Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur - 208016 (India)


Professional Affiliations

  1. Life member of the National Academy of Sciences, India.

  2. Life member of the International Indian Statistical Association.

  3. Life member of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, India.

  4. Life member of the Indian Econometric Society, India.

  5. Life member of the Indian Society for Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation, India.

  6. Life member of the Indian Society of Probability and Statistics, India.

  7. Fellow of the The Royal Statistical Society, London, U.K. since 2000.

  8. Member of the American Statistical Association (A.S.A.), U.S.A., since 2008.

  9. Member of The Institute of Mathematical Statistics (I.M.S.), U.S.A., since 2012.

  10. Member of the American Mathematical Society (A.M.S.), U.S.A., since 2012.

  11. Member of the Bernoulli Society of International Statistical Institute, The Netherlands, in 2003.

  12. Member of the Indian Science Congress Association, India in 1999.

  13. Member of Sample Survey Theory and Methods Research Group, India in 1995.