
Chemical Binding



Procedure to run gaussian 94 in the CC

 Server name :  e10k-1
 IP address     :

To run gaussian 94 you need to set up the environment in your login, that will enable you to access the software. The set up parameters of your login are usually given in the a file named .profile.  One needs to edit the file and make the changes needed to run the software.  Follow the instructions below to do so.

telnet e10k-1
login: (type your id)
passwd: (your passwd )

$ vi .profile

Inside the .profile add the following lines at the end of the file. Go to the end of the file and type 'o'. This will make the cursor to the next line where you should type the following lines.

        export GAUSS_EXEDIR=/extra/local/sm/gaussian/g94
        export BASIS=/extra/local/sm/gaussian/g94/basis
        export GAUSS_SCRDIR=/tmp
        alias g94='/extra/local/sm/gaussian/g94/g94'

After typing the above, press 'ESC' key to come out of the insert mode and then save and quit the file by :wq

Now execute the .profile to activate the new settings by:

$ . .profile

Check if gaussian 94 is working by typing
$ g94

You will get :

 Entering Gaussian System, Link 0=/extra/local/sm/gaussian/g94/g94

Kill the process by pressing Control-C.

Now you have set up your login to run gaussian in e10k-1.



Sample input file for water

           ¤  HF level

           ¤  sto-3g basis set

$ vi

This will open a file called To type inside the file, you have to go to the insert mode by typing 'i'.

Now type the following:

#hf/sto-3g test opt pop=none

my first gaussian file
0 1
h  1  r1
h  1  r1 2  a1
r1 = 0.99
a1 = 105.

General format of input file:
# route card section, which contains method, basis set and job type

title section - more like a comment statement

charge(e.g. 0, 1, -2 etc.) and multiplicity (2S+1)
molecule specification : here we specify the molecule either in
cartesian coordinates or in Z-matrix.  In this example we have used
 Z-matrix form for water.
Bond lengths are given in angstoms and bond angles in degrees

Leave a blank line after the Z-matrix

After typing the input file, press 'ESC' key to come out of the insert mode and then save and quit the file by :wq
Now is the input file to run gaussian 94.
Running gaussian

To run gaussian g94 type the following:

$ g94  &

This will take some time. After the execution, the program will generate an output file called h2o.log.  Go through the h2o.log file. It contains all the information the program has calculated and the details of the execution. The summary of the results are at the end of the file.


 Final structure in terms of initial Z-matrix:

 Test job not archived.
 TEST POP=REG FOPT\\test h2o\\0,1\O,-0.1008650707,0.,-0.0773964909\H,-0
 .648e-05\Dipole=0.533524,0.,0.4093874\PG=C02V [C2(O1),SGV(H2)]\\@


 Job cpu time:  0 days  0 hours  0 minutes 20.2 seconds.
 File lengths (MBytes):  RWF=    5 Int=    0 D2E=    0 Chk=    1 Scr=    1
 Normal termination of Gaussian 94

HF=-74.9659012  is the Hartree Fock optimized energy for water.

The last line should be "Normal termination of Gaussian 94" for an error free execution.

Important note :

During the execution of the gaussian program, a lot of scratch (temperory) files are generated. These files are set up in such a way that they are written in the /tmp directory of the server (recollect  export GAUSS_SCRDIR=/tmp in the .profile).  When the program terminates without errors, these scratch files are automatically removed. But when the program terminates with some error, these files are not removed. Hence it is your responsibility to remove these scratch files, as these are very large files usually ranging from 500 MB to 2 GB depending on the method of calculation and  basis set. Please remove these files to let others use the /tmp directory efficiently. To remove these files type :

$ rm  /tmp/g94*

Give 'yes' for all the files to remove them.  Only those files that belong to you will be removed.
A file 'core' will also be generated in the working directory, if the program terminates with errors. Do remove it, as it is a large unwanted(!!) file.

Queries :



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