Partha Chakroborty, Professor
Department of Civil Engineering

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Title: Principles of Transportation Engineering

Authors: Partha Chakroborty and Animesh Das


Chapter-14   Highway Maintenance        


q       Introduction

q       Distresses in Pavements                                                     

¨     Alligator cracking or fatigue cracking

¨     Block cracking

¨     Corner break and spall

¨     Corrugation

¨     Depression

¨     Fatty surface or bleeding

¨     Hairline crack on bituminous pavement surface

¨     Hungry surface

¨     Lane/shoulder drop-off or heave

¨     Loss of aggregates

¨     Map cracking in concrete pavements

¨     Patch

¨     Polished aggregate or smooth surface

¨     Potholes

¨     Pumping or mud-pumping

¨     Reflection cracking

¨     Ravelling

¨     Rutting

¨     Slippage

¨     Streaking

¨     Stripping

¨     Swell and blow up                          

q       Functional Evaluation of Pavement             

¨     Pavement roughness

¨     Skid resistance

q       Structural Evaluation of Pavement              

¨     Benkleman beam

¨     Falling weight deflectometer

q       Pavement maintenance                   

¨     Pavement maintenance measures other than overlay

¨     Pavement maintenance with overlay                                                             

q       Maintenance management