Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 54 (1994) 79-97
Total error in the discrete convolution backprojection algorithm in computerized tomography
R.K.S. Rathore
Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, 208016 (U.P.), India
Received 12 June 1992
The CBP algorithm in computerized tomography (CT) is a discrete realization of a well-known tool from appromicmation theory; namely, the approximation of a function f in
Rn by its convolution with a (bandlimited) peaked kernel. The steps in a computer implementation (e.g., in medical CT scanners) of the algorithm evaluate an n-dimensioanl convolution by (a) interpolation of projection data (line integrals in a two-dimensioanl case), (b) a one-dimensioanl discrete convolution, and (c) interpolation of the convolved data, required in (d) a discrete backprojection (integration over a unit sphere). The total error in the algorithm is due to the discretization steps (a)-(d) and (e) the trunction error in the basic convolution approximation. In this work we augment the known error estimates for steps (b) and (d) with those for (a), (c) and (e) to arrive at a total error profile of the algorithm, which may be summarized as follows. In a discrtete b-bandlimited CBP reconstruction fbd of f, under appropritate conditions in (a)-(e), the total error f - fbd is essentially of the order of e(f, b) = supqÎSn-1 ò|s |b |s|n-1|f^(sq)|ds , b ® ¥ .Keywords
: CBP algorithm; Computerized tomography; Interpolation; Error analysis__________________________________________________________________________________________
Presently, the discrete convolution backprojection (CBP) algorithm is regarded as the most important, accurate, reliable and fast reconstruction method in computerized tomography (CT), especially in the medical field. Its utility ranges from electron microscopy, NMR, PET, X-ray CT, non-destructive testing, multiphase flow measurements, radar applications and so on up to the X-ray structure of supernova remnants.
Many theoretical aspects of this algorithm are well understood. These include the physical and mathematical principles in its derivation, certain error bounds and the various interrelations in the parameters of discretization and the angular resolution achieved, etc.
The present work acieves a total error analysis (hitherto lacking ) for the discrete CBP algorithm by utilizing a mixed-norm set-up of practical interest. It, in particular, tries to resolve certain ambiguites in the interrelations between the orders of interpolation operations, the tie-up of the cut-off frequency with the sampling distance, the smoothness of the object of reconstruction, the role of the filter used and the accuracy desired in a reconstruction.
1. The discrete convolution backprojection algorithm
For background material on CT, and various aspects of the CBP algorithm in particular, we refer to the comprehensive works [4, 5, 9] and the references therin.
Recollecting from [9, pp. 102-111], the CBP algorithm is a discrete implementaion of the the continuous convolution backprojection approximation
* f = R#(wb*Rf),where Wb approximates the Dirac
d distribution in Rn. Starting with a suitable radially symmetric function F, and taking Wb^(x) = (2p)-n/2F^(|x|/b), one hasWb = R#wb, wb^(
s) = (1/2)(2p)1/2-n |s|n-1F^(|s|/b).The function wb is known as the convolving function,
F^ as the window function, Wb as the kernel function and b as the cut-off frequency of the convolution backprojection algorithm.For an application of the convolution backprojection algorithm, the Radon transform g = Rf is required at (
qj, sl), j = 1, , p, l = -q, , q, where qjÎ Sn-1, the unit sphere in the n-dimensional Euclidean space Rn and sl = hl, h = 1/q. The convolution wb*g is replaced by the discrete convolutionwb
*h g(qj, s) = hS -q£ l£ q wb(s-sl)g(qj, sl),and the continuous backprojection R
