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- S.C. Agarwal (1973), The Nature of Localized States in Amorphous Semiconductors – A Study by Electron Spin Resonance, Phys. Rev. B7, 685-691.
- M.A. Peasler, S.C. Agarwal (1974), S.J. Hudgens and H. Fritzsche, Annealing Behavior of Porosity, Density of Free Spins, Stress and Diamagnetic Susceptibility in a-Ge, Tetrahedrally Bonded Amorphous Semiconductors (AIP) 20, 37.
- S.C. Agarwal (1974), Analysis of the Thermally Stimulated Capacitor Discharge Method for Characterizing the Localized States in Amorphous Semiconductors, Phys. Rev. B10, 4340-4350.
- S.C. Agarwal and H. Fritzsche (1974), Attempts to Measure Thermally Stimulated Currents in Chalcogenide Glasses, Phys Rev B10, 4351-4357.
- S.C. Agarwal, S. Guha and K.L. Narasimhan (1975), a.c. Conductivity in Amorphous Germanium, J. Non-Crystalline Solids 18, 429-437.
- S.C. Agarwal and H. Fritzsche (1976), New Interpretation of TSC and TSCD in Vitreous Semiconductors, Thermal and Photo Stimulated Currents in Insulators (Electrochemical Society, Princeton), p. 105-117.
- K.L. Narasimhan and S. Guha and S.C. Agarwal (1976), Anamolous Frequency Dependence of Conductivity in Amorphous Semiconductor Films, Solid State Comm. 20, 573.
- A. Mookerjee and S.C. Agarwal (1980), Theory of Susceptibility of a-Ge and a-Si, Bull. Mater. Sc. 2, 353-356.
- S. Kumar and S.C. Agarwal (1981), Photovoltaic Effect in Interstitially Doped a-Si:H, J de Physique 42, C4-527-530.
- D.S. Misra, P.N. Dixit and S.C. Agarwal (1981), Characterization of a-Si:H Thin Films prepared by d.c. Glow Discharge of Silane, Bull. Mater. Sci. 3, 347-357.
- S. Kumar and S.C. Agarwal (1984), Light Induced Changes, Adsorbate Effects and Surface Photovoltage in a-Si:H, Phil. Mag. B49, L53-L56.
- D.S. Misra, A. Kumar and S.C. Agarwal (1984), Thermally Stimulated Currents in a-Si:H, Phil. Mag. B49, L69-L74.
- S. Kumar and S.C. Agarwal (1984), Surface Photovoltage in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon, Appl. Phys. Letters 45, 575-577.
- D.S. Misra, A. Kumar and S.C. Agarwal (1984), Intensity and Temperature Dependence of Steady State Photoconductivity down to 8K and DOS Distribution obtained from these Measurement in a-Si:H, Phys. Stat. Solidi (a)85, 297-303.
- D.S. Misra, A. Kumar and S.C. Agarwal (1985), On the Electrical Methods for Measurement of Density of States in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon (a-Si:H), J. Non-Crystalline Solids 76, 215-242.
- D.S. Misra, A. Kumar and S.C. Agarwal (1985), Study of the Distribution of Localized States in a-Si:H by Thermally Stimulated Currents Technique, Phys. Rev. B31, 1047-1054.
- S. Kumar and S.C. Agarwal (1985), Study of Surface Photovoltage in a-Si:H, J. Appl. Phys. 58, 3798-3808.
- D.S. Misra, V.A. Singh and S.C. Agarwal (1985), Thermally Stimulated Current Studies of the Density of Gap States in Amorphous Silicon, Solid State Comm., 55, 147-150.
- D.S. Misra, V.A. Singh and S.C. Agarwal (1985), Analysis of Thermally Stimulated Currents in Amorphous Silicon, Phys. Rev. B32, 4052-4059.
- S.C. Agarwal and S. Guha (1985), Persistent Photoconductivity in a-Si:H/a-SiNx:H Layered Structures, Phys. Rev. B31, 5547-5549.
- S. Guha W. den Boer, S.C. Agarwal and M. Hack (1985), Influence of Stress on Light-Induced Effects in Amorphous Silicon Alloys, Appl. Phys. Letters 47,947-949.
- S.C. Agarwal and S. Guha (1985), Persistent Photoconductivity in Doping Modulated Multilayers and Compensated Thin Films of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon, Phys. Rev. B32, 8469-8472.
- S.C. Agarwal and S. Guha (1985), Amorphous Silicon Doping Superlattices, J. Non- Crystalline Solids 77, 1097-1100.
