Chapter 1
Introduction to Matrices

1.1 Definition of a Matrix

Definition 1.1.1. A rectangular array of numbers is called a matrix.

In this book, we shall mostly be concerned with complex numbers. The horizontal arrays of a matrix are called its rows and the vertical arrays are called its columns. Let A be a matrix having m rows and n columns. Then, A is said to have order m × n or is called a matrix of size m × n and can be represented in either of the following forms:

    ⌊                   ⌋        (                    )
      a11  a12  ⋅⋅⋅  a1n           a11   a12   ⋅⋅⋅  a1n
    |                   |        |                    |
A = || a21  a22  ⋅⋅⋅  a2n|| or A = || a21   a22   ⋅⋅⋅  a2n || ,
    |⌈   ...     ... ...    ...|⌉        |(  ...     ...   ...   ...  |)

     am1   am2  ⋅⋅⋅ amn            am1  am2   ⋅⋅⋅  amn
where aij is the entry at the intersection of the ith row and jth column. One writes A Mm,n() to say that A is an m × n matrix with complex entries, A Mm,n() to say that A is an m × n matrix with real entries and A = [aij], when the order of the matrix is understood from the context. We will also use A[i,:] to denote the i-th row of A, A[:,j] to denote the j-th column of A and aij or (A)ij, for the (i,j)-th entry of A.

For example, if A = [              ]
 1  3+  i   7

 4    5   6 - 5i then A[1,:] = [13 + i7], A[:,3] = [     ]

 6- 5i and a22 = 5. In general, in row vector commas are inserted to differentiate between entries. Thus, A[1,:] = [1,3 + i,7]. A matrix having only one column is called a column vector and a matrix with only one row is called a row vector. All our vectors will be column vectors and will be represented by bold letters. Thus, A[1,:] is a row vector and A[:,3] is a column vector.

PICT PICT DRAFT Example 1.1.2. The system of linear equations 2x+3y = 5 and 3x+2y = 6 can be identified with the matrix A = [2  3 |5]
 3  2 |6. Note that x and y are variables with the understanding that x is associated with A[:,1] and y is associated with A[:,2].

Definition 1.1.3. Two matrices A = [aij],B = [bij] Mm,n() are said to be equal if aij = bij, for each i = 1,2,,m and j = 1,2,,n.

In other words, two matrices are said to be equal if they have the same order and their corresponding entries are equal.

1.1.1 Special Matrices

Definition 1.1.4.

A matrix in which each entry is zero is called a zero-matrix, denoted 0. For example,
       [    ]             [       ]
02×2 =  0  0   and 02×3 =  0  0  0 .
        0  0               0  0  0
A matrix that has the same number of rows as the number of columns, is called a square matrix. A square matrix is said to have order n if it’s order is n × n and is denoted either by writing A Mn() or A Mn(), depending on whether the entries are real or complex numbers, respectively. PICT PICT DRAFT
Let A = [aij] Mm,n().
Then, the entries a11,a22,,ann are called the diagonal entries and they constitute the principal diagonal of A.
Then, A is said to be a diagonal matrix if aij = 0 for ij, denoted diag(a11,,ann). For example, the zero matrix 0n and [    ]
 4  0

 0  1 are two diagonal matrices.
If A = diag(a11,,ann) and aii = d for all i = 1,,n then the diagonal matrix A is called a scalar matrix.
Then, A = diag(1,,1) is called the identity matrix, denoted In, or in short I. For example, I2 = [    ]
 1  0

 0  1 and I3 = ⌊        ⌋
| 1  0  0|
⌈ 0  1  0⌉
  0  0  1.
For 1 i n, define ei = In[:,i], a matrix of order n × 1. Then, the set {e1,,en}, where ei Mn,1(), for 1 i n, is called the standard basis of n. Note that even though the order of the column vectors ei’s depend on n, we don’t mention it as the size is understood from the context. For example, if e1 2 then, e1T = [1,0]. If e1 3 then, e1T = [1,0,0] and so on.
Let A = [aij] be a square matrix.
Then, A is said to be an upper triangular matrix if aij = 0 for i > j.
Then, A is said to be a lower triangular matrix if aij = 0 for i < j.
Then, A is said to be triangular if it is an upper or a lower triangular matrix.

