EE651A, Nonlinear Systems, 2023-2024, Sem II

This is a course webpage for Nonlinear Systems offered in Sem II, 2023-2024.


Abhilash Patel, apatel[at]

Teaching Assistants

Shikha Singh Chauhan (shikha22[at], Sourabh Sen (sourabhsen22[at]


MWF, 9.00AM-10AM, at ACES 213


11.02.2024: HW1 released through course email. Due 26.02.2024.
29.01.2024: Project/Term Paper Presentation II on 13.04.2024 (detailed instructions in course email)
29.01.2024: Project/Term Paper Presentation I on 02.03.2024 (detailed instructions in course email)
29.01.2024: Instructions regarding Class Project released through email.
27.01.2024: Office Hour
04.01.2024: Course webpage is live!


Lecture Topics Suggested Readings (/ implies OR)
1 Course Mechanics FCH
2 Introduction to Non-Linear Systems JW 1
3 Nonlinearity and induced dynamical behaviours StS 2.5
4 Uniqueness and Existence, Tools from Matrix Theory StS 6.2
5 Non-Linear System Analysis JW 2
6 Phase Plane Analysis JW 2.1-2.6
7 Hartman-Grobman Theorem StS 5.2
8 Phase Plane: Saddle, Center, Focus, Extending to Nonlinear Systems, Heteroclinic and Homoclinic Orbit StS 5.2
9 Isoclines, Nullclines StS 6.1.1/See Additional References
10 Exampls of Nullclines StS 6.1.1/See Additional References
11 Notions of stability & convergence JW 3.1-3.2
12 Stability of Equilibrium, Lyapunov stability JW 3.1-3.4
13 Lyapunov Direct and Indirect Method JW3.3-3.4
14 Problems on Lyapunov Stability JW 4.13
15 Problems on Lyapunov Stability Contd. JW 4.13
16 LaSalle's Invariance Theorem JW 3.4.3
17 Problems on LaSalle's Invariance Theorem JW 3.9
18 Lyapunov stability for non-autonomous systems JW 4.2
19 Barbalat's Lemma, Lyapunov-like Lemma JW 4.2
20 Boundedness, Uniform Boundedness, Uniform Ultimate Boundedness
21 Input to State Stability(ISS)
22 Example of ISS
23 Stability of Limit Cycle JW2.6
24 Bifurcations:Saddle Node, Transcritical, Pitchfork, Hopf StS 8.1, 8.2

Recommended Textbooks

Additional References