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Ongoing Projects

Subduction Mechanics
Dynamics of subduction interface and its implications for earthquake generating frictional sliding to volcano feeding partial melting in convergent plate tectonic boundaries

This project aims to provide a new insight of the complex and trans...

ECBM & CO2 Sequestration
Enhanced Coal-Bed-Methane and Shale-Gas recovery from underground reservoirs aided by permeability enhancement and CO2 sequestration – an experimental approach

This proposal is designed to explore and quantify the enhanced...

Lab Development @ IITK
Special Grant for developing Institute Facility

This special grant has been received to developing a high pressure temperature experimental deformation laboratory in IIT Kanpur. The grant would support and strengthen the Swarnajayanti Research Grant and Pan...

Seismicity vs. aseismicity
Characterization of the frictional properties and seismic-aseismic transitions in active faults of the Himalaya: an experimental investigation

The Himalaya, being one of the most dynamic regions on the Earth, display...

Rheology and tectono-metamorphic evolution of East Himalayan (Nagalanad, Manipur and Andaman Islands) ophiolite sequence and associated rocks

This research proposal aims to study the mechanical and...

Completed Projects

Wellington Fault, NZ
Rheology and frictional properties of damage zone rocks in the Wellington Fault, New Zealand

The project developed a data set for frictional sliding of Wellington fault rocks to explore the strain response to the release of stress in the context of rate-and- state friction...

Lab Developnebt @ GNS
New Capability: Quantifying Rock and Soil Properties in Laboratory

The proposal was developed to upgrade the Rock and Soil Mechanics laboratory in GNS Science, New Zealand. Apart from the implementation of an upgraded data capture and processing capability for all laboratory equipment...

Partially Molten Rocks (4)
Physics and chemistry of large strained, partially molten polyphase rocks

Projects 1-4 ran either simultaneously of in sequence with a continuity of a previous one. The primary aim of these projects was to study the link between deformation and metamorphism...

Partially Molten Rocks (3)
Rheology and the evolution of physical properties with increasing temperature and strain: in illite+quartz and muscovite+quartz systems

Projects 1-4 ran either simultaneously of in sequence with a continuity of a previous one. The primary aim...

Partially Molten Rocks (2)
Experimental deformation of clay and quartz mixtures at geological conditions

Projects 1-4 ran either simultaneously of in sequence with a continuity of a previous one. The primary aim of these projects was to study the link between deformation and metamorphism...

Partially Molten Rocks (1)
Rheology and the evolution of physical properties with increasing temperature and strain: in illite+quartz and muscovite+quartz systems

Projects 1-4 ran either simultaneously of in sequence with a continuity of a previous one. The primary aim...