For example, ⌊ 0  1   4⌋
|         |
⌈ 0  3 - 1⌉
  0  0 - 2 is upper triangular, ⌊0  0  0⌋
|       |
⌈1  0  0⌉
 0  1  1 is lower triangular and the matrices 0,I are upper as well as lower triangular matrices.

An m × n matrix A = [aij] is said to have an upper triangular form if aij = 0 for all i > j. For example, the matrices ⌊                 ⌋
  a11  a12  ⋅⋅⋅ a1n
|| 0   a22  ⋅⋅⋅ a2n||
||  .   .   .     .||
⌈  ..   ..    ..   ..⌉
  0    0   ⋅⋅⋅ a
                nn, ⌊       ⌋
 0  0  1
||0  1  0||
||       ||
⌈0  0  2⌉
 0  0  0 and [1  2  0  0  1]

 0  0  0  1  1 have upper PICT PICT DRAFT triangular forms.

1.2 Operations on Matrices

Definition 1.2.1. Let A = [aij] Mm,n().

Then, the transpose of A, denoted AT = [bij] Mn,m() and bij = aji, for all i,j.
Then, the conjugate transpose of A, denoted A* = [cij] Mn,m() and cij = aji, for all i,j, where for a , a denotes the complex-conjugate of a.

Thus, if x is a column vector then xT and x* are row vectors and vice-versa. For example, if A = [       ]
 1  4  5
 0  1  2 then A* = AT = ⌊     ⌋
  1  0
| 4  1|
⌈     ⌉
  5  2, whereas if A = [       ]
 1  4 + i
 0  1 - i then AT = [           ]
   1     0
  4+ i  1- i and A* = [          ]
   1     0

 4 - i 1 + i. Note that A*AT .

Theorem 1.2.2. For any matrix A, (A*)* = A. Thus, (AT )T = A.

Proof. Let A = [aij],A* = [bij] and (A*)* = [cij]. Clearly, the order of A and (A*)* is the same. Also, by definition cij = bji = aij = aij for all i,j and hence the result follows. _

Definition 1.2.3. Let A = [aij],B = [bij] Mm,n(). Then, the sum of A and B, denoted A + B, is defined to be the matrix C = [cij] Mm,n() with cij = aij + bij. PICT PICT DRAFT

Definition 1.2.4. Let A = [aij] Mm,n(). Then, the product of k with A, denoted kA, is defined as kA = [kaij] = [aijk] = Ak.

For example, if A = [        ]
  1  4  5
  0  1  2 then 5A = [          ]
  5 20  25
  0  5  10 and (2 + i)A = [                    ]
 2 + i  8+ 4i  10+ 5i
   0    2 + i  4 + 2i.

Theorem 1.2.5. Let A,B,C Mm,n() and let k,ℓ . Then,

A + B = B + A      (commutativity).
(A + B) + C = A + (B + C)     (associativity).
k(ℓA) = (kℓ)A.
(k + )A = kA + ℓA.

Proof. Part 1.
Let A = [aij] and B = [bij]. Then, by definition

A + B =  [a  ]+ [b  ] = [a + b ] = [b + a ] = [b ] + [a  ] = B + A
          ij    ij     ij    ij     ij    ij     ij    ij
as complex numbers commute. The reader is required to prove the other parts as all the results follow from the properties of complex numbers. _

PICT PICT DRAFT Definition 1.2.6. Let A Mm,n().

Then, the matrix 0m×n is called the additive identity as A + 0 = 0 + A = A.
Then, there exists a matrix B with A + B = 0. This matrix B is called the additive inverse of A, and is denoted by -A = (-1)A.

Exercise 1.2.7.

