Ramesh P. Singh
Mailing address:Dr.
Ramesh P. Singh
Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology
Kanpur – 208 016
Tel: 0512-2597295
0512-2598201/2590098 (Res.)
Fax: 0512-2590260/2597395/2590007
Teaching experience: 19 years
Research experience: 29 years
Research Papers: About 127 (100 in international refereed journals)
Supervision: Ph.D. - 2 (completed), 4
M.Tech. - 30 (completed), 1 presently working
Grant: About 100 Lakhs
Supervised research projects funded by DST, AICTE, DRDO, DNES, MHRD,
Details of Edited Books Published
Membership of the National and International Societies
Duration: May
1997 - till date
Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kanpur
Geophysics and Remote Sensing
Duration: March
1991 – May 1997
Associate Professor
Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kanpur
Geophysics and Remote Sensing
Duration: Nov.
1986 - March 1991
Assistant Professor,
Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kanpur
Geophysics and Remote Sensing
Duration: Feb.
1986 - Nov. 1986
Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kanpur
Geophysics and Remote Sensing
Duration: February
1986 - till date
Department of Civil Engg., IIT K
Geophysics and Remote Sensing
Duration: December
1981 - January 1986
Postdoctoral and AOSTRA Fellow, University of Alberta, Canada
Geophysics and Remote Sensing
Duration: November
1981 - December 1981
Senior Research Officer, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad
Duration: January
1978 - October 1981
Research Fellow, Department of Geophysics, Banaras Hindu University
Geophysics and Remote Sensing
Duration: September
1977 - December 1977
Guest Scientist, International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste,
Duration: November
1976 - September 1977
Institute's Research Fellow, National Geophysical Research
1. Remote Sensing of the Earths Surface and Atmosphere
Ed. R.P. Singh,
A. Tabbagh, J.F.R. Gower, W.L. Smith, A.E. MacDonald, J. Pailleux, K.
and J. Dozier, 1992
Published by Pergamon Press,
2. Observations of Earth from Space
Ed. R.P. Singh,
M. Feissel, B.D. Tapley and C.K. Shum, 1994
Published by Pergamon Press,
3. Natural Hazards: Monitoring and Assessment Using Remote Sensing
Ed. R.P. Singh
and R. Furrer, 1995
Published by Pergamon Press,
4.Land Surface Characterization and Remote
of Ocean Processes
Ed. R. K. Gupta, R.
P. Singh and Y. Menard, 2002
Published by Pergamon
Press, U.K.
5. Spatial
Technologies for Natural Hazards Management
Ed. R.P. Singh
and Vinod Tare
Published by Indian Society of Remote Sensing (ISRS)
6. Monitoring of Changes Related to Natural and Manmade Hazards Using Space Technology
Ed. R.P. Singh
Pergamon Press, U.K. , 2004
1. Awarded National Geophysical Research Institute's Fellowship,1976 - 1977.
2. Awarded UGC and CSIR Fellowship, 1983 - 1986.
3. Awarded AOSTRA Post-doctoral Fellowship, 1983 - 1986.
4. Awarded US $ 20 Book gift for good job as Reviewer of Geophysics published by SEG, USA, 1989.
5. Awarded JSPS Research Award by the Government of Japan to work in Japan during July 1993 - Dec. 1993.
6. Awarded Research Fellowship by the Alexander Von Humbolt Foundation, Germany, 1994
7. Awarded National Mineral Award, Department of Steel and Mines, Government of India, New Delhi, 1991-1992.
8. Awarded Indian National Remote Sensing Award, 1996
9. Awarded Hari Om Ashram Prerit Award,
1. Summerizer of one of the sessions during VIth Workshop on EM Induction in the Earth and Moon, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada, August 1982.
2. Guest Scientist, International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, Sept. - Dec 1977.
3. Visiting Scientist, Department of Physics, University of Alberta, Canada, May - July 1986.
4. Guest Scientist, International Center For Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, Feb. - March 1977
5. Visiting Scientist, Department of Geophysics, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden, May - July 1987.
6. Visiting Scientist, Center de Recherces, Geophysiques, Pouilly-sur-Loire, Garchy, France, June - July 1988.
7. Visiting Scientist, Department of Geophysics, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden, May - July 1990.
8. Reporter of one of the sessions at the AEG Annual Meetings held at Trivendrum (1986), Baroda (1987), Bhubneshwar (1988), Madras (1989).
