Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
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Past Research

Matrix Theory
In the recent past we have described an Oscillating D-String Configuration in the framework of the IIB Matrix Theories (IKKT models). These preserve one quarter of the N=2 supersymmetry and are BPS configurations. This automaticaly entails the realization of a chiraly supersymmetric ( 8,0)  U(1) gauge theory on the two dimensional world volume of the Oscillating D-string. We further established the quantum mechanical equivalence with the (8,8) gauge theory of the static D-string through certain Bogoliubov transformations. This shows that the Oscillating D-String is a collective excitation of the static case.

Duality Symmetries
We have used the continuous version of the SL(2,R) S-duality as a Solution Generating Transformation for Superstring backgrounds. In this connection we obtained type IIB plane wave superstring backgrounds with non trivial Ramond-Ramond gauge fields. Using a geometrical analysis based on the tensorial form of the perturbative higher order contributions to the equations of motion for the low energy effective theory we showed that these backgrounds were perturbatively exact. This was later extended to the type IIB anlogs of the Brinkmann metric using a non-symmetric connection framework and it could be shown that these too were perturbatively exact under certain restrictions.

Coset Conformal Field Theories, WZW models and Black Holes in String Theory
Classical string backgrounds have been constructed which posess an exact description as Coset Conformal Field Theories obtained from Chiral Gauged Wess-Zumino-Witten ( WZW) Models. In this context we obtained one of the first examples of a string background with a geometry of a four dimensional black membrane with torsion from an SL(2,R) x R WZW model and various T dual versions. We also explored the tagrget space structure of an asymmetricaly chiral gauged SL(2,R) WZW model by gauging a compact and a non-compact subgroup from the holomorphic and the antiholomorphic sectors. The resultant space time geometry could be related to a three dimensional Black String metric.

Conformal Field Theory and Topological Field Theory (Ph.D. Thesis)
My thesis work was concerned with the construction of a Global Operator Formalism for Conformal Field Theories on a Compact Riemann Surfaceof arbitrary genus using the  Krichever-Novikov (KN) formalism. Utilizing the global Fourier-Laurent bases for complex tensor fields on the compact Riemann surface the BRST quantization of a closed superstring in a
curved background could be established. This was subsequently extended to obtain the classical constraint algebra of a Heterotic string in an arbitrary massless background. The operator formalism obtained was applied to construct a Topological Conformal Field Theory on a compact Riemann surface leading to the discovery of a topological  version of the KN algebra. This was later extended to construct topological sueprconformal field Theories on compact Riemann surfaces and led to a realization of the topological super KN algebra.

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