Find a few 3 × 3 nonzero, non-identity matrices A with real entries satisfying
AT = A.
AT = -A.
Find a few 3 × 3 nonzero, non-identity matrices A with complex entries satisfying
A* = A.
A* = -A.
Suppose A = [aij] and B are matrices such that A + B = 0. Then, show that B = (-1)A = [-aij].
Suppose A and B are matrices such that A + B = A. Then, show that B = 0. _________
Let A = ⌊         ⌋
 1+ i  - 1
|         |
⌈  2    3 ⌉
   i    1 and B = [            ]
 2   3    - 1
 1  1- i   2. Compute A + B* and B + A*.
Write the 3 × 3 matrices A = [aij] satisfying PICT PICT DRAFT
aij = 1 if ij and 2 otherwise.
aij = 1 if |i - j|1 and 0 otherwise.
aij = i + j.
aij = 2i+j.

1.2.1 Multiplication of Matrices

Definition 1.2.8. Let A = [aij] Mm,n() and B = [bij] Mn,r(). Then, the product of A and B, denoted AB, is a matrix C = [cij] Mm,r() with

cij =    aikbkj = ai1b1j + ai2b2j + ⋅⋅⋅ + ainbnj,1 ≤ i ≤ m, 1 ≤ j ≤ r.

Thus, AB is defined if and only if number of columns of A = number of rows of B.

For example, if A = [       ]
 a  b  c
 d  e  f and B = ⌊           ⌋
 α   β  γ  δ
|⌈ x  y  z  t|⌉

  u  v  w  s then

      [                                                     ]
AB  =  aα + bx + cu  aβ + by + cv  aγ + bz + cw  aδ + bt+ cs  .
       dα + ex + fu  dβ + ey + fv  dγ + ez + fw  dδ + et+ fs

Note that the rows of the matrix AB can be written directly as

(AB )[1,:] =   a[α, β,γ,δ]+ b[x,y,z,t] + c[u,v,w, s] = aB [1,:]+ bB [2,:]+ cB [3,:]

(AB )[2,:] =   dB[1,:]+ eB[2,:]+ fB [3,:]                                   (1.2.2)
and similarly, the columns of the matrix AB can be written directly as
           [             ]
(AB )[:,1] =  aα + bx+ cu   = αA [:,1]+ xA [:,2]+ uA [:,3],
             dα+  ex+ f u

(AB)[:,2] = βA[:,1] + yA[:,2] + vA[:,3],⋅⋅⋅,(AB)[:,4] = δA[:,1] + tA[:,2] + sA[:,3].

Remark 1.2.9. Observe the following: PICT PICT DRAFT

In this example, while AB is defined, the product BA is not defined. However, for square matrices A and B of the same order, both the product AB and BA are defined.
The product AB corresponds to operating (adding or subtracting multiples of different rows) on the rows of the matrix B(see Equation (1.2.2)). This is row method for calculating the matrix product.
The product AB also corresponds to operating (adding or subtracting multiples of different columns) on the columns of the matrix A (see Equation (1.2.3)). This is column method for calculating the matrix product.
Let A and B be two matrices such that the product AB is defined. Then, verify that
Then, verify that (AB)[i,:] = A[i,:]B. That is, the i-th row of AB is obtained by multiplying the i-th row of A with B.
Then, verify that (AB)[:,j] = AB[:,j]. That is, the j-th column of AB is obtained by multiplying A with the j-th column of B.


       ⌊       ⌋
        A [1,:]B
       ||A [2,:]B||
AB  =  ||   .   || =  [AB [:,1],AB [:,2], ...,AB [:,p]].
       ⌈   ..   ⌉
        A [n, :]B


Example 1.2.10. Let A = ⌊         ⌋
|1   2   0|
⌈1   0   1⌉
 0  - 1  1 and B = ⌊           ⌋
| 1  0   - 1|
⌈ 0  0    1 ⌉
  0  - 1  1. Use the row/column method of matrix multiplication to

find the second row of the matrix AB.
Solution: By Remark, (AB)[2,:] = A[2,:]B and hence
(AB )[2,:] = 1 ⋅[1,0,- 1]+ 0⋅ [0,0,1]+ 1 ⋅[0,- 1,1] = [1,- 1,0].
find the third column of the matrix AB.
Solution: Again, by Remark, (AB)[:,3] = AB[:,3] and hence
                ⌊ ⌋     ⌊    ⌋     ⌊ ⌋    ⌊ ⌋
                 1         2        0      1
(AB )[:,3] = - 1⋅ |⌈1|⌉ + 1⋅|⌈ 0 |⌉+ 1 ⋅|⌈1|⌉ =  |⌈0|⌉ .

