HW0 : Psychotherapist chatbot - Doctor.el

plausible implausible

The changes made by me in the program are:
a. Adding 'Hakuna Matata' before the intro sentence.
b. Making it say 'Valar Dohaeris.' everytime it gets 'Valar Morgulis'.
c. Modifying the abusive words reply and bye-bye replies.
d. Ensuring that the program doesn't get trapped in a loop when someone keeps hitting bye-bye or when someone keeps saying abusive sentences by adding a doc2$ function.

Before modification After modification

1. The 'doctor.el' basically uses hard-coded words and rules for replying to our sentences, which is a nice attempt.
2. It is not a very good chatbox. Every interaction of mine with this program was turning out to be implausible. I had to work very hard to get a plausible interaction with this program.
3. It has a lot of flaws like grammatical errors, getting trapped into a loop, replying even when I am just hitting enter without typing anything, etc.
4. I tried to work on the blank-line thing, but I couldn't find how to represent blank lines in LISP.