9. Chairman of the Program Committee for the Symposium on "Resource Mapping and Geophysical Surveys", The Hague, The Netherlands, July 2 - 3, 1990.
10. Member, SEG (USA) International Affairs Committee, 1988 - 1994.
11. Member, Deep Continental Study Program, DST, New Delhi, 1988 - 1993.
12. Invited Speaker, Symposium on Resource Mapping and Geophysical Surveys using Space Technology (COSPAR 1990), Holland.
13. Editor, Proceedings of the Symposium on Resource Mapping and Geophysical Surveys using Space Technology, Pergamon Press.
14. Member, Organizing Committee, Indo-US Workshop on Deep Electromagnetic Methods, held at IIT Kharagpur, Jan. 1991.
15. Member, Indian Delegation, nominated by INSA to participate at the 28th COSPAR meetings held at The Hague, The Netherlands.
16. Member, Indian Delegation, nominated by INSA to participate at the XX IUGG General Assembly held at Vienna, Austria during August 11-24, 1991.
17. Visiting Scientist, Institute of Geophysics, Sopron, Hungary during June-July 1991 under INSA-Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
18. Member, Indian Delegation, nominated by INSA to participate at the World Space Congress, Washington, D.C., USA, during August 28 - Sept. 6, 1992.
19. Member of the Working Group on International ELAS- Project 1991 - 1995, sponsored by International Council of Scientific Union.
20. Member, International COSPAR Commission on Remote Sensing.
21. Member, Board of Studies, M.Tech Program in Mining Geophysics, Department of Applied Geophysics, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, 1990 - 1993.
22. Invited Speaker for the Workshop on "Satellite Remote Sensing with Interest to Developing Countries" held in Graz, Austria, during June - July, 1984.
23. Principal Organizer of COSPAR Symposium A.1-S "Resource Mapping and Geophysical Surveys using Space Technology" held during WORLD SPACE CONGRESS in Washington, D.C., USA, during August 28-Sept., 1992.
24. Invited Speaker, First Regional Meeting of Three-Dimensional Mapping of Lithosphere, asthenosphere, held in Chengdu, China, September 1993.
25. Invited Speaker, International Seminar on the theme, "Seismic Protection of the Population and Engineering Constructions at Strong Earthquakes" during July 02 - 06, 2001, Baku, Azerbaijan.
26. Invited Speaker, Third SMOS Workshop at the DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany during December 10-12, 2001.
27. Member, Indian Delegation to World Space Congress, held in Houston, USA, during October 2002.
28. Invited Speaker, The COSPAR Symposium on Natural and Manmade Hazards using Space Technology held in Houston, USA, during October 2002
29. Member, Indian Delegation, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Sappro, Japan, July 2003.
30. Invited Speaker, UN Workshop on Natural Disaster, Bremen, Germany, Sept. 2003.
31. Member, US Delegation, Indo-US Workshop held at Bangalore, June 2004.
32. Invited Speaker, AOGS Conference, Singapore, July 5-12, 2004.
33. Invited Speaker, 3rd ICCE, Beijing, China, July 2004.
34. Chairman, Technical session, 3rd ICCE, Beijing, China, July 2004.
35. Main Organizer, Session on “Early Warning of Natural Hazards” during COSPAR 2004, Paris, France.
36. Invited Speaker, COSPAR 2004, Paris, France.
37. Invited Speaker, International Geological Congress, Florence, Italy, August, 2004.
38. Invited Speaker, International Symposium on Cartographic Cutting Edge Technology for Natural Hazard Management, October 2004, Dresden, Germany.
39. Chairman, Technical Session during Asian Seismological Conference, Yearvan, Armenia, October, 2004.
40. Invited Talk, Environmental Engineering Science Seminar at the Washington University in St. Louis during Spring 2004 (April 30, 2004)
41. Invited Talk, Ist Clic International Conference, April 11-15, 2005, Beijing, China
42. Vice President, IUGG Commission on Georisk (2004 – 2008).
1. Reviewed papers published in GEOPHYSICS (International Journal published by the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, USA)