                 0        - 1       1      0

PICT PICT DRAFT Exercise 1.2.11.

For 1 i n, recall the basis elements ei Mn,1() (see Definition 4). If A Mn() then
Ae1 = A[:,1],,Aen = A[:,n].
e1T A = A[1,:],,enT A = A[n,:].
Let A Mn() and D = diag(d1,d2,,dn). Then
(DA)[i,:] = diA[i,:], for 1 i n, and
(AD)[:,j] = djA[:,j], for 1 j n.

In particular, if D = αI is a scalar matrix, for some α , then DA = αA = AD.

If x = ⌊  ⌋
|| ..||
⌈ .⌉
 xnMn,1() then x*x = i=1n|xi|2.
Let A be an upper triangular matrix. If A*A = AA* then prove that A is a diagonal matrix. The same holds for lower triangular matrix.
Let x = ⌊   ⌋
|  .|
|⌈  ..|⌉
   n,y = ⌊  ⌋
| .|
|⌈ ..|⌉
  nMn,1(). Then, prove that xy* = ⌊                     ⌋
 x1y1  x1y2  ⋅⋅⋅  x1yn-
|  .    .          .  |
|⌈  ..     ..  ⋅⋅⋅   ..  |⌉
 x y-  x y-  ⋅⋅⋅ x  y--
  n 1   n 2        n n and y*x = i=1nyixi.

Definition 1.2.12. Two square matrices A and B are said to commute if AB = BA.

PICT PICT DRAFT Remark 1.2.13. Note that if A is a square matrix of order n and if B is a scalar matrix of order n then AB = BA. In general, the matrix product is not commutative. For example, consider A = [    ]
 1  1
 0  0 and B = [    ]
 1  0
 1  0. Then, verify that AB = [    ]
 2  0
 0  0[    ]
 1  1
 1  1 = BA.

Theorem 1.2.14. Suppose that the matrices A,B and C are so chosen that the matrix multiplications are defined.

Then, (AB)C = A(BC). That is, the matrix multiplication is associative.
For any k ,(kA)B = k(AB) = A(kB).
Then, A(B + C) = AB + AC. That is, multiplication distributes over addition.
If A Mn() then AIn = InA = A.

Proof. Part 1. Let A = [aij] Mm,n(),B = [bij] Mn,p() and C = [cij] Mp,q(). Then,

         ∑p                    ∑n
(BC  )kj =   bkℓcℓj and (AB )iℓ =   aikbkℓ.
         ℓ=1                   k=1
PICT PICT DRAFT                ∑n             ∑n     ∑p          ∑n ∑p
(A(BC ))ij =      aik(BC )kj =    aik(   bkℓcℓj) =        aik(bkℓcℓj)
               k=1            k=1    ℓ=1         k=1 ℓ=1
               ∑n ∑p             ∑p  ∑n             T∑
           =         (aikbkℓ)cℓj =   (   aikbkℓ)cℓj =    (AB  )iℓcℓj = ((AB )C)ij.
               k=1ℓ=1            ℓ=1 k=1            ℓ=1

Using a similar argument, the next part follows. The other parts are left for the reader. _

Exercise 1.2.15.