# by a discrete backprojectionR
#pv(x) = S1£ j£ p apjv(qj, x×qj).With g = Rf, for various values of
q , the discrete convolutionwb
*h g(qj, s) = hS-q£l£ q wb(s-sl)g(qj, sl),is evaluated for s = sj = hj, h = 1/q, j = -q, , q. Writing w(s) for w1(s), we have wb(s) = b
nw(bs) and so with the tie-up bh = Jp , JÎ (0, 1], say, and using the symmetry of w, we need just the values w(jJp), j = 0, , q, in order to evaluate the discrete convolutionswb
*h g(q, sk) = bnhS-q£l£q w(bh(k-l))g(q, sl), k = -q, , q.Using these, wb
*h g(q, s) for a required s is obtained by a suitable local interpolation Ih(wb *h g(q, s) for a required s is obtained by a suitable local interpolation Ih(wb *h g)(q, s).In PET and also in CT scans using fan-beam type of geometries, the projection data g(
q, s) is not equispaced in s. The simplest way to deal with such situations is to compute the parallel equispaced data for a standard application of the CBP algorithm by "rebinning" the data [5, pp. 172-174] through a suitable interpolation Jh g, h denoting the largest spacing between the sampled data points s. Choosing a convenient h of the order of h , we substitute the interpolated values Jh g(q, sl) for g(q, sl) in the above. In our treatment in the sequel, interpolation in q is not considered. Thus, for the applicability of our results, in a divergent mode of data collection the detector spacings are assumed to be adjusted so that the rebinning does not require an interpolation in q .The final discrete convolution backprojection algorithm thus becomes
f ~ fbd = R#p Ih wb
*h Jh Rf.Bounds for the discretization errors e1 = R#p(wb
*h g - wb*g) and e2 = (R#p-R#)wb*g) (see [6], [9, pp. 104-106]), which we make use of in later sections, are as follows. Let 0 £ F^£ 1 and F^(x) = 0 for |x| ³ 1. If the backprojection quadrature satisfiese
0*(f, b) = |Sn-1| supqÎSn-1 ò|s |³ b |s|n-1|f^(sq)|ds ,and
h admits an estimate of the formThe filtering effect of interpolation, independently of the other discretization errors, has also been studied. Thus, for the B-spline interpolation [9, pp. 60, 107, 108]
Ihg(s) =
Sl g(sl)B1/h(s-sl),of order k, if b
£p/h,R# Ih(wb
*g) = Gh*f + e3,where
x) = (2p)-n/2 ´e3^(
x) = 0, |x| £p/h,?
e3?L2(Wn)£ (2/p)k-1ha?f?H0a(Wn), a £ (1/2)(n-1),where for functions f with supp(f)
ÌWn, the sobolev space H0a(Wn) norm is given by?
f?H0a(Wn) = òRn (1+|x|2)a |f^(x)|2 dx .For n = 2, certain bounds on the inherent error f-Wb
*f, using the radial averages fr(x) = (1/|S1|)òS1 f(x+rq)dq of functions in R2, have been given in [8]. (For a follow-up and details of this approach, see [7, 12, 13].)2. The Oh-oh Lemma
Let c be a positive number, K a nondecreasing positive function and
d a positive function on (0, c]. Also, let j, and f be positive functions on (0, c], such that for all h Î (0, 1], there hold(7)
. Let tn Î (0, c], n Î Z+, be such that0 <
a £ tn+1/tn £ b < 1,where
a and b are independent of n. If (6)-(9) hold and for some constant M,K(tj)
£ M{d(tn) + K(tn)f(tj)/f(tn)},for all n
Î Z+ and n < j Î Z+, then, as t ® ¥ ,K(t) =
Proof. Letting A = lim supt
® 0 d(t)/j(t), for both the cases d(t) = O(j(t)) and d(t) = o(j(t)), A < ¥ . Let B be any number such that A < B. Using limt® ¥ q(t) = 0, we can find an a Î (0, c] such thatQ(t)
£ 1/(2M), t Î (0, a].Since, 0 <
b < 1, for some m Î Z+, bm£ a. Let us define h0 = t1 and hn = tmn, n ÎZ +. Then, writing e(t) = K(t)/j(t), for n ÎZ +,e(hn)
£ M((d(hn-1)/j(hn-1))u(hn/hn-1) + e(hn-1)q(hn/hn-1)) £ M((d(hn-1)/j(hn-1))w(am) + e(hn-1)q(hn/hn-1)).Now we can choose N large enough so that d(hn)/j(hn) £ B, n ³ N. Then, putting C = MBw(am), for n ³ N+1,
£ C + (1/2)e(hn-1),so that for k+1
Î Z+,e(hk+N)
£ 2C(1-1/2k) + e(hN)/2k,Let h
Î (0, hN] be arbitrary. We choose k such that k+1 ÎZ + and hN+k+1 < h £ hN+k. Then, since K is non-decreasing,K(h)
