EE651A, Nonlinear Systems, 2022-2023, Sem II

This is a course webpage for Nonlinear Systems offered in Sem II, 2022-2023.


Abhilash Patel, apatel[at]

Teaching Assistants

Kushal Pratap Singh (kushalp20[at], Arijit Bhowmik (arijitb21[at]


MWF, 9.00AM-10AM, at ACES 213


02.04.2023: Project/Term Paper Presentation I on 22.04.2023 (detailed instructions in course email)
02.02.2023: Project/Term Paper Presentation I on 03.03.2023 (detailed instructions in course email)
27.01.2023: Office Hour
18.01.2023: Instructions regarding Class Project released through email.
16.01.2023: HW1 released through course email. Due 24.01.2023.
08.01.2023: Course webpage is live!


Lecture Topics Suggested Readings (/ implies OR)
1 Course Mechanics FCH
2 Nonlinearity and induced dynamical behaviours ShS 1.1/ HK 1.1-1.2.1
3 Tools from Matrix Theory, Existence ShS 3.2,3.4/StS 2.5
4 Uniqueness and Existence, Parameteric and Initial Condition Dependence HK 3.1, 3.3/ ShS 3.4,1
5 Overview of Control-theoretic tools, Describing Function HK 3.1, 3.3/ ShS 3.4,1
6 Describing Function, Harmonic Balance HK 7.2/ JW 5.1-5.3
7 Common nonlinearity, Prediction and stability of limit cycles, Error bound in approximation HK 7.2/ JW 5.3-5.4
8 Talyor-series, Linearization, Solution of Linearized System, Role of Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues HK 2.1/ ShS 2.2 / StS 6.3
9 Hartman-Grobman Theorem, Phase Plane Analysis, Nodes, Manifold, Invariant Manifold, Stable-Unstable Manifold HK 2.3/ ShS 2.2 / StS 5.2
10 Phase Plane: Saddle, Center, Focus, Extending to Nonlinear Systems, Heteroclinic and Homoclinic Orbit HK 2.3/ ShS 2.2 / StS 5.2
11 Isoclines, Nullclines StS 6.1.1/See Additional References
12 Center Manifold Theory ShS 7.6/HK 8.1
13 Bifurcations: Saddle Node, Transcritical ShS 2.5/HK 2.7
14 Bifurcations: Pitchfork, Hopf ShS 2.5/HK 2.7
15 Mapping Limit cycles to fixed points, Global Bifurcations: Fold, Sniper, Homoclinic Sts 8.4
16 Existence of limit cycles, Bendixson theorem, Poincare-Bendixson theorem JW2.6/ HK 2.6
17-19 Mid Semester Project Progress
20 Notions of stability & convergence JW3.1-3.2/ HK 4.1
21 Stability of Equilibrium, Lyapunov stability, Indirect & Direct approach for autonomous systems JW3.1-3.4/ HK 4.1
22 LaSalle's Invariance Theorem JW 3.4.3/ HK 4.2
23 Finding Lyapunov functions: Quadratic approach, Krasovskii theorem JW 3.5
24 Finding Lyapunov functions: Energy approach, Variable Gradient, Lyapunov's direct approach for non-autonomous systems JW 3.5, 4.1-4.2/ HK 4.5
25 Lyapunov's direct approach for non-autonomous systems, Barbalat's Lemma JW 4.2/ HK 4.5
26 Stability of Limit Cycles, Orbital Stability, Analysis: Transformation approach, Poincare Map HK 8.4
27 Floquet Theory See Additional References
28 Lyapunov Approach for Limit Cycles See Additional References
29 Incremental Stability, Convergent Dynamics See Additional References
30 Contraction Theory, Partial Contraction, Observer Design See Additional References
31 Input to State Stability, Input to Output Stability See Additional References
32-36 End Semester Project Presentation

Recommended Textbooks

Additional References