kanpur, March 20-22 (Abstract in Conference Volume).
45 Rath, B.(1993),"Environmental Perspectives of Industrial Development of Uttar Pradesh". Symposium on Development Perspectives of U.P, IIT K, March 21-22.
46 Rath, B.(1993),"Problems and Prospects of Cotton Textile Industry in Uttar Pradesh". Symposium on Development Perspectives of U.P, IIT K, March 21-22.
47 Rath, B. (1993), "Prospects of NGOs / Voluntary Agencies for Development of Women & Children in Orissa". 25th Annual Conference of the Orissa Eco. Association, Ravenshaw College, Cuttack, May 22-23.
48 Rath, B. (1993), "Productivity/Efficiency and Equity Aspects of Technology in the Context of Selection of Project Sites". XVI Indian Social Science Congress, R.V.College of Eng., Bangalore, Aug. 10-15.
49 Rath, B.(1993), "Environmental Aspects of Ash Pond Utilisation: A Case Study.National Seminar on Environmental Protection", Kanpur Productivity Council, Kanpur, October 30-31.
50 Rath, B.(1994), "Scope of Linear Programming in Selection of Optimal Land Area for Ashpond of a Thermal Power Plant".30th Annual Conference of TIES, University of Mysore, Mysore, Karnataka, May 1-3.
51 Rath, B. (1995), "Social Benefits of Inland Water Transport Potentials: Its Nature and Significance in a Backward Economy". Seminar on Potential & Development of Inland Transport in Uttar Pradesh, Transport Department, Govt. of U.P, PICUP Bhawan, Lucknow, Jan. 30.
52. Rath, B. & Mahapatra R. (1996), "Problems in Estimation of Standard of Living: A Case Study". 28th Orissa Economic Conference, Paradeep, Orissa, January 3-4.
53 Rath, B. (1996), "Role of Bureaucracy in the Context of Our Recent Rehabilitation & Resettlement Policies". National Seminar on Role of Bureaucracy, I.I.T Kanpur, April 13-14.
54 Rath,B.& Mahapatra, R.(1996), "Compensation Payment as a Means of Rehabilitation of the PAPs". National Seminar on Rehabilitation & Resettlement, I.I.T., Kanpur, August 8-10.
55 Rath, B. & Dash, Sasmita (1996), "Scope of Income Augmenting Schemes for women PAPs in the Project Affected Villages". National Seminar on Rehabilitation & Resettlement, I.I.T., Kanpur, August 8-10.
56 Rath, B. & Nayak, P.K.(1996), "Social Cost of Land Acquisition of an Irrigation Project: A Case Study of Salandi Irrigation Project, Orissa". National Seminar on R & R, I.I.T., Kanpur, August 8-10.
57 Rath, B. & Acharya S. (1996), "Scope of Social Forestry as a Tool of RAP in the Project Affected Areas". National Seminar on R & R, I.I.T, Kanpur, August 8-10.
58 Rath, B. (1996), "Role of Socio Economic Studies in Drawing Rehabilitation & Resettlement Policies". National Seminar on R&R, I.I.T, Kanpur, August 8-10.
59 Rath, B. (1996), "New Challenges for Social Scientists in the Wake of Structural Reforms". National Seminar on Role of Humanities & Social Sciences in Engineering Education, JNTU, Hyderabad, October 26-27.
60 Rath, B. & Acharya S.(1997), "Scope of NGOs in Development of Social Forestry as a Means for Rural Development". 29th Orissa Economic Conference, Rourkela, Orissa, February 8-9.
61 Rath, B. & Mahapatra, R.(1997), "Determinants of Consumption Expenditure in Rural U.P". XXIX Orissa Economic Conference, Rourkela, Orissa, February 8-9.
62 Rath, B. & Acharya S. (1997), "Quantification of External Benefits of Forest Development Programmes" 33rd Indian Econometric Conference, Central University, Hyderabad, Mar. 3-5.
63 Rath, B (1997), "Scope of Rural Infrastructure Development under the New Pachayat Raj System". 80th Annual Conference of (Amrit Jubilee) of the Indian Economic Association, Osmania University, Hyderabad, December 27-29.
64 Rath, B. (1998), "Political Economy and its Gender Bias in the Labour Market"39thAnnual Labour Economics Conference, Kerala University, Thiruvanathapuram, January 2-4.
65 Rath, B. (1998), "Environmental Impact of Major Irrigation Projects in India: Issues and Policies". 30th Annual Regional Science Conference, Utkal University, Bhubneswar, May 7-9.