£ K(hN+k) £ e(hN+k)u(h/hN+k)j(h) £ e(hN+k)w(hN+k+1/hN+k)j(h) £ e(hN+k)w(am)j(h).Hence
£ w(am)e(hN+k) £ w(am)(2C + e(hN)/2k).Since
³ (1/m)(ln(hN+1/h)/ln(1/a)),lim suph
® 0 e(h) £ 2Cw(am) = 2M(w(am))2B.As B is arbitrary such that B A, it follows that
£ lim suph® 0 e(h) £ 2M(w(am))2A,from which, noting that A = 0 in the
d (t) = o(j (t)) case, both the assertions follow, completing the proof. ðThe Oh-oh-Lemma extends an idea of [3] formalized in [2] ("Oh" -part with
d(t) = ta = j(t), f(t) = tm, m a 0) and in [1] (f(t) = tm); (see also [11, pp. 91, 92]). The main point of the lemma is the ease with which one is able to get certain degree of approximation results of very general orders (f(t) = e-1/t, tmlog t, tm/log t; j(t) = ta, ta log t, ta/(log t) 3, m a 0, any kth order modulus of smoothness wk(t), k < m, (for definition and many examples, see [14]) of any function in Lq(-¥, ¥), 1 £ q £ ¥ , being some examples of compatible pairs of f and j). In the present context of computerized tomography, it allows a study of window functions much more general than those satisfying a regularity condition of the type 1-F^(x) ; A|x|m, as x ® 0.3. The tomographic spaces CT0, CTw, CTj and CTj0
Let CT0 = CT0(
Wn) denote the linear space of real-valued functions f Î C0(Wn) (f defined and continuous in Rn, with support in Wn) which are essentially bandlimited in the sense thate
(f, b) = supqÎSn-1 ò|s |³b |s|n-1|f^(sq)|ds® 0, as b ®¥.With the norm
f?0 = supqÎSn-1 ò R|s|n-1|f^(sq)|ds,CT0 is a complete space of which C0
¥ (W n) is a dense subset. Since for f Î CT0 the functionh(
q) = òR |s|n-1|f^(sq)|ds , q Î Sn-1,is continuous on Sn-1, the "sup" in the above is actually a "max".
A motivation for introducing the tomographic space CT0 is the e1-error estimate for essentially bandlimited functions. We note that CT0 is continuously imbedded in C0(
Wn) and that its norm comes quite close to the sup-norm; (for f radially symmetric and with f^ non-negative, the two norms in fact differ only by a factor of (2p)-n/2).For a nonnegative measurable weight function w (
³ 1) on R+ = (0, ¥), let the space CT¥ (Ì CT0) consist of functions f for which?
f?w = supqÎSn-1 òR|s|n-1w(|s|)|f^(sq)|ds < ¥.Assuming the order function
f of the previous section to be defined on the whole of R+, for f Î CT0 and t Î R+, we define Peetre's K-functional Kf (t; f) with the function parameter f byK
f(t; f) = infgÎCTw {?f-g?0 + f(t)?g?w}.The w and
f in the above are assumed to be tied by4. The order functions and the filter
Let, in addition, the order function
f satisfyJ = suph
Î (0,1]v(h) < ¥. (12)While studying errors due to interpolation of projection and convolveddata respectively, we assume the following additional conditions on the function u associated with the order function
j :limt
® 0 tmu(t) = 0, (17)We note here that limt
® 0 tmu(t) = 0, for instance, implies that (th)m £ hmu(h)j(th)/j(t) = o(j(th)), as h ® 0, for any fixed t Î (0, c]. It follows that h(J, b) £ c(J) e-l(J)b = o(1/bm) = o(j(1/b)), b ®¥ , i.e., h(J, b) approaches zero much faster as compared to j(1/b).In this study the order of approximation under consideration is
j(1/b), as the bandwidth b ®¥ . In the sequel the conditions on the functions F , f , j etc., imposed till now, will be assumed tobe satisfied. For a F such that 1-F^(s ) = O(sm), s® 0+, the choice f(t) = tm is appropriate for orders j(t) of approximation such as ta , talog (log(1/t)), ta/log(1/t), a < m, any moduli of smoothness wk(t), k < m, etc. In practice the case m = 2 is quite common (see Section 10).5. The intrinsic error in CBP
The intrinsic error f-Wb
*f, arising due to the bandlimiting aspect of CBP, is independent of variations or refinements in the discretizations and sampling schemes.Writing fbc = Wb
* f = R#(wb* Rf), for the continuous convolution backprojection, we have f^bc(x ) = f^(x )F^(x /b). Since?
