Hello! 😄

Thanks for coming here
I am Udit, CSE senior from one of the India's Prestigious Universities, IIT Kanpur.

About Me

Introducing myself always have been confusing but yaa...

Meet a coding enthusiast who shares an inseparable bond with his beloved laptop, constantly vibing alongside his trusted partner, his headphones. With a passion for full stack development, he recently discovered a deep connection with core Computer Science and Engineering topics like Compilers and OS.
He also likes to dive into the world of Competitive Programming. But there's more to him than his programming prowess. He cherishes building meaningful connections with others, finding joy in forging new bonds. And when he's not engrossed in coding or engaging in captivating conversations, you'll often find him lost in his thoughts, sipping on a comforting cup of tea :D


JAVA to x86 Compiler

CS335 Course Project
We implemented a compiler for a fully functional subset of JAVA language with assembly generated in x86-64 ISA. Steps involved designing lexer, parser, semantic analyzer and code generator using Flex, Bison and C++ programming language. We incorporated features such as operators, classes, objects, methods, recursion and multi-dimensional arrays

Building xv6-riscv Operating System

CS330 Course Project
In this project, we implemented various user and system calls as well as features like semaphores and condition variables on top of pre-existing calls. It followed by scheduling policies like SJF and Unix Scheduler.
PS: We were awarded 300 out of 300 demonstrating outstanding performance in the project.

SPO Web App

Offered by Programming Club under SnT Projects.
This project was just awesome where me along with my groupmates made a web portal for Student Placement Office, IITK to offer off-season internships and placements from where students can apply for them.
We used React.js and Django for this.

InfoSec 101

Offered by ACA, IITK
Under this project, I explored fields of Web exploitation, Reverse engineering, Binary exploitation, Cryptography and many cool stuffs.
Thrill of catching the flags is just awesome and is totally worth it as it gives feel of Hacker lol XD


CS253 Course Project
Under this project, we implemented software for security system of IITK. It included campus entry/exit, hall entry/exit and also covered the problem of lost and found. Along with this, we drafted all the documnents from the beginning of planning.


Will love to upadte this list with many more items...


Whatever I have done till now can be fit in one and a half page, you can witness it.
Click here to view my resume till 4th semester

In love with
and trying to love