Module 4 :
Lecture 11 : Vorticity Dynamics

Reynolds stress and vorticity

The instantaneous vorticity can be decomposed in the same manner as we did for velocity and pressure leading to



The equation for mean steady flow is:


The dynamic significance to Reynolds stress is mainly associated with the interaction between the velocity and vorticity. This interaction is better understood by restricting ourselves to a 2D mean flow with


Which is a boundary layer type of flow. For this flow, the only non-zero component of is



Due to the inequalities (11.14), equation (11.15) becomes



On the otherhand, in the equation for , the velocity-vorticity cross products term becomes




Substituting (11.17) and (11.18) into the momentum equation and neglecting the contribution of turbulence to the normal stress term and viscous effects, we obtain



The Reynolds' equation for this situation reads as


Comparing (11.19) and (11.20) we can write