fbc?w = supq ÎSn-1 òR |s |n-1w(|s |)|F ^(sq /b)||f^(sq )|ds ,using
F ^(sq ) = 0, |s | ³ 1, and w(|s |) £ Jw(b), |s | £ b, and |F ^(x )| £ B, 0 < |x | £ 1, for f Î CT0 we have?
fbc?w£ BJw(b)?f?0 < ¥ ,which, in particular, implies that fbc
Î CTw. Similarly, for f Î CTw, fbc Î CTw and ?fbc?w£ B?f?w. It is also clear that ?fbc?£ ?f?0. Next, since, y (|s|/b) £ (1/f(1/|s|)f(1/b), |s| £ b, and w(|s|)/w(b) ³ 1/J, if |s| ³ b, for all b sufficiently large, we have?
f-fbc?0£ supqÎSn-1 {Aò|s |£ b |s|n-1y(|s|/b)|f^(sq)|ds + (2p )-n/2ò|s |b |s|n-1|f^(sq)|ds }£
max{A, (2p )-n/2J}f(1/b)?f?w = Df(1/b)?f?w, say.For any g
Î CTw,?
f-fbc?0£ ?f-g?0 + ?g-gbc?0 + ?(g-f)bc?0£ (1+B)?f-g?0 + Df(1/b)?g?w£
max{1+B, D}(?f-g?0 + f(1/b)?g?w).Taking the infimum over CTw, with E = max{1+B, D}, we get
Conversely, if
?f-fbc?0 = O(d(1/b)), b ®¥ , we have ?f-fbc?0£ Ad(1/b), for some A and for all b sufficiently large (b ³ b0, say). Then, since fbc Î CTw,K
f (t; f) = infgÎCTw {?f-g?0 + f(t)?g?w} £ infgÎCTw {?f- fbc?0 + f(t)(?fbc-gbc?w+?gbc?w}£
Ad (1/b) + f(t) infgÎCTw {BJw(b)?f-g?w + B?g?w} £ M[d(1/b)+(f(t)/f(1/b))Kf(1/b; f)],where M = max{A, B, BJ}. Since this inequality is valid for all b sufficiently large and for all t, by the Oh-oh Lemma we conclude that K
f(t; f) = O(j(t)) or o(j(t)), t ® 0, according as d (t) = O(j(t)) or o(j(t)), t ® 0. Thus we have proved the following theorem.Theorem 1
(Intrinsic error). If F , j and w satisfy the conditions (6)-(15), and f Î CT0, then?
f- fbc?0 = o(j (1/b)), b ®¥ , iff f Î CTj 0. (21)6. An application of the Ramachandran-Lakshminarayanan filter
The ideal low-pass filter
F = F 0 given bycorresponds to the Ramachandran-Lakshminarayanan filter in
R2. In Rn it corresponds to the kernel Wb = Wb0 given by [9, pp. 102, 110].
In this case, the two inequalities |1-F^(x)| £ Ay (|x|), |x| < 1, and |F^(x)| £ B, 0 £ |x| £ 1, are valid with B = 1 and for any choice of y , whatsoever. Denoting the continuous reconstruction by the Ramachandran-Lakshminarayanan filter by fb0, since there holds
f-fb0?0 = supqÎSn-1 ò |s |³ b |s |n-1|f^(sq)|ds = e(f, b),from the Intrinsic Error Theorem we immediately get the following theorem.