Let L1,L2 Mn() be lower triangular matrices and U1,U2 Mn() be upper triangular matrices. Further, let D Mn() be a diagonal matrix. Then, prove that
L1L2 is a lower triangular matrix.
U1U2 is an upper triangular matrix.
DL1 and L1D are lower triangular matrices.
DU1 and U1D are upper triangular matrices.
Let A Mm,n(). If Ax = 0 for all x Mn,1() then prove that A = 0, the zero matrix.
Let A,B Mm,n(). If Ax = Bx, for all x Mn,1() then prove that A = B.
Let A and B be two matrices such that the matrix product AB is defined.
Prove that (AB)* = B*A*.
If A[1,:] = 0* then (AB)[1,:] = 0*. PICT PICT DRAFT
If B[:,1] = 0 then (AB)[:,1] = 0.
If A[i,:] = A[j,:] for some i and j then (AB)[i,:] = (AB)[j,:].
If B[:,i] = B[:,j] for some i and j then (AB)[:,i] = (AB)[:,j].
Construct matrices A and B, different from the one given earlier, that satisfy the following statements.
The product AB is defined but BA is not defined.
The products AB and BA are defined but they have different orders.
The products AB and BA are defined, they have the same order but ABBA.
Let A = [     ]
  0 1
  0 0 and B = ⌊       ⌋
 0  1  1
|0  0  1|
⌈       ⌉
 0  0  0. Guess a formula for An and Bn and prove it?
Let A = [1  1]

 0  1, B = ⌊       ⌋
 1  1  1
|⌈0  1  1|⌉
 0  0  1 and C = ⌊       ⌋
 1  1  1
|⌈1  1  1|⌉
 1  1  1. Is it true that A2 -2A+I = 0? What is B3 - 3B2 + 3B - I? Is C3 = 3C2?
Let A and B be two m × n matrices. Then, prove that (A + B)* = A* + B*.
Find a 2 × 2 nonzero matrix A satisfying A2 = 0.
Find a 2 × 2 nonzero matrix A satisfying A2 = A and AI2.
Find 2 × 2 nonzero matrices A,B and C satisfying AB = AC but BC. That is, the cancelation law doesn’t hold.
Let S = [     ]
 0  - 1
 1   1 and T = [      ]
 0  - 1
 1   0. Then, determine the smallest positive integers m,n such that Sm = I and Tn = I. PICT PICT DRAFT
Let A = ⌊       ⌋
 0  1  0
|⌈0  0  1|⌉

 1  0  0. Compute A2 and A3. Is A3 = I? Determine aA3 + bA + cA2.
Let A = ⌊             ⌋
  1  1 + i - 2
|⌈ 1   - 2   i |⌉

 - i   1    1 and B = ⌊         ⌋
    1    0
|⌈   0    1|⌉

  - 1 + i 1. Compute
A - A*,A + A*,(3AB)*- 4B*A and 3A - 2A*.
(AB)[1,:],(AB)[3,:],(AB)[:,1] and (AB)[:,2].
(B*A*)[:,1],(B*A*)[:,3],(B*A*)[1,:] and (B*A*)[2,:].
Let a,b and c be indeterminate. Then, can we find A with complex entries satisfying A⌊  ⌋
|⌈ b|⌉
  c = ⌊          ⌋
    a+  b
|⌈   b- c   |⌉
 3a - 5b+ c? What if A[a ]

  b = [a ⋅b]

   a? Give reasons for your answer.

1.2.2 Inverse of a Matrix

Definition 1.2.16. Let A Mn().

Then, a square matrix B is said to be a left inverse of A, if BA = In.
Then, a square matrix C is called a right inverse of A, if AC = In.
Then, A is said to be invertible (or is said to have an inverse) if there exists a matrix B such that AB = BA = In.

PICT PICT DRAFT Lemma 1.2.17. Let A Mn(). If that there exist B,C Mn() such that AB = In and CA = In then B = C.

Proof. Note that C = CIn = C(AB) = (CA)B = InB = B. _

Remark 1.2.18. Lemma 1.2.17 implies that whenever A is invertible, the inverse is unique. Thus, we denote the inverse of A by A-1. That is, AA-1 = A-1A = I.

Example 1.2.19.