2. Reviewed Project Proposals submitted to DST, New Delhi
3. Reviewed Proposals for CSIR Young Scientist award, CSIR New Delhi
4. Reviewed Papers published in Current Science (published by the Indian Academy of Science, Bangalore)
5. Reviewed Papers published in International Journal of Remote Sensing (Taylor & Francis, UK)
6. Reviewed Papers published in Advances in Space Research (published by Pergamon Press, UK)
7. Reviewed Papers published in Natural Hazards (published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands)
8. Reviewed Papers published in Journal of Himalayan Geology
9. Reviewed Papers published in Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (published by Elsevier Science pub.)
10. Reviewed paper submitted for Science.
11. Reviewed paper submitted to Journal for Geophysical Research (Atmospheric Science)
12. Reviewed paper submitted to Geophysical Resaerch.
13. Reviewed paper submitted to J. Geophysical Research (Atmospheric Sci.)
14. Reviewed papers submitted to IEEE Tran. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
15. Reviewer, Project Proposal Evaluation Committee meeting, Brusseles, Belgium.
16. Reviewer of Book for publication to United Nation Press (Japan).
17. Reviewed paper submitted to "International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation"
18. Reviewed paper submitted to "Agricultural & Forest Technology"
19. Reviewed paper submitted to "IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters"
1. Chief Editor of the Journal of
the Indian Society of Remote Sensing.
(2001- cont.)
2. Member, Editorial Board of the Journal "The Journal of Terrestrial Observation (JTO)"
3. Member, Editorial Board, International J. Remote Sensing, Taylor and Francis Press, UK.
4. Corresponding Editor, EOS (AGU).
1. Society of Exploration Geophysicists, USA
2. European Association of Exploration Geophysicists, Holland
3. American Geophysical Union, USA
4. Association of Exploration Geophysicists, India
5. International COSPAR Commission on Remote Sensing
6. Indian Society of Remote Sensing
7. AGU Committee on Internationational Participation (1999-2002).
8. Executive Council of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing
and (2000–2002)
1. Visiting Scientist, Department of Geophysics, University of Karlsruhe, Germany (during May 2002)
2.Visiting Scientist, Institute of Kartography , Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland (during May-June 2002)
3. Visiting Scientist, ITC, Netherland (June,2002)
4.Guest Scientist, International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy (during May – June, 2001).
5. Guest Scientist, Department of Physics, University of Athens, Greece (during June 2001)
6. Guest Scientist, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK (during June – July, 2001)
7. Visiting Scientist, UNEP, Sioux Falls, USA (April to July, 2000)
8. Visiting Scientist, DLR, Germany (June – July, 1999)
9. Visiting Scientist, University of Lille, France (May – June, 1999)
10. Visiting Scientists, UNEP, Sioux Falls, USA (during May – July, 1999)
11. Visiting Scientist, Institute for Geothermics, Pisa, Italy (during summer of 1995)
12. Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, Institute for Space Sciences, Free University Berlin, Germany (during Jan. 1994 - Nov. 1994)
130. JSPS Visiting Scientist, University of Hirosaki, Hirosaki, Japan (during July 1993 - Dec. 1993)
14. Visiting Scientist, University of Alberta, Canada.(during summer of 1986)
15. Visiting Scientist, University of Uppsala, Sweden. (during summer of 1987)
16. Visiting Scientist, Center de Recherces Geophysiques, Garchy, France.(during summer of 1988)
17. Visiting Scientist, University of Uppsala, Sweden. (during summer of 1990)
18. Visiting Scientist, Institute of Geophysics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Sopron, Hungary. (during summer of 1991)
19. Visiting Scientist, ICTP, Trieste, Italy (June, 2001)
20. Guest Scientist, ISPARA, Italy (June 2001)
21. Guest Scientist, Southampton Oceanography Center, UK (June 2001)
22. Guest scientist, Department of Physics, University of Athens, Greece (June 2001)
23. Visiting Scientist, DLR, Wessling, Germany (December 2001)
24. JSPS Fellow, Kinki and Kobe University (December 2001)
25. Guest Scientist, Institute of Geophysics, Karlsruhe University (May 2002)
26. Guest scientist, Institute of Meteorology, University of Bonn (May 2002)
27. Guest Scientist, Institute of Geodesy and Kartography, Warsaw, Poland (May - June, 2002)
28. Distinguished Visiting Professor, Center for Earth Observing and Space Research, George Mason University, USA (July 2003 – July 2005)
Following International collaborations have been established:
1. Department of Geophysics, University of Uppsala, Sweden
2. Department of Earth Sciences, Hirosaki University, Japan+
3. Institute of Oceanology, USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, USSR
5. UNEP, Sioux Falls, USA
6. NOAA, Maryland, USA
7. George Mason University, USA
8. Technical University Dresden, Germany.
8. University of Jena, Germany.
+ Magnetotelluric
and a Seismometer have been given to us
on loan which are being extensively used.