- S.C. Agarwal and S. Guha (1986), Origin of the Persistent Photoconductivity (PPC) in Modulation Doped Amorphous Silicon (a-Si:H) Multilayers, Materials Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 70, 441-446. .
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- S. Guha, J.S. Payson, S.C. Agarwal and S.R. Ovshinsky (1987), Fluorinated Amorphous Silicon - Germanium Alloys Deposited from Disilane Germane Mixture, J. Non-Crystalline Solids 97, 1455-1458.
- S.C. Agarwal, J.S. Payson and S. Guha (1987), Thermal Equilibrium Process in Undoped Amorphous Silicon, Phys. Rev. B36, 9348-9350.
- S.C. Agarwal (1991), Amorphous Silicon-based Superlattices, Bull. Mater. Sci. 14, 1257-1278.
- Pfeiffer, M.A. Paesler and S.C. Agarwal (1991), Reversible Photo darkening of Amorphous Arsenic Chalcogens, J. Non-Crystalline Solids 130, 111-143.
- A.K. Sinha, M. Malhotra, S. Kumar, E. Bhattacharya and S.C. Agarwal (1993), Sub- band Gap Absorption in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Thin Films Using Constant Photocurrent Method, Ind. J. Pure & Appl. Phys. 31, 548-551.
- P. Agarwal, S.C. Agarwal, E. Bhattacharya, S. Kumar and A. Kumar (1993), Search for Thermal Metastability in Chalcogenide Glasses, Ind. J. Pure & Appl. Phys. 31, 367- 370.
- S.K. Tripathi, D. Deva, S. Kumar, P.N. Dixit and S.C. Agarwal (1993), Multichamber RF Glow Discharge System for making Amorphous Silicon Based Devices, Ind. J. Pure & Appl. Phys. 31, 660-663.
- S.C. Agarwal (1995), Electronic Structure of Amorphous Semiconductors, Bull. Mater. Sci. 18, 669-678.
- P. Agarwal, S.K. Tripathi, S. Kumar and S.C. Agarwal (1996), Comparison of Thermal and Light Induced Metastabilities in Lithium Doped a-Si:H, J. Non-Crystalline Solids 201, 163-166. .
- S.C. Agarwal (1996), Heterogeneities in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon, Ind. J. Pure & Appl. Phys. 34, 597-602.
- S.C. Agarwal (1996), Amorphous Silicon as Hydrogen Glass, Bull. Mater. Sci. 19, 39- 50.
- M. Malhotra, S.C. Agarwal and S. Kumar (1996), Deposition of Diamond Films on Metal Substrates, Bull. Mater. Sci. 19,455-466.
- Pratima Agarwal and S.C. Agarwal (1997), Electronic Transport and Metastabilities in P-Doped a-Si:H, J. Appl. Phys. 81, 3214-3219.
- Pratima Agarwal and S.C. Agarwal (1997), Potential Fluctuations and Staebler Wronski Effect, Solid State Phenomenon 55, 140- .
- S.C. Agarwal (1997), Metastable Defects in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon, Bull. Mater. Sci. 20,379-384.
- A.K. Sinha, S.K. Tripathi and S.C. Agarwal (1997), Position of Dangling Bond States in Doped a-Si:H, Solid State Phenomena 55, 137-139.
- A.K. Sinha, G.S. Narayana, S.K. Tripathi and S.C. Agarwal (1998), Density of Surface States in Li Doped a-Si:H, J. Non-Crystalline Solids 241, 128-133.
- AIok Srivastava and S.C. Agarwal (1998), Lateral Photovoltage in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon, J. Non-Crystalline Solids 227, 259-262.
- Pratima Agarwal, Marek Kostana, S.M. Pietruszko and S.C. Agarwal (1998), Relaxation of Thermally Induced Defects in LPCVD Amorphous Silicon, J. Non- Crystalline Solids 227, 328-331.
- S.C. Agarwal (1998), Metastabilities and Potential Fluctuations in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon, Metals Materials Processes 10, 209-216.
- Pratima Agarwal and S.C. Agarwal (1998), Light Soaking in Thermally Quenched Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon, J. Non-Crystalline Solids 227, 296-300.
- A.K. Sinha and S.C. Agarwal (1998), Determination of Surface States in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon by Subgap Absorption Measurements, Phil. Mag. B77,945-957.
