Partha Chakroborty, Professor
Department of Civil Engineering

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Title: Principles of Transportation Engineering

Authors: Partha Chakroborty and Animesh Das


Chapter-11 Pavement Analysis                                                         

q       Introduction

q       Pavement Composition                                                      

¨     Bituminous pavement                                                                                              

¨     Concrete pavement

q       Parameters of Pavement Analysis               

¨     Elastic modulus                                                       

¨     Poisson’s ratio                                                        

¨     Wheel load, wheel configuration and tyre pressure

¨     Temperature

q       Analysis of Bituminous Pavement Structures           

¨     Elastic half-space solution

¨     Layered elastic solution                                                                   

q       Analysis of Concrete Pavement Structures

¨     Slab on elastic foundation

¨     Stresses in concrete pavements