1.Prepare soil specimen as per specification.
2.Find the relationship between water content and number of blows.
3.Draw flow curve.
4.Find out liquid limit.
limit is significant to know the stress history and general properties of the
soil met with construction. From the results of liquid limit the compression
index may be estimated. The compression index value will help us in settlement
analysis. If the natural moisture content of soil is closer to liquid limit, the
soil can be considered as soft if the moisture content is lesser than liquids
limit, the soil can be considered as soft if the moisture content is lesser than
liquid limit. The soil is brittle and stiffer.
liquid limit is the moisture content at which the groove, formed by a standard
tool into the sample of soil taken in the standard cup, closes for 10 mm on
being given 25 blows in a standard manner. At this limit the soil possess low
shear strength.
1. Balance 2.
Liquid limit device (Casagrende’s)
3. Grooving tool 4. Mixing dishes
5. Spatula 6.
Electrical Oven
About 120 gm of air-dried soil from thoroughly mixed portion of material passing
Distilled water is mixed to the soil thus obtained in a mixing disc to form
uniform paste.
A portion of the paste is placed in the cup of
LIQUID LIMIT device and spread into
Trim it to a depth of 1cm at the point of maximum
thickness and return excess of soil to
The soil in the cup shall be divided by the firm strokes of the grooving tool
along the
Lift and drop the cup by turning crank at the rate of two revolutions per second
until the two halves of soil cake come in contact with each
other for a length of about 1 cm by
The number of blows required to cause the groove close for about 1 cm shall be
A representative portion of soil is taken from the cup for water content
Repeat the test with different moisture contents at least three more times for
blows between
Details of the sample:.......
Natural moisture content:........ Room temperature:..............
Determination Number | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Container number |
Weight of container |
Weight of container + wet soil |
Weight of container + dry soil |
Weight of water |
Weight of dry soil |
Moisture content (%) |
No. of blows |
a graph showing the relationship between water content (on y-axis) and number of
blows (on x-axis) on semi-log graph. The curve obtained is called flow curve.
The moisture content corresponding to 25 drops (blows) as read from the
represents liquid limit. It is usually expressed to the nearest whole number.
index If = (W2-W1)/(logN1/N2)
= slope of the flow curve.
Index = wl-wp =
Index = Ip/If =
is used for making bricks , tiles , soil cement blocks in addition to its use as
foundation for structures.
1.Porcelain dish.
2.Glass plate for rolling the specimen.
3.Air tight containers to determine the moisture content.
4.Balance of capacity 200gm and sensitive to 0.01gm
5.Oven thermostatically controlled with interior of non-corroding material to maintain the temperature around 1050 and 1100C.
Take about 20gm of thoroughly mixed portion of the material passing through 425
micron I.S. sieve
obtained in accordance with I.S. 2720 (part 1).
Mix it thoroughly with distilled water in the evaporating dish till the soil
mass becomes
Allow it to season for sufficient time (for
24 hrs) to allow water to permeate throughout
Take about 10gms of this plastic soil mass and roll it between fingers and glass
plate with
Continue rolling till you get a threaded of 3 mm diameter.
Kneed the soil together to a uniform mass and re-roll.
Continue the process until the thread crumbles when the diameter is 3 mm.
Collect the pieces of the crumbled thread in air tight container for moisture
Repeat the test to atleast 3 times and take the average of the results
calculated to the nearest
Compare the diameter of thread at intervals with the rod. When the diameter reduces to 3 mm, note the surface of the thread for cracks.
Container No. | ||
Wt. of container + lid,W1 | ||
Wt. of container + lid + wet sample,W2 | ||
Wt. of container + lid + dry sample,W3 | ||
Wt. of dry sample = W3
– W1 |
Wt. of water in the soil =
W3 – W2 |
Water content (%) = (W3 – W2) / (W3 – W1) ´ 100 |
Average Plastic Limit=...............
Plasticity Index(Ip) = (LL - PL)=............ Toughness Index =Ip/IF
To determine the shrinkage limit
and calculate the shrinkage ratio for the given soil.
