Partha Chakroborty, Professor
Department of Civil Engineering

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Title: Principles of Transportation Engineering

Authors: Partha Chakroborty and Animesh Das


Chapter-12 Pavement Design                                                   


q       Introduction

q       Design Parameters 

¨     Material properties                                                                          

¨     Traffic characteristics

¨     Environmental characteristics

¨     Design life

q       Philosophies of Design       

¨     CBR method

¨     California (Hveem) method                                                             

¨     Limiting shear failure method                                                           

¨     Limiting deflection method                                                   

¨     Regression method based on pavement performance                       

¨     Mechanistic method for bituminous pavement design                                                

q       Present Trends in Bituminous Pavement Design                  

¨     Shell method

¨     Asphalt institute method

¨     Austroads method

¨     South African method

¨     Road note 29 method

¨     The AASHTO design method

¨     Japan roads association method

¨     Indian roads congress method

¨     Closing remarks

q       Present Trends in Concrete Pavement Design         

¨     PCA method

¨     Austroads method

¨     The AASHTO design method

¨     Indian roads congress method

¨     Closing remarks

q       Drainage Considerations in Pavement Design          

¨     Surface drainage

¨     Sub-surface drainage

¨     Further discussion on drainage considerations

q       Frost Damage in Pavement Design

q       Other Design Concepts

¨     Bituminous pavement with cemented base/sub-base

¨     Stage construction                                                   

¨     Airport pavement                                                    

¨     Reinforced concrete pavement                                                                    

¨     Full depth bituminous pavement                                                       

¨     Pavement shoulders