66 Rath, B. (1998), "Growth Centre Approach in Indian Planning: Lessons and Prospects for 21st Century". 8th International Planning History Conference, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, July 15-18. (Abstract in Conference Volume).
67 Rath, B. (1999), " An alternative Approach Towards Ash pond Utilisation: A Case Study of the Ash pond (Phase I) of FGUTPP, Raibareli, U.P". National Seminar on Fly Ash Disposal and Deposition Beyond 2000 A.D., IIT Kanpur, February 6-7.
68 Rath, B. (1999), "Environmental Economics: Issues, Policies, Strategies and Perspectives". Presidential Address delivered at the 31st Annual Conference of the Orissa Economic Association, Talcher College, Talcher, Orissa, February 13-14.
69 Rath, B. (1999), "Environmental Issues, Challenges and Policies in India and the Prospects for Indo-Australian Collaboration in the Next Millennium". Conference "Midnight to Millennium: Australia-India Interconnection", University of Canberra, Canberra, Australia, July 1- 3.
70 Rath B. (1999), "Technological Advancement as a Threat to Human Value System". Key Note Address in the Seminar on "Human Value and Technological Progress", HBTI, Kanpur University, Kanpur, December 13-14.
71 Rath B & Mahapatra, K.M (2000), "Social Structure of Child Labour Force in the Leather Goods Industry of Kanpur". 32nd Annual Conference of the Orissa Economic Association, held at Women's College, Sambalpur, Orissa, March 11-12.
72 Rath, B. & Behera A. (2000), "Planning for Disaster Management in India with Special Reference to the Recent Super Cyclone Affected Areas of Orissa, India”. 9th International Planning History Conference, Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki, Finland, August 20-23 (Abstract in Conference Volume).
73 Rath, B. (2000), “Perspective Remedial Action Plan for the Flood and Cyclone Disaster Prone Areas of Coastal Orissa”. International Conference on Sustainable Development of Water Resources, New Delhi, November 27-30.
74 Rath, B. (2001), “11th Finance Commission’s Recommendation on the additional TOR and its Implications for the Federal Structure in India”. 33rd Annual Conference of the Orissa Economic Association, held at DAV College, Koraput, Orissa, February 10-11.
75 Rath, B. & Saxena, K.K (2001), “Constraints of Empirical Research:An Analysis of National / State Level Data”. State Level Seminar of the Golden Jubilee of the National Sample Survey Organisation, held at Yojana Bhawan, Lucknow, May 21.
76 Rath, B. (2002), “Water Users’ Association / Pani Panchayat as a Means of Poverty Alleviation: A Case Study from Orissa, India”. First South Asia Water Forum organised by NWP/JVS/GWP/ SASTAC at Kathmandu, Nepal, February 26-28.
77 Rath, B. (2002), "Issues Involved in Urban Infrastructure Management in India: A Case Study”. 10th International Planning History Conference, University of Westminster, London, U.K., July 10-14.
78 Rath, B. (2002), “Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of Construction Projects: with a focus on Infrastructure Management in Academic Institutions”. Workshop on Construction Management, IIT Kanpur, September 23-24.
79 Rath, B. (2002), “Scope of Judiciary Reforms in Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R) of Project Affected Persons (PAPs)”. Seminar on Development and Human Rights, IIT, Kanpur, Obcober 25-27.
80 Rath, B. (2002), Scope of SHGs in Augmentation of Non-Farm Employment Opportunities in the Rural Sector of India”. 44th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab, December 15-17.
81 Rath, B. (2003), “Project Planning and Project appraisal vis-à-vis Our Approaches Towards Sustainable Development” 35th Annual Conference of the Orissa Economic Association, held at SVM College, Jagatsingpur, Orissa, February 15-16.
82 Rath, B. & P.K.Jena (2003), “Growth Determinants of Orissa and Their implications for Future Development of the State”. 35th Annual Conference of the Orissa Economic Association, held at SVM College, Jagatsingpur, Orissa, February 15-16.
83 Rath, B. & Agarwal, S. (2003), “Post-Evaluation of Environmental Abatement Measures of Kanpur Nagar Nigam (KNN) with Respect to Solid Waste Management”. National Conference on “Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control” held at University Polytechnic, AMU, Aligarh , U.P., June 5.
84 Rath, B. (2003), “Trade-off Between Delta Area Development vis-à-vis Watershed Area Development of A River For Sustainable Development: A Case Study of the Mahanadi River Basin, Orissa, India”. 13th Stockholm Water Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, August 11-14.
85 Rath, B. (2003), “Scope of Integrated Resource Management for Power Generation: with Reference to Generation of Power form Municipal Solid Waste”. Workshop on Power Reforms: Technological and Financial, IIT, Kanpur, September 4-5.