Theorem 2
(Characterization of intermediate CT -spaces). Let F , j and w satisfy (6)-(15) and f Î CT0. Then,f
Î CTj0, iff e(f, b) = o(j(1/b)), b ® ¥ . (23)Corollary 3
(Intrinsic error). Let F , j and w satisfy (6)-(15) and fÎ CT0, then, as b ® ¥ , ?f-fbc?0® 0. Moreover,?
f- fbc?0 = o(j (1/b)), iffe (f, b) = o(j (1/b)), b ® ¥ . (25)7. Weighted Radon spaces Rw
Motivated by the spaces CT0 and CTw, consider functions g(
q, s) defined on the unit cylinder Z = Sn-1´R, for which?
g?w= supq Î Sn-1 òRw(|s|)|g^(q, s)|ds < ¥ ,where
w is a nonnegative weight function on R + and g^(q , s ) denotes the one-dimensional fourier transform of g(q, s), regarded as a funciton of s with q fixed. Such functions (with the usual identification of functions equal a.e.) with norm ?× ?w constitute our weighted radon space R w . (It may be noted that the present analysis, without forging any new tool, extends to a more general situation of ?g?w= sup ?w(×)g^(q , ×)?, where ?×? is a monotone norm, i.e., satisfying ?y?£ ?z? if |y(s)| £ |z(s)|, s ÎR1.)If
w0 and w1 (³ w0) are two weight functions, for F ÎRw0 we define the Peetres K-functional byK
w (t; F) = infgÎR 1 {?F-g?w0 + t?g?w1}.For b 0, let Fb be defined through F^b(
q, s) = F^(q, s), if |s | £ b, and zero, otherwise. Then Fb ÎRw if F Î Rw and moreover, ?Fb?w£ ?F?w, F Î Rw for all w , whatsoever. Let for some constant Jl, the quotient function w~ = w1/w0 satisfyw
~(|s|)/w~(b) £ Jl, |s| £ b.Then,
Fb?w1£ J1w~(b)?F?w0,Further, if for some constant Jr,
~(b)/w~(|s|) £ Jr, |s| b,then
F-Fb?w0 = supqÎSn-1ò|s |bw0(|s|)F^(q, s)|ds = supqÎSn-1ò |s |b w ~(|s|)-1w1(|s|)F^(q, s)|ds £ (Jr/w~(b))?F?w1.Note that Jl and Jr inequalities hold for all b if
J0 = suph
Î(0,1] supt0 w~(th)/w~(t) < ¥ ,which we assume in the sequel.
Let a non-negaive function
n on (0, c] have the following properties analogous to those of j defined earlier:(28)
. (30)
e(g; b) = sup
q ÎSn-1 ò|s |b w0(|s|)|g^(q, s)|ds .Then, for g
Î Rw1,e(F; b)
£ e(F-g; b) + e(g-gb; b) + e((g-F)b; b) £ 2?F-g?w0 + (Jr/w~(b))?g?w1£
max{2, Jr}[?F-g?w0 + (Jr/w~(b))?g?w1],so that
e(F; b)
£ EKw(1/w~(b); F).Also, since
w(1/w~(1/t); F) £ infgÎRw1 {?F-Fb? + (1/w~(1/t))(?(F-g)b?+?gb?)}£
infgÎRw1 {e(F; b) + (1/w~(1/t))(J1w~(b)?F-g?w0 + ?gb?w1)}£
max{1, J1}[e(F; b) + (w~(b)/w~(1/t))Kw(1/w~(b); F)],applying the Oh-oh-Lemma to the function Kw (1/w ~(1/t); F) and orders w~(1/t) and n (t), we get the following analogue of the characterization of the intermediate CT spaces.
Theorem 4
(Characterization of intermediate Radon spaces). If w 0, w1 and n satisfy (26)-30),R
n = {F Î Rw0: e(F; b) = O(n(1/b)), b ®¥ },R
n0 = {F Î Rw0: e(F; b) = o(n(1/b)), b ®¥ }.This characterization, for appropriate choices of
w0 and w 1, will be used in the next two sections dealing with the discretization errors due to an interpolation of the projection and the convolved data.8. Error in the interpolation of convolved data
Suppose Ih is any interpolation of order m, for the equispaced convolved data (wb
*h g)(q, sk), k = -q, , q, satisfying?
IhG-G?C£ CIhm?G(m)?C, G Î Cm[-1, 1], (32)Using [9, p. 58]
*h g)^(q , s) = (2p)1/2wb^(s)SlÎZg^(q, s-(2pl/h)),and with D denoting the partial differentiation
¶/¶s, since |F^(x)| £ B, 0 £ |x| £ 1, and wb^(s) = 0 for |s| b, we have|Dm(wb
*h g)(q, s)| £ ò[-b,b] |s|m|wb^(s)|SlÎZ|g^(q, s-(2pl/h))|ds£
(2p )1/2-n((1/2)B)ò[-b,b] |s|m+n-1SlÎZ|g^(q, s-(2pl/h))|ds .Putting
*h g)(q, s) = (Ihwb*h g - wb*h g)(q, s),and, using b
£ p/h,?