As the soil
loses moisture, either in its natural environment, or by artificial means in
laboratory it changes from liquid state to plastic state, from plastic state to
semi-solid state and then to solid state. Volume changes also occur with changes
in water content. But there is particular limit at which any moisture change
does not cause soil any volume change.
Soils which undergo large volume changes with change in water content may be troublesome. Volume changes may not and usually will not be equal.
A shrinkage limit test should be performed on a soil.
1. To obtain a quantitative indication of how much change in moisture can occur before any appreciable volume changes occurs
2. To obtain an indication of change in volume.
The shrinkage limit is useful in areas where soils undergo large volume changes when going through wet and dry cycles (as in case of earth dams)
1. Evaporating Dish. Porcelain, about 12cm diameter with flat bottom.
2. Spatula
3. Shrinkage Dish. Circular, porcelain or non-corroding metal dish (3 nos) having a flat bottom and 45 mm in diameter and 15 mm in height internally.
4. Straight Edge. Steel, 15 cmm in length.
5. Glass cup. 50 to 55 mm in diameter and 25 mm in height , the top rim of which is ground smooth and level.
6. Glass plates. Two, each 75 ´ 75 mm one plate shall be of plain glass and the other shall have prongs.
7. Sieves. 2mm and 425- micron IS sieves.
8. Oven-thermostatically controlled.
9. Graduate-Glass, having a capacity of 25 ml and graduated to 0.2 ml and 100 cc one –mark flask.
10.Balance-Sensitive to 0.01 g minimum.
11.Mercury. Clean, sufficient to fill the glass cup to over flowing.
bottle containing distilled water.
1. Take about 100 gm of soil sample from a thoroughly mixed portion of the material passing through 425-micron I.S. sieve.
2. Place about 30 gm the above soil sample in the evaporating dish and thoroughly mixed with distilled water and make a creamy paste.
Use water content some where around the liquid limit.
3. Coat the inside of the shrinkage dish with a thin layer of Vaseline to prevent the soil sticking to the dish.
4. Fill the dish in three layers by placing approximately 1/3 rd of the amount of wet soil with the help of spatula. Tap the dish gently on a firm base until the soil flows over the edges and no apparent air bubbles exist. Repeat this process for 2nd and 3rd layers also till the dish is completely filled with the wet soil. Strike off the excess soil and make the top of the dish smooth. Wipe off all the soil adhering to the outside of the dish.
5. Weigh immediately, the dish with wet soil and record the weight.
6. Air- dry the wet soil cake for 6 to 8hrs, until the colour of the pat turns from dark to light. Then oven-dry the to constant weight at 1050C to 1100C say about 12 to 16 hrs.
7. Remove the dried disk of the soil from oven. Cool it in a desiccator. Then obtain the weight of the dish with dry sample.
8. Determine the weight of the empty dish and record.
9. Determine the volume of shrinkage dish which is evidently equal to volume of the wet soil as follows. Place the shrinkage dish in an evaporating dish and fill the dish with mercury till it overflows slightly. Press it with plain glass plate firmly on its top to remove excess mercury. Pour the mercury from the shrinkage dish into a measuring jar and find the volume of the shrinkage dish directly. Record this volume as the volume of the wet soil pat.
10. Determine the volume of dry soil pat by removing the pat from the shrinkage dish and immersing it in the glass cup full of mercury in the following manner.
Place the glass cup in a larger one and fill the glass cup to overflowing with mercury. Remove the excess mercury by covering the cup with glass plate with prongs and pressing it. See that no air bubbles are entrapped. Wipe out the outside of the glass cup to remove the adhering mercury. Then, place it in another larger dish, which is, clean and empty carefully.
Do not touch the mercury with gold rings.
S.No | Determination No. | 1 | 2 | 3 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10
Wt. of container in gm,W1 Wt. of container + wet soil pat in gm,W2 Wt. of container + dry soil pat in gm,W3 Wt. of oven dry soil pat, W0 in gm Wt. of water in gm Moisture content (%), W Volume of wet soil pat (V), in cm Volume of dry soil pat (V0) in cm3 By mercury displacement method a. Weight of displaced mercury b. Specific gravity of the mercury Shrinkage limit (WS) Shrinkage ratio (R)