Let A = [    ]
 a  b

 c  d.
If ad - bc0. Then, verify that A-1 = --1--
ad-bc[       ]
   d  - b
 - c   a.
In particular, the inverse of [    ]
 2  3

 4  7 equals 12[        ]
   7  - 3

 - 4    2.
If ad - bc = 0 then prove that either A[1,:] = 0* or A[:,1] = 0 or A[2,:] = αA[1,:] or A[:,2] = αA[:,1] for some α . Hence, prove that A is not invertible.
Matrices [    ]
 1  2
 0  0,[    ]
 1  0
 4  0 and [    ]
 4  2
 6  3 do not have inverses. Justify your answer.
Let A = ⌊       ⌋
 1  2  3
|⌈2  3  4|⌉

 3  4  6. Then, A-1 = ⌊             ⌋
  - 2   0    1
|⌈  0    3  - 2|⌉

   1  - 2    1.
Prove that the matrices A = ⌊       ⌋
 1  1  1
|⌈1  1  1|⌉

 1  1  1 and B = ⌊       ⌋
  1 1  2
|⌈ 1 0  1|⌉

  0 1  1 are not invertible.

Solution: Suppose there exists C such that CA = AC = I. Then, using matrix product PICT PICT DRAFT

A[1,:]C = (AC  )[1,:] = I[1,:] = [1,0,0] and A [2,:]C = (AC )[2,:] = I[2,:] = [0,1,0].
But A[1,:] = A[2,:] and thus [1,0,0] = [0,1,0], a contradiction.

Similarly, if there exists D such that BD = DB = I then

DB  [:,1] = (DB )[:,1 ] = I[:,1],DB [:,2] = (DB )[:,2] = I[:,2] and DB [:,3] = I[:,3].
But B[:,3] = B[:,1] + B[:,2] and hence I[:,3] = I[:,1] + I[:,2], a contradiction.

Theorem 1.2.20. Let A and B be two invertible matrices. Then,

(A-1)-1 = A.
(AB)-1 = B-1A-1.
(A*)-1 = (A-1)*.

Proof. Part 1. Let B = A-1 be the inverse of A. Then, AB = BA = I. Thus, by definition, B is invertible and B-1 = A. Or equivalently, (A-1)-1 = A.

Part 2. By associativity (AB)(B-1A-1) = A(BB-1)A-1 = I = (B-1A-1)(AB).

Part 3. As AA-1 = A-1A = I, we get (AA-1)* = (A-1A)* = I*. Or equivalently, (A-1)*A* = A*(A-1)* = I. Thus, by definition (A*)-1 = (A-1)*. _ PICT PICT DRAFT

We will again come back to the study of invertible matrices in Sections 2.2 and 2.3.1.

Exercise 1.2.21.

Let A be an invertible matrix. Then, prove that (A-1)r = A-r, for all integers r.
Find the inverse of [               ]
 cos(θ)    sin(θ)
 sin (θ)  - cos(θ) and [               ]
 cos(θ)  - sin(θ)
 sin(θ)   cos(θ).
Let A1,,Ar be invertible matrices. Then, prove that the matrix B = A1A2⋅⋅⋅Ar is also invertible.
Let A Mn() be an invertible matrix. Then, prove that
A[i,:]0T , for any i.
A[:,j]0, for any j.
A[i,:]A[j,:], for any i and j.
A[:,i]A[:,j], for any i and j.
A[3,:]αA[1,:] + βA[2,:], for any α,β , whenever n 3.
A[:,3]αA[:,1] + βA[:,2], for any α,β , whenever n 3.
Let x* = [1 + i,2,3] and y* = [2,-1 + i,4]. Prove that y*x is invertible but yx* is not invertible.
Determine A that satisfies (I + 3A)-1 = [    ]
 1  2

 2  1.
Determine A that satisfies (I - A)-1 = ⌊            ⌋
 - 2   0   1
| 0    3   - 2|
⌈            ⌉
  1   - 2  1. [See Example].
Let A be a square matrix satisfying A3 + A - 2I = 0. Prove that A-1 = 1
Let A = [aij] be an invertible matrix. If B = [pi-jaij], for some p , p0 then relate A-1 and B-1.