Ehwb*h g? = supqÎSn-1?Ehwb*h g(q, .)?C£ supqÎSn-1 CIhm?Dmwb*h g(q, .)?C£
CIhm supqÎSn-1òR |s|m|(wb *h g^(q, s)|ds£
(2p)1/2-n((1/2)B) supqÎSn-1 CIhmòR|s|m+n-1|g^(q, s)|ds .From this, with
w1(s) = max{|s|m+n-1, 1}, there follows?
Ehwb *h g? £(2p)1/2-n((1/2)B)?g?w1.With
w0(s) = max{|s|n-1, 1}, w~(s) = max{|s|m, 1} and we have?
Ehwb *h g? £QI?wb *h g?C£QI(2p)1/2-n((1/2)B)?g?w0.It follows that for a general g,
Ehwb *h g? £infGÎR1 {?Ehwb *h (g-G)? + ?Ehwb *h G?}£
max {QI, CI}(2p)1/2-n((1/2)B) infGÎR1 {?g-G?w0 + hm?G?w1}= max {QI, CI}(2
p)1/2-n((1/2)B)Kw(hm; g).Next,
qÎSn-1ò|s |bw0(|s|)|g^(q, s)|ds= (2
infFÎCTw (2p)(n-1)/2{?(f-F)-(f-Fb)?0 + ?F-Fb?0}£
infFÎCTw (2p)(n-1)/2{?f-F?0 + Jf(1/b)?F?w}£
infFÎCTw (2p)(n-1)/2J{?f-F?0 + f(1/b)?F?w}£
(2p)(n-1)/2JKf(1/b; f).Hence, if f Î CTw,
qÎSn-1ò|s |bw0(|s|)|g^(q, s)|ds = O(j(1/b)), b ® ¥ .Using limt
® 0 tmu(t) = 0, this and the theorem on the characterization of intermediate Radon spaces imply that Kw(tm; g) = O(j(t)), t ® 0. Hence, from the Kw -estimate of Eh in the above, there follows ?Ih(wb*g)-wb*g? = O(j(h)), so that finally we have eI = |Rp#(Ih(wb *h g)-wb *h g)| = O(j(1/b)), showing that the net contribution of the error due to the interpolation of the convolved data is of the order of j(1/b).Similarly, eI = o(
j(1/b)), for f Î CTj0, and eI = o(1), for f Î CT0 and m 0 (for the details of the reasoning, see the next section), as b ® ¥ . Thus we have proved the following theorem:Theorem 5
(Error in the interpolation of convolved data). If the assumptions (1), (2), (6)-(15), (17) and (31), (32) hold,9. Error in the interpolationof projection data
Let the minimum spacing hm and the maximum spacing hM between consecutive local interpolation data points satisfy
b £ hm/hM, where b is a certain (positive) constant. With the largest of the data spacings denoted by h (assumed to be of the order of h, i.e., h/h £ C for some constant C), let the projection data interpolation operator Jh be of order l:?
Jh g - g?C£ CJhl?gl?C, g Î Cl[-1, 1], (35)J
h g(q, s) = S1£ k£ l lk(s)g(q, zk),lk(s) =
P1£ j(¹ k)£ l ((s-zj)/(zk-zj)), k = 1, , l,Based on appropritate local nodes z1, z2, , zk, provides an lth-order interpolation.
We take g(
q, s) as the projection data for f. Putting(E
h g)(q, s) = (Jh g g)(q, s) and ?Eh g? = supqÎSn-1?Eh g(q, ×)?C,we have
Eh g? £ (2p)-1/2Cjhl supqÎSn-1òR |s|l |g^(q, s)|ds ,from which, if we take
wl(s) = max{|s|l, 1}, there follows?
Eh g? £ (2p)-1/2Cjhl?g?wl,Also, with
w0(s) = 1, for some constant H0 (depending on b ),?
