Module 6 :
Lecture 21: Turbulent Jet (Continued)

Uniform eddy Viscosity Model

Assume that is also independent of η so that



is a constant. The resulting mathematical problem for the profile is


where is a constant and the boundary conditions are



The final solution is


The choice l=bw requires which implies that


This profile agrees well with measured profiles except at the edges of the jet where the entrainment and intermittency are important.

The measured value of the rate of spread is



implies now that,




Measurement of the mean and fluctuating properties of a plane jet [1] support the results of the similarity argument and are in good qualitative agreement with measurements of Wygnanski et al. [2] in an axisymmetric jet. The LES computation [3] also reveals the self-similar profile of turbulent jet (see Figure 21.1). Here the numerical results have been compared with the experiments of Namer and Otugen [4]. The parameter z indicates non-dimensional distance from the orifice.

The quantity w is the axial velocity, Wm is its value at the centreline, x is the normal distance from the axis and bw is the half-width.


Figure 21.1: Self-similar velocity profile of a turbulent jet