Mathematics II

MTH 102N
I I semester 2010-'11


Dr. Nandini Nilakantan
Instructor In-charge
 Department of Mathematics and Statistics,

Dr.P. Shunmugaraj
FB 553, Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
Tel. 7297

Related links

Course details and plan
Lecture Notes


Marking schemes
Important dates
Class List



Tutor Section
Dr. C1
Mr. C2
Dr. C3
Mr. P C4
Mr. C5
Mr. C6
Mr. C7
Mr. C8
Mr. C9
Dr. A D1
Mr. S D2
Dr. M D3
Kapoor D4
Dr. D5
Mr. D6
Dr. P D7
Dr. tt D8
                                  Biographies of famous Mathematicians
History of Mathematics
Famous Curves


Teaching Assistance

Timings for Lectures and Tutorials:


      Venue: L16 - '


      Venue: TB101 to 109

      Time: T


"E. Kreyzig", Advanced Engineering Mathematics

Several copies of the text book have been kept on reserve section in our central library. Lecture wise notes of several lectures will be  available on this site.  

Course Material:

Lecture-wise notes of several lectures, assignments, practice problems on some topics and course plan will be  available on this course web site:
In the lecture notes, some proofs are marked (*). Such proofs will not be asked in the exams. Hard copies of the lecture notes will be available to the students to make copies.

Tutorial class:
Tutorial classes are primarily meant for problem solving and discussion on the material covered in the lectures. Problems given in the assignments will be discussed in the tutorial classes. Practice problems given on the web site and the exercises given in the text book are usually not discussed in the tutorial classes and the students are expected to solve these problems. However, the students can approach the tutors or the instructors if they have any difficulty in solving such problems.

Evaluation plan

There will be two mid-semester exams. Each one will be of 1 hour duration and 40 marks. End semester Examination will be of 3 hours duration and 100 marks. Each tutor will be involved in the evaluation of the answer scripts of one of the mid semester exams and the end semester exam. There will be no make-up for mid semester exams. However, a student who is going to miss a mid semester exam due to illness or some other valid reason should contact the instructor in-charge before the exam.