Eh g? £ H0?g?w0.Then,
w^(s) = w1(s)/w0(s) = w1(s) = max{|s|l, 1} and hence, for any g Î R0,?
Eh g? £ infGÎR1 {?Eh (g-G)? + ?Eh (g-G)?}£
max {H0, (2p)-1/2CJ} infGÎR1 {?Eh (g-G)?w0 + hl ?G?w1}= max {H0, (2
p)-1/2CJ} Kw(hl; g).Since, g^(
q, s) = (2p )(n-1)/2f^(sq), by the projection theorem, for f Î CT0, we havesup
qÎSn-1ò|s |b |g^(q, s)|ds£ (2p)(n-1)/2?f?0/bn-1and, if f
Î CTw,sup
qÎSn-1ò|s |b |g^(q, s)|ds£ Jb-(n-1)f(1/b) supqÎSn-1ò|s |b (|s|n-1/f(1/|s|)) |g^(q, s)|ds£
Jb-(n-1)f(1/b) (2p)(n-1)/2?f?w.It follows that for any f
Î CT0,e(g; b) = sup
qÎSn-1ò|s |b |g^(q, s)|ds = (2p)(n-1)/2?f - fb?w0, say,£
(2p)(n-1)/2 inffÎCTw {?(f-F)-(f-F)b?w0 + ?F-Fb?w0}£
inffÎCTw (2p)(n-1)/2 b-(n-1) {?f-F?0 + Jf(1/b)?F-Fb?w}£
inffÎCTw (2p)(n-1)/2 b-(n-1) J{?f-F?0 + f(1/b)?F-Fb?w}£
(2p)(n-1)/2 b-(n-1) JKf(1/b; f).With w(s) = w1(s), bh =
Jp , J Î (0, 1], and assuming that J is such thateJ = |Rp
#(Ih{wb *h (Jh g - g)})| £ S1£ j£ p apjQI ?Eh g?hS-q£l£q |wb(lh)|?
|Sn-1| bnQIhsw?Eh g?.At this point we may note that if N denotes the order of magnitude of an extraneous noise N(
qj, s) in the projection data for a single projection view qj, the worst-case reconstruction error at a point is of order apjhbnsw,qN, where sw,q= |w(0)| + 2S1£j£q|w(jJp)|. Thus sw provides a useful measure of a filters sensitivity to noise. Since, for the p and q in practice, approximately p = cqn-1, c = pn-1/(n-1)! [9, p. 70], and the quadrature coefficients apj are practically of the order 1/p of magnitude, the noise propagation due to a single view is of order O(Nsw,q).If f
Î CTj , e(g; b) = O(b-(n-1)j(1/b)). Taking n(t) = tn-1j(t), and using limt®0 tl-n+1u(t) = 0, from the theorem on the characterization of intermediate Radon spaces, we have g Î Rn and consequently, since h = O(h) = O(1/b), eJ = O(j(1/b)). Similarly, f Î CTj0 implies that eJ = o(j(1/b)). Moreover, if f Î CT0, e(g; b) = o(b-(n-1)) and then with j = 1, since for l n-1, limt® 0tl-n+1 = 0, we have eJ = 0(1), b ®¥ . Thus we have proved the following theorem.Theorem 6
(Error in the interpolation of projection data). If (1), (2), (6)-16), (31), (32) and (34)-(36) hold and h = O(1/b), thenIt may be noted that in the above analysis the finiteness of
sw is quite important (in practical situations it is material when q is large, i.e., when the discretization is very fine). It comes as a pleasant surprise that the usual practice of choosing J = 1, that is tying b to h by b = p/h, which simplifies the expressions for the convolving coefficients (for the Ramachandran-Lakshminarayanan and the Shepp-Logan filters, see [9, pp. 109-111]), also achieves this crucial finiteness of sw (for these and the Hamming filter in R2, F^(1) ¹ 0; for cosine filter F^(1) = 0).Theorem 7
(Finiteness of sw). If F^(x) is radially symmetric and F^(s) is twice continuously differentiable in [0, 1], then sw is finite iff (1-J )F^(1) = 0 (i.e., sw is finite for all J Î (0, 1], iff F ^(1) = 0, and is finite only for J = 1, if F^(1) ¹ 0).Proof
. For s 0 and n ³ 2,(2
p)nw(s) = (1/2)òR |s|n-1F^(|s|)eiss ds = ò[0,1]sn-1F^(s)cos(ss)ds=
F^(1) ((sin s)/s) + (F^)¢(1) ((cos s)/s2) (1/s2)ò[0,1] (sn-1F ^(s))¢¢ cos(ss)ds ,from which the result follows, since for j ÎZ + and JÎ (0, 1), max {|sin(jJp)|, |sin((j+1)Jp)} ³ |sin((1/2) min{J, 1-J})|. ð
It may also be appropriate to remark here that divergent ray geometries in which rebinning does require an interpolation in the