1.3 Some More Special Matrices

Definition 1.3.1.

For 1 k m and 1 n, define a matrix Ekℓ Mm,n() by (Ekℓ)ij = {
  1,  if (k,ℓ) = (i,j)

  0,  otherwise. Then, the matrices Ekℓ, for 1 k m and 1 n are called the standard basis elements for Mm,n().

So, if Ekℓ M2,3() then E11 = [1   0 0 ]

  0  0 0 = [1]

 0[       ]
 1  0  0,E12 = [0  1  0]

  0 0  0 = [ ]

 0[       ]
 0  1  0 and E22 = [        ]
  0  0  0

  0  1  0 = [ ]

 1[       ]
 0  1  0.

Let A Mm,n().
Then, A is called symmetric if AT = A. For example, A = [    ]
 1  3

 3  2.
Then, A is called skew-symmetric if AT = -A. For example, A = [     ]
  0  3
 - 3 0.
Then, A is called orthogonal if AAT = AT A = I. For example, A = -1-
√2--[     ]
 1   1
 1  - 1.
Let A Mn(). Then, A is said to be a permutation matrix if A has exactly one non-zero entry, namely 1, in each row and column. For example, In, for each positive integer n, [     ]
  0  1
  1  0, ⌊        ⌋
  0  1  0
| 0  0  1|
⌈        ⌉
  1  0  0, ⌊       ⌋
 0  0  1
|0  1  0|
⌈       ⌉
 1  0  0 and ⌊        ⌋
  0  1  0
| 1  0  0|
⌈        ⌉
  0  0  1 are permutation matrices. Verify that permutation matrices are Orthogonal matrices.
Then, A is called normal if A*A = AA*. For example, [    ]
 1  i
 i  1 is a normal matrix.
Then, A is called Hermitian if A* = A. For example, A = [          ]
  1    1 + i

 1- i    2.
Then, A is called skew-Hermitian if A* = -A. For example, A = [            ]
    0    1 + i
 - 1+  i   0.
Then, A is called unitary if AA* = A*A = I. For example, A = -1-
√3--[          ]
 1+  i   1
  - 1  1 - i.

Verify that Hermitian, skew-Hermitian and Unitary matrices are normal matrices.

Then, A is called idempotent if A2 = A. For example, A = [    ]
 1  0
 1  0 is idempotent.
A vector u Mn,1() such that u*u = 1 is called a unit vector.
A matrix that is symmetric and idempotent is called a projection matrix. For example, let u Mn,1() be a unit vector. Then, A = uuT is a symmetric and an idempotent matrix. Hence, A is a projection matrix. In particular, let u = √1-
 5[1,2]T and A = uuT . Then, uT u = 1 and for any vector x = [x1,x2]T M2,1() note that
                                     [                   ]T
Ax  = (uuT )x = u (uTx) = x1-+√-2x2u =   x1 +-2x2-, 2x1 +-4x2 .
                             5            5         5
Thus, Ax is the foot of the perpendicular from the point x on the vector [12]T .
Fix a unit vector a Mn,1() and let A = 2aaT - In. Then, verify that A Mn() and Ay = 2(aT y)a - y, for all y n. This matrix is called the reflection matrix about the line containing the points 0 and a.
Let A Mn(). Then, A is said to be nilpotent if there exists a positive integer n such that An = 0. The least positive integer k for which Ak = 0 is called the order of nilpotency. For example, if A = [aij] Mn() with aij equal to 1 if i-j = 1 and 0, otherwise then An = 0 and A0 for 1 n - 1.

Exercise 1.3.2.