86 Rath, B. (2003), “Management of Water Resources Projects in India: Pitfalls, Problems and Prospects”. Workshop on “Overcoming Water Scarcity and Quality Constraints”, organized by Eco Friends at the St Mary Convent School, Kanpur, September 26-27
87 Rath, B. (2003), “Environmental Impact of Outsourcing of Service Sector Activity in PSUs & Autonomous Institutions”, 45th Annual Conference of The Indian Society of Labour Economics, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, December 15-17.
88 Rath, B. & N.C. Sahu (2004), “Revitalisation/ Renovation of Common Property Resource (CPR) Potentials as an Alternative Means to Improve the Economy of Orissa”, National Workshop on “Reviving Orissa Economy: Opportunities and Areas of Action, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, January 17-18.
89 Rath, B. & N.C. Sahu (2004), “Export and Growth Causality: An Indian Experience in the Post Liberalisation Period” 36th Annual Conference of the Orissa Economic Association, held at Bhubaneswar, Orissa, February 21-22.
90 Rath, B. (2004), “Role of Youth in Water Purification and Water Conservation”, Workshop organised by the Eco Friends, Kanpur on the eve of the World Water Day, March 22, 2004
91 Rath. B (2004), “Enhancing the Role of Environmental Information for Improved ‘Decision Making’” Workshop programme organized by MOEF, Government of India at New Delhi on June 28
92 Rath B. (2004), “Scope of Linking of Indian Rivers for Human Development of a Backward Region like Orissa”, National Seminar on Issues in Human Development, GB Pant Social Science Institute, Allahabad, October 29-30.
93 Rath. B (2004), “Performance Evaluation of Watershed Development Schemes in the KBK Districts of Orissa”, 64th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Agricultural Economics held at Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, December, 15-17.
94 Rath. B. & Sahu N.C. (2005), “Scope of Water Harvesting System in Hilly Terrains: A case Study of Purunagarh Area of Angul District” 37th Annual Conference of Orissa Economic Association held at Christ College Cuttack, February 19-20.
95 Rath. B., Jena P.R. & Sahu N.C. (2005), “Does Trade Liberalization Create Pollution Haven? An Indian Experience”. International Conference on Environment and Development: Developing Countries Perspectives, International Trade and Development Division, School of International Studies, JNU, April 7- 8
96 Rath. B (2005), “Role of Change Agents in Delivering the Service for Advance Warning for Disaster Prevention at Community Level”, National Workshop on Community Approach to Flood management in India, organized by Institute for Resource Management & Economic Development in association with WMO and GWP, November, 28-29.
97 Rath. B., & Jena P.R. (2005), “A study of Changing Patterns of Energy Consumption and Energy Efficiency in the Indian Manufacturing Sector” in the 11th International Conference on Productivity and Quality Research, IIT Delhi, December 12-15.
98 Rath. B. & Sahu N.C. (2005), “ Impact of Common Property Resources (CPRs) Utilization on the State of Labour Market in a Tribal Economy of India”, 47th Annual Conference of The Indian Society of Labour Economics, JNU, New Delhi, December 16-18.
99 Rath, B (2006) “Sustainable Development of Land and Water Calls for Application of IWRM Approach”, National Seminar on Sustainable Development of Land Resources: Opportunities and Challenges”, Armapore PG Degree College, Kanpur University, January 27-28.
100 Rath. B., & Jena P.R. (2006), “Trade Liberalization Policy vis-à-vis Pollution Haven Hypothesis: Empirical Evidence from India”, the Development Co-operation of Ireland International Conference, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland, March 23- 24.
101 Jena P.R & Rath. B., (2006), “Scale, Composition and Income Effects of Industrial Pollution in India in the post-liberalization period” International conference on “Economics of Poverty, Environment and Natural Resource Use”, held at University of Wageningen, the Netherlands, May 17-19.
102 Rath. B. & Sahu N.C. (2006), “Impact of the Policy of Joint Forest Management (JFM) on the Livelihood of a Tribal Economy of India”, the International Conference on the “Role of Forests in Rural Development and Environment Sustainability”, organized by the Chinese Society of Forestry, Beijing, April 19-22.
103 Rath B. (2006), “Planning of New Delhi: The Eighth City Within Delhi as the 20th Century Capital of India” presented in the 12th IPHS conference, organized by IIT Kanpur at New Delhi, December 11-14.
104 Rath. B. & Sahu N.C. (2006), “Environmental Approaches in Renovating a thousand year old capital city from India”, presented in the 12th IPHS conference, organized by IIT Kanpur at New Delhi, December 11-14.
