- SN Singh et al, Engineer and Expert System in Information Age, Seminar on Information Age, The Institution of Engineers (India), Computer Division, April 6-7, 1991, Lucknow.
- SC Srivastava, PK Kalra and SN Singh, 'Discussion to the paper by M. Norooziaan and G. Anderson, Power Flow Control by use of Controllable series Component, IEEE Trans on Power Delivery, Vol. 8 No. 3, pp. 1420-1429, July 1993
- KN Srivastava, SK Joshi and SN Singh, Discussion of IEEE paper #WM 064-6~PWRD titled Damping of Power System Oscillations by Use of Controllable Components, IEEE T-PWRD Oct 1994.
- KN Srivastava, SN Singh and SK Joshi, Discussion of IEEE paper #SM 515-7~PWRS titled A Generation Rescheduling Method to Increase the Dynamic Security of Power System, IEEE T-PWRS Feb 95.
- KN Srivastava, SK Joshi and SN Singh, Discussion of IEEE paper # WM 245-1~PWRS titled Computation of a Practical Method to Restore Power Flow Solvability, IEEE T-PWRS Feb 95.
- SK Joshi, A Chandramouli, SN Singh and KN Srivastava, Discussion of IEEE paper # 94 WM 219-6~PWRS titled Static Security in Power System Operation in Fuzzy Real Load Conditions, IEEE T-PWRS Feb 95.
- SC Srivastava, KN Srivastava, SN Singh and SK Joshi, Discussion of IEEE paper # 94 SM 578-5 PWRS titled On Bifurcation, Voltage Collapse And Load Modeling, IEEE T-PWRS Feb 1995.
- SN Singh, KN Srivastava and SK Joshi, Discussion of IEEE paper # SM 535-5 PWRS titled Parallel Implementation of Power System Transient Stability Analysis, IEEE T-PWRS Vol.10, No.3, pp. 1226-1233, August 1995.
- SN Singh, KN Srivastava and SK Joshi, Discussion of IEEE paper # SM 537-1 PWRS titled A Hybrid Tool to Assist the Operator in Reactive Power/Voltage Control and Optimization, IEEE T-PWRS May Vol-10, N0.2, pp. 753-759, May 1995.
- SC Srivastava, KN Srivastava, SN Singh and SK Joshi, Discussion of IEEE paper # 94 SM 578-5 PWRS titled Effects of Load Dynamics on Power System Damping, submitted to IEEE T-PWRS May Vol-10, N0.2, pp. 1022-1028, May 1995.
- SC Srivastava, KN Srivastava, SN Singh and SK Joshi, Discussion of IEEE paper # 94 SM 514-0 PWRS titled New Methods for Computing a Saddle Node Bifurcation Point for Voltage Stability Analysis, IEEE T-PWRS May Vol-10, N0.2, pp. 978-989, May 1995.
- SN Singh and KN Srivastava, Discussion of IEEE paper # PE-278 EC 98 titled A Neural Network Based Power System Stabilizer Suitable for On-line Training A Practical Case Study for EGAT System, IEEE T-EC, Vol. 15, No.4, December 2000, pp. 494.