Consider the matrices Eij Mn() for 1 i,j,n. Is E12E11 = E11E12? What about E12E22 and E22E12?
Let {u1,u2,u3} be three vectors in 3 such that ui*ui = 1, for 1 i 3, and ui*uj = 0 whenever ij. Then prove the following.
Let U = [u1u2u3]. Then U*U = I.
If A = uiui*, for 1 i 3 then A2 = A. Is A symmetric? Is A a projection matrix?
If A = uiui* + ujuj*, for ij then A2 = A. Is A a projection matrix?
Let A,B Mn() be two unitary matrices. Then, prove that AB is also a unitary matrix.
Let A Mn() be a Hermitian matrix (A* = A).
Then, the diagonal entries of A are necessarily real numbers.
For each B Mn() prove that B*AB is a Hermitian matrix.
Further assume that A2 = 0. Is it necessarily true that A = 0?
Then, for any x Mn,1(), prove that x*Ax is a real number.
Let A Mn(). If x*Ax is a real number for every x Mn,1() then prove that A is a Hermitian matrix. [Hint: Use ej,ej + ek and ej + iek of Mn,1() for x.]
Let A and B be Hermitian matrices. Then, prove that AB is Hermitian if and only if AB = BA. PICT PICT DRAFT
Let A Mn() be a skew-Hermitian matrix. Then prove that
the diagonal entries of A are either zero or purely imaginary.
for each B Mn() prove that B*AB is a skew-Hermitian matrix.
Let A be a complex square matrix. Then S1 = 1
2(A + A*) is Hermitian, S2 = 1
2(A - A*) is skew-Hermitian, and A = S1 + S2.
Let A,B be skew-Hermitian matrices with AB = BA. Is the matrix AB Hermitian or skew-Hermitian?
Let A be a nilpotent matrix. Prove that there exists a matrix B such that B(I + A) = I = (I + A)B. [If Ak = 0 then look at I - A + A2 -⋅⋅⋅ + (-1)k-1Ak-1].
Are the matrices ⌊                ⌋
  1     0       0
|⌈ 0  cosθ  - sin θ|⌉

  0  sin θ   cos θ and ⌊                ⌋
  1     0       0
|⌈ 0  cos θ    sin θ|⌉

  0  sin θ  - cosθ orthogonal, for θ [-π,π)?

1.3.1 Submatrix of a Matrix

Definition 1.3.3. For a positive integer k, let us denote [k] = {1,,k}. Also, let A Mm×n().

Then, a matrix obtained by deleting some of the rows and/or columns of A is said to be a submatrix of A.
If S [m] and T [n] then by A(S|T) , we denote the submatrix obtained from A by deleting the rows with indices in S and columns with indices in T. By A[S,T], we mean A(Sc|Tc), where Sc is the complement of S in [m] and Tc is the complement of T in [n]. Whenever, S or T consist of a single element, then we just write the element. If S = [m], then we write A[S,T] = A[:,T] and if T = [n] then A[S,T] = A[S,:] which matches with our notation in Definition 1.1.1. PICT PICT DRAFT
If m = n, the submatrix A[S,S] is called a principal submatrix of A.

Example 1.3.4.

Let A = [       ]
 1  4  5
 0  1  2. Then, A[{1,2},{1,3}] = A[:,{1,3}] = [    ]
 1  5
 0  2, A[1,1] = [1],A[2,3] = [2],A[{1,2},1] = A[:,1] = [  ]
  0,A[1,{1,3}] = [15] and A are a few submatrices of A. But the matrices [    ]
 1  4
 1  0 and [     ]
  1  4
  0  2 are not submatrices of A.
Take A = ⌊       ⌋
 1  2  3
|⌈5  6  7|⌉

 9  8  7, S = {1,3} and T = {2,3}. Then, A[S,S] = [    ]
 1  3
 9  7,A[T,T] = [    ]
 6  7

 8  7,A(SS) = [ ]
 6 and A(TT) = [ ]
 1 are principal submatrices of A.

Let A be an n × m matrix and B be an m × p matrix. Suppose r < m. Then, we can decompose the matrices A and B as A = [PQ] and B = [H ]

 K, where P has order n×r and H has order r ×p. That is, the matrices P and Q are submatrices of A and P consists of the first r columns of A and Q consists of the last m - r columns of A. Similarly, H and K are submatrices of B and H consists of the first r rows of B and K consists of the last m - r rows of B. We now prove the following important theorem.

Theorem 1.