Ph.d. students:

Past students(Date of thesis defense):

Poonam Choudhary (May, 2024) :A study of gluon and sea quark distributions in proton
Current position: Postdoc, IITB, Mumbai, India
Ankur Singha (September, 2023) :Machine Learning Methods for the Simulation of Lattice Field Theories
Current position: Postdoc, Technische Universitaet, Berlin, Germany
Tanmay Maji (June, 2018) : Transverse structure of proton and azimuthal spin asymmetries in the SIDIS processes
Current position: Assistant Professor, NIT Kurukshetra
Jishnu Goswami (December, 2017) : Numerical Studies of Borici Creutz fermions on lattice
Current position: Postdoc, Advanced Institue for Computational Sciences, RIKEN, Kobe, Japan
Chandan Mondal (September, 2016) : Nucleon structure in light front quark models in AdS/QCD
Current position: Associate Professor, Institute of Modern physics, Lanzhou, China

Present students:

Abhijeet Kishore(2019-) : Lattice Gauge Theory
Bheemsehan Gurjar(2019-) : Light-Front QCD(thesis submitted)
Shashank Sharma(2024-) : Lattice Gauge Theory
Kauship Saha(2024-) : Light front QCD

M.Sc project students:

Dipansu Mishra(2024-):Gluon disgributions in the proton
Harsh Nigam(2021-2022):Applications of machine learning in physics
Subrata Samanta(2021-2022):Pressure and Shear distributions inside the proton
Pranay Mohta(2020):Application of random Matrix Theory in Lattice gauge calcuations
Poonam Choudhary(2017-2018):Berry phase for arbitrary spins
Pratik Nandy(2016-2017): Transverse momentum dependent parton distributions
Rohit Swarnkar(2014-2015): Meson structure in light front holographic QCD
Abhishek Gupta(2014-2015): Nucleon electromganetic form factors from light front holography QCD
Krishnendu Mondal(2013-2014): Chiral symmetry on a space time lattice
Shubhadeep pal(2012-2013): Similarity renormalization and positronium bound state in (2+1)D light front QED
Prasenjit Sanyal(2012-2013):Parton distribution functions (PDFs) and generalized parton ditribution functions(GPDs) in a QED model