Course Information

MTH 751 Algebra I

General Information

Instructor :   Rekha Santhanam
Office :   FB 512A
Office Hours :   by appointment.
Office Phone :   +91512259(6950)
Email :
Text :   Topics in Algebra, Second Edition by I. N. Herstein

Course Policy

You are expected to attend lectures regularly. This course covers a lot of material over the semester. You should read the book and do all the assignment problems.
All the relevant class materials and announcements will be posted on the webpage You are welcome to ask questions during the class and office hours.

Please Note

Ethics Statement

You are expected to be honest and are obliged to refrain from acts, which you know violate the academic integrity of the Institute. Violations of academic ethics include, but are not limited to: cheating; plagiarism ; submitting as one's own the same or substantially similar work of another.

If you are unsure about the rules concerning a particular assignment, do not assume anything; ask me for a clarification.

Hope you have enjoy learning Algebra this semester!
Email me if you have any questions about this class.