- A.K. Sinha and S.C. Agarwal (1998), Photothermal Deflection Spectroscopy and Constant Photocurrent Measurement for Subgap Absorption in Thin Films, Ind. J. Pure & Appl. Phys. 36, 328-334.
- G.S. Narayana, S.K. Tripathi, A. Srivastava, A.K. Sinha and S.C. Agarwal (1999), Residual Stress in Diamond Films using Raman Spectroscopy, Ind. J. Phys. 73S, 161- 169. :
- P. Agarwal and S.C. Agarwal (2000), Thermal Equilibrium, the Staebler-Wronski Effect and Potential Fluctuations in Lithium-Doped Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon, Phil. Mag. B80, 1327-1346.
- P.K. Dwivedi, S.K. Tripathi, A. Pradhan, V.N. Kulkarni and S.C. Agarwal (2000), Raman Study of Ion Irradiated GeSe Films, J. Non-Crystalline Solids 266, 924-92.
- A.K. Sinha and S.C. Agarwal (2000), Comparison of Potential Fluctuations in a-Si:H Measured by the Optical and Transport Methods, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. BI8, 1805-1809.
- P. Agarwal and S.C. Agarwal (2000), Influence of lithium concentration on metastabilities in a-Si:H (Li), J. Non-Crystalline Solids 266, 469-473.
- Alok Srivastava, P. Agarwal and S.C. Agarwal (2002), Origin of Lateral Photovoltage in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon and Silicon Germanium Thin Films, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 299-302, 430-433.
- Alok Srivastava and S.C. Agarwal (2002), Potential Fluctuations, Diffusion Length and Lateral Photovoltage in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon and Silicon-Germanium Thin Films, Phil. Mag. B82, 1239-1256.
- S.C. Agarwal (2003), Potential Fluctuations and Metastabilities in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon, J. Mater. Sci. – Mater. Electronics, 14, 703-706.
- N.P. Mandal, S. Dey and S.C. Agarwal (2003), Effect of Surface Treatments in Nanocrystalline Silicon, Mater. Res. Soc. Proc. 737, F3.51.1-6.
- N.P. Mandal and S.C. Agarwal (2003), Light and Thermally Induced Metastabilities in Nanocrystalline Silicon, Mater. Res. Soc. Proc. 762, A17.18.1-6.
- N.P. Mandal and S.C. Agarwal (2003), Surface Effects in Nanocrystalline Silicon, J. Mater Sci. – Mater. Electronics, 14, 797-798.
- N.P. Mandal, Ashutosh Sharma and S.C. Agarwal (2003), Arresting Photodegradation of Porous Silicon by a Polymer Coating, Solid State Comm. (accepted).
- P. Bozoski, S.D. Baranovskii, P. Thomas and S.C. Agarwal (2003), Potential Fluctuations in Disordered Semiconductors Measured by Transport and Optical Methods, Phys. Stat. Sol. (accepted).
- N.P. Mandal, S. Dey and S.C. Agarwal (2003), Influence of Surface Treatments on Nanocrystalline Silicon, Thin solid Films (accepted).
1. Editor, Proceedings of the Symposium on Non-Crystalline Solids (Contributed papers) (lIT, Kanpur, 1980).
2. Co-editor (with C.N.R. Rao and S. Ramaseshan), Proceedings of the Symposium on Non- Crystalline Solids (Invited papers) Bull. Mater. Sci., Vol 2, No.5 (1980).
3. Co-editor (with M. Paesler and R. Zallen), Amorphous and Liquid Semiconductors(Parts I&II), North-Holland (1989).
- Persistent Photoconductivity in Amorphous Silicon Alloys, Chapter in the book entitled Disordered Semiconductors (M.A. Kastner, G.A. Thomas and S.R. Ovshinsky, Eds., Plenum Press, 1987), p. 519, (with S. Guha).
- Physics of Instabilities in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Based Devices, in: Semiconductor Devices (Krishan Lal, Ed., Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 1996) p. 597.
- Role of Hydrogen on the Electrical Transport Properties of Porous Silicon, in: Physics of Semiconductor Nanostructures (K.P. Jain, Ed., Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 1997), p. 155 (with Alok Srivastava).
- Stability of Porous Silicon Layers, in: Science and Technology of Nanostructured Materials (B.K. Rao, S.M. Bose, M.P. Das and S.N. Sahu, Eds., Nova Science Publishers, NY, 2001) pp. 101-112.
Thin Film Light Emitting Diode, Photonic Circuit Employing said Diode and Image Employing said Circuits. (U.S. Patent, filed, October, 1986) with S. Guha.