q -argument, treating the corresponding interpolation error as the noise N(qj, s) in the above, for an overall error bound of order j(1/b) we need an accuracy of order b-(n-1)j(1/b) in the q -interpolation.The result on the finiteness of
sw has an important implication: the choice h = Jp/b, in a b-bandlimited approximation with 0 < J < 1, corresponds to an oversampling. Since for popular windows (e.g., Shepp-logan, Ramachandran-Lakshminarayanan and Hamming) the conditions of the theorem are satisfied with F^(1) ¹ 0, an oversampling corresponds to sw = ¥ , which for very large q qould manifest in a large noise propagting factor sw,q.10. Total error in the discrete convolution backprojection
A break-up of the total error in the discrete convolution backprojection algorithm is given by
f - fbd = f - Wb
*f (Rp# - R#)(wb*g) Rp#(Ih(wb *h g) - wb *h g) Rp#(wb *h g - wb*g) Rp#Ih(wb *h (Jh g - g)).Recollecting the threads from the previous sections, under the hypotheses (1), (2), (6)-(17), (31), (32) and (34)-(36) (note the use of the sampling condition bh =
p for a satisfaction of (36) for the commonly used windows) and with h = O(1/b): (a) the order of approximation f - Wb*f is dealt with in the intrinsic error corollary; (b) the backprojection quadrature error (Rp# - R#)(wb*g), according to (4), (5), decays exponentially; (c) the contribution Rp#(Ih(wb *h g) - wb *h g) to the error due to the interpolation of the convolutions is estimated in (33); (d) the convolution discretization error Rp#(wb *h g - wb*g) is given by (3); and finally, (e) an estimate of the order of error in the interpolation of the projection data Rp#Ih(wb *h (Jh g - g)) is given in (37). Combining these, from the characterization of the intermediate Radon spaces, we finally arrive at the following theorem.Theorem 8
(Total error in the discrete CBP algorithm). If (1), (2), (6)-(17), (31), (32) and (34)-(36) hold andh = O(1/b), then, as b® ¥ ,uniformly in x
ÎWn.Thus, loosely speaking, in a discrete b-bandlimited CBP reconstruction, the total error is of the order of e (f, b).
For the Shepp-Logan, Hamming and cosine filters in the planar tomography n = 2, the window functions for |
x| < 1 equal sinc ((1/2)p|x |), a + (1-a) cos ((1/2)p|x |), 0 < a <1, and cos ((1/2)p|x |), respectively. In these cases y(h) = h2, so that f(t) = t2 is appropriate (usable also for the Ramachandran-Lakshminarayanan window). Then v(h) = h2 and if, as an example, we take j(t) = ta , 0 < a < 2, then u(h) = t-a and the interpolation orders m and l have to satisfy m a and l 1+a . For 0 < a < 1, we thus get the smallest values m = 1 and l = 2, while for 1 £a < 2, we require m = 2 and l = 3. In many experiments with the above tilters (see, e.g., [7, 12]; also cf. [5, pp. 67-71]) the order of error for the cross sections under consideration is found to be O(1/b), which corresponds to a = 1. This is in agreement with the findings in [10] (cf. [5, pp. 140-144], [9, p. 108]) that in practical tests the broken-line interpolation (m =2) is satisfactory, while the nearest-neighbour interpolation (m =1) is not.Acknowledgements
The author wishes to thank Professor Dr. Frank Natterer (M
ünster) whose visit to the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur, and a subsequent discussion on the importance of piecewise linearity of convolving functions, provided an incentive for the above general study. He is also indebted to Professor Dr. P.L. Butzer for the much needed encouragement and he is grateful to the two anonymous reviewers for their helpful suggestons.References
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