Academic Profile

Ph.D. (2012-present)

Thesis Title: Epitaxial growth of silicon and germanium on 2×1 reconstructed silicon (001) surface: A kinetic Monte Carlo study
Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Madhav Ranganathan
Deaprtment of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India

CPI: 9.33/10

M.Sc. (2010-2012)

Specialization in Physical Chemistry
Deaprtment of Chemistry, University of Burdwan, India

Percentage: 82%

B.Sc. (Hons) (2007-2010)

Chemistry (Honours), Mathematics, Physics
Deaprtment of Chemistry, Vivekananda Mahavidyalaya, Burdwan, India

Percentage: 60%


I have developed theoretical models to study the growth of homo- and hetero-epitaxial thin films. My main tools have been theoretical development and numerical simulations using lattice-based kinetic Monte Carlo (kMC). I have mainly focused on the structural evolution of surface during heteroepitaxial growth due to reconstruction and elasticity. I have used atomistic model for elasticity, which is computationally very expensive. I, myself, have written the whole kMC simulation code in "C" language. For better computational performance, I have successfully used Message Passing Interface and Open Multi-Processing to accelerate the intra-node performance. Our model is the first kMC model that includes both surface reconstruction and strain effects explicitly and explain both submonolayer growth and multilayer growth (quantum dot formation) statistics nicely.
Recently, I have started some quantum mechanical calculation using Quantum Espresso to study elastic constant for the Si-Ge system.





  1. Self-developed code for Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulation
  2. VASP
  4. Data analysis and visualization

    - VMD (visual Molecular Dynamics)
    - Materials Studio
    - VESTA (Visualization of Electronic and Structural analysis)
    - XCrySDen ((X-Window) Crystalline Structures and Densities)
    - Xmgrace (2D plotting tool)
    - Gnuplot (Data and function plotting program)
    - Xfig (An open source of vector graphic editor)
    - GIMP (GNU image manipulation program)
  5. Text Editors - M.S. Office , Open office, Miktex, Latex
  6. Linux (Fedora, Ubuntu, OS) , Windows 7,8
  7. Programming language : FORTAN, C, C++


Paramita Ghosh
Department of Chemistry
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Kanpur-208016 Uttar Pradesh, India

0512-679-6539 (Office)



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  • " The important thing is to never stop questioning "

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