Partha Chakroborty, Professor
Department of Civil Engineering

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Title: Principles of Transportation Engineering

Authors: Partha Chakroborty and Animesh Das


Chapter-4Traffic Flow��������������������������� �������


q       Introduction

q       Fundamentals of Traffic Flow���������������������������������������������

     Flow characterization

     Fundamental relation of traffic flow

q       Fundamentals of Uninterrupted Traffic Flow�����������������������������������������������

     Stream characteristics

     Data collection

     Macroscopic traffic flow models

     Microscopic traffic flow models

     Capacity and level-of-service analysis of basic freeway (expressway) sections

q       Fundamentals of interrupted traffic flow������������������������������������������������������

     Shock waves

     Traffic flow at signalized intersections

     Traffic flow at unsignalized intersections

     Data collection