Sreerup Raychaudhuri
Doctoral Research
My doctoral research was carried out at the Department of Physics of the University of Calcutta, under the supervision of Amitava Raychaudhuri (no relation) who now holds the prestigious Palit Professorship of Physics, a chair formerly held by stalwarts such as C.V. Raman and M.N. Saha. The specific area in which I worked is a branch of electroweak phenomenology which deals with a class of particles called Higgs bosons. In the standard electroweak theory of Glashow, Salam and Weinberg, a single massive scalar boson is predicted, which goes by the name of the Higgs boson (after Peter Higgs, a British scientist, who first worked out its significance in electroweak theory). There are many forms of electroweak theory which go beyond the Standard Model, and most of these predict not one but several Higgs bosons. Sometimes, these are carry electric charge, unlike the one in the Standard Model, which is uncharged.  Such charged Higgs bosons exist, for example, in the minimal supersymmetric version of the Standard Model (which balances the bosonic and fermionic degrees of freedom in the Standard Model) which is one of the most popular ways of going beyond the Standard Model. None of these Higgs bosons have been discovered yet. It is assumed, therefore, that if these particles exist, then they must be very massive, so that it is not possible to produce them at laboratory energies.  There are two routes to discovery: The first option is clearly not suitable for a Ph.D. project, since a typical accelerator costs billions of dollars and requires huge teams of scientists just to analyse the experimental data. Such projects are actually on, financed by the USA, Japan and the EC. However, the second option is obviously easier, since all it requires is to be able to do a type of computation in quantum field theory called one-loop Feynman diagram calculations. It was this skill which I learnt and applied to various processes during my doctoral work.

This work was carried out under a Junior Research Fellowship (upgraded to Senior Research Fellowship after two years) awarded by the University Grants Commission (UGC), Government of India on the basis of my performance in the National Efficiency Test (NET) conducted in 1986.

A more technical account

My doctoral work concerned processes involving one-loop diagrams leading to signals for Higgs bosons in models beyond the Standard Model at various energies. In pursuit of this, I first investigated bounds on charged Higgs bosons in supersymmetric models from the low-energy processs B -> K* and B0-anti B0 mixing. Bounds on the parameters of these models were obtained. After submission of my thesis, the process B -> K  was indeed observed and today provides the most stringent bounds on models with charged Higgs bosons. I also investigated the rare process Z0 -> b anti s at LEP energies and found bounds from this too. At the same LEP energies I studied the possibility of producing and detecting singlet Higgs bosons coupling to vectorlike fermions and showed that such processes are very little constrained by LEP. Finally I made a detailed calculation of the rare process H± -> W±   in a supersymmetric model which involved the evaluation of more than 100 one-loop diagrams. The net result could be useful in detecting a charged Higgs boson heavier than the top quark at the high energies and luminosities of the CERN Large Hadron Collider.