105 Rath B. & Kaushik Rupesh (2006), “Primacy of Heritage Sites in Maintaining Sustainable Urban Environment: A Case of Revival of Humayun Tomb in Delhi as a World Heritage Site”, presented in the 12th IPHS conference, organized by IIT Kanpur at New Delhi, December 11-14.
106 Rath B. & Joshi Abhishek (2006), “New Urbanism and Urban Environmental Planning in Context of Green Building Technologies: Scope & Prospects in Indian Urban Planning”, presented in the 12th IPHS conference, organized by IIT Kanpur at New Delhi, December 11-14.
107 Rath. B. & Sahu N.C. (2006), “Socio Economic Heterogeneity and Distributional Implications of Community Based Forest Resources Management Committees: An Empirical Investigation from India". Ninth Biennial Conference on the International Society of Ecological Economics (ISEE) at the Indian Habitat Centre, New Delhi, December 15-17.
108 Rath B. (2007), “Informal Sector Growth in the Aegis of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)”. National Seminar on Perspectives of Development in the Emerging Era of Globalisation, Allahabad University, Allahabad, February 20-21.
109 Rath B. (2007) “Technological Issues and Challenges in Management of Sewage Irrigation Systems: A case study of Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh”. National Conference on Technological Advancement and Emerging Social Implications, NIT, Rourkela, March, 23-24
110 Rath B. (2007) “Importance of Public – Private Partnership in Traditional Rainwater Harvesting Systems”, Workshop on Rain Water Harvesting, CSA Agriculture University, Kanpur, May 10.
111 Rath B. (2007), “Socio Economic Empowerment of our Rural Economy through Micro Hydel Power Projects & Conjunctive Use of Scarce Water Resources”, Indo-Canada Conference on Sustainable, Non-Grid Renewable Electric Power Generation for Rural Electrification sponsored by Shastri Indo-Canada Institute, Canada at Central Power Research Institute, Bangalore, June 30.
112 Rath, B. (2007), “National Resettlement & Rehabilitation (R&R) Policy of the Government of India for Project Affected Persons: Issues and Challenges” 1st International Conference on Managing the Social and Environmental Consequences of Coal Mining in India” ISM, Dhanbad in collaboration with University of New South Wales and Australian National University, Australia, New Delhi, November 19-21
113 Rath, B. (2007)“Opportunities of Economic Diversification in Our Rural Economy with Introduction of Special Regional Development Programmes’, 49th Indian Labour Economic Conference, CESS, Hyderabad, December 15-17.
114 Rath, B. (2008), “Conflict of Interests in Public Private Partnership (PPP) in Planning of Urban Infrastructure in the Indian Cities” paper presented in the 13th IPHS conference at Chicago, USA, July 10-13.
115 Agarwal, S. Rath, B., Gupta, T (2009), “Impact of Globalization on Indian Sponge Iron Industry and Related Socio-Environmental Consequences”, paper presented in the First Global Summit on Sustainable Development and Biodiversity, Raipur, Chhatishgarh, February 07-09.
116 Rath, B. (2009), “Role of Stakeholders in the Globalising World in Addressing Socio-Economic Issues Associated with Mining Activities in India” paper presented in the National Conference on “Challenges and Opportunities in Bio industrial Watershed Development for the Prosperity of Farming Community” organised by Soil Conservation Society of India (SCSI), at Bangalore, June 25-27,
117 Rath, B. (2010), “Education for Excellence in life Calls for Value Education based on Leadership Model”, paper presented in the National Conference on “Education for Excellence in Life”, organised by Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, Mount Abu, Rajastan, October 09-12.
118 Basanth, K. & Rath, B (2011), “Mining Boom, Structural Changes and the Dynamics of Labour Market Transition in Bellay district of Karnataka”, paper presented in the 53rd Annual Conference of The Indian Society of Labour Economics, M.S. University, Udaipur, Rajastan, December 17-19.
119 Rath, B. (2012), “Sustenance of Tribal Economy in India calls for Application New Technology in Natural Resources Management” presented in the conference “Engage India: Human and Social Dimensions of Science and Technology” organized by Shastri Indo-Canada Institute, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 03-04.
120 Rath, B. (2012), “Technology Devoid of Human Approach Brings Misery to the Masses: A Case Study”, presented in the 6th International Conference on “Environmental Science & Technology” organized by American Academy of Sciences, Houston, Texas, USA, June 25-29.
121 K, Basanth & Rath, B. (2012), “Measurement of Sustainable Development with Reference to A Backward Mining Region, India” presented in the 6th International Conference on “Environmental Science & Technology” organized by American Academy of Sciences, Houston, Texas, USA, June 25-29.