SE 366 Assignments


Assignment 1

Open your face image in any commonly available image editor e.g. Microsoft paint in windows. Remove any part other than the face using available tools in the editor.

Task: Submit manually segmented face image along with the original face image.


  1. To be familiar with the image editors.
  2. Understand the segmentation problems in manual selections of region of interest.

Deadline: Over





Assignment 2

Write a source code to double the intensity values of a given image.

Appreciation of the problem: while working in bytes min and max are 0 and 255 and which are to be preserved!

Deadline: Over






Assignment 3

Write a program to implement histogram equalization on a given image.

Deadline: Over





Assignment 4

a). Write programs to implement following frequency domain filters:

  1. Notch Filter
  2. Butterworth Low Pass Filter(LPF), Ideal LPF, Gaussian LPF
  3. Butterworth High Pass Filter(HPF), Ideal HPF, Gaussian HPF

b). Write a program to zoom an image via zero padding in frequency domain.

Deadline: March 4, 2006



Assignment 5

Write programs to implement following spatial domain filters:

  1. Convolution
  2. Gaussian Blurring
  3. Median Filter
  4. Mean Filter
  5. Variance Filter

Note: You have to implement filters for a circular window rather than rectangular window.

Deadline: March 4, 2006