EE 798T: UAV Communications (2025)

  1. Instructors: Ketan Rajawat
  2. Description: This course introduces the students to theoretical and practical aspects of UAV Communications.
  3. Contents: We plan to cover the following contents:
    1. Basics of Networking
    2. Basics of Communications
    3. Introduction to UAV Communications
    4. Multi-UAV communications
    5. Hardware and software tools: Linux, ArduPilot SITL, ROS, MAVROS
    6. Networking tools for UAVs: wireshark etc.
    7. UAV Swarms: setup and configuration
  4. Class Venue: TB208
  5. Grading: Participation in all components of the course (i.e. submitting the project, taking the end sem, submitting the assignments, attending most classes) is mandatory requirement. If these are done, then grading will be done as per the following criteria: 
    1. Project: 60%
    2. Endsem: 20%
    3. Assignments: 20%
  6.  For the networking part, we will follow
    Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach, 8th Edition, Jim Kurose, Keith Ross, Authors’ website:  
    For the other parts, references will be provided from time to time.