EE 320: Principles of Communications (2024)

  1. Instructors: Ketan Rajawat, Abhishek Gupta
  2. Prerequisites: EE200
  3. Description: EE320 covers the fundamental principles underlying the analysis, design and optimization of analog and digital communication systems. Design examples will be taken from the most prevalent communication systems today: cell phones, Wifi, radio and TV broadcasting, satellites, and computer networks. A student who masters the material in EE320 (and preferably in the advanced course EE321), should be well-prepared for both graduate studies as well as a career in the telecommunications industry. The key components of the course include (a) baseband and passband signals and channels (b) analog and digital modulation formats (c) examples of various communication systems.
  4. References: Most of these books are available online (search title on Google) as well as in the Library (check both circulation and reference sections). You may use whichever book you prefer. However, different books may use different notation so it is best to cross-check with the notes. In particular, a factor of 2 is used in the baseband-passband conversion in the Fitz’s book but not in the other books.
    1. Introduction to Communication Systems, Upamanyu Madhow (UCSB)
    1. Fundamentals of Communications Systems, Michael P. Fitz, 1st Edition
    1. Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, B. P. Lathi, Z. Ding, 4th Edition
    1. Communication Systems, Simon Haykin, Michael Moher, 5th Edition
  5. Format
    1. Major quizzes (20): best 2 out of 3, scheduled on 23-Aug (3pm), 26-Oct (3pm), 8 Oct (3pm)
    2. Mid-sem exam (25): as per DOAA
    3. End-sem exam (45): as per DOAA 
    4. Mini quizzes (10): held in tutorial sessions at 3pm every Friday in respective TB rooms
  6. Time and place: L18, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, at 8am, Tutorial at Friday 3pm
  7. This course will cover (approximately): 
    1. Communication Networks
    2. Review of Signal Processing, Bandwidth
    3. Baseband and Passband 
    4. Analog communications: AM, FM
    5. Receiver Designs
    6. Digital Communication basics
    7. Noise in communications
    8. Detection of signals
    9. Networking Protocols 
    10. Examples
    11. Other topic if time permits
  8. Section List: sections are as follows. The section assignment is tentative and may change after add-drop.

VenueRoll NumbersTutorTutor emailTATA email
TB103200089-220096 Dr. Abhishek GuptagkrabhiMuhammed Anas Manasm24
TB104220097-220366Priyanka MaitypmaityGuddu Shawguddus24
TB105220367-220599Dr. Ketan RajawatketanJayesh Upadhyayjayeshs24
TB106220600-220801Meesam Jafri meesamGarudadri Mythreyamythreyag24
TB107220802-221023 Dr. Washim Uddin MondalwmondalMangal Singh mangalj24
TB108221024-221235Abhishek Shuklaabhisheks20Megha Tiwarimeghat24
  1. Regrading policy: You have the right to ask for regarding of a quiz/exam copy before the end of the class/tutorial session in which it is shown. Regarding may result in increase or decrease in your marks and you must accept the final marks given to you. No regrading requests for old exams/quizzes will be entertained. If you do not collect your copies in time, you forfeit the right to ask for regarding. Likewise, once you take your copy outside the tutorial room where it is shown, you cannot ask for regrading. 

    Policy regarding missed exams/quizzes: If you miss an examination due to approved medical leave or for similar genuine reasons, the following policy will be applied. 

  2. Missed tutorial 10 minutes mini quiz: No make-up examination will be allowed for missed tutorial quiz regardless of the reason. Your performance on the best two out of three major quizzes will be considered towards your final grade. There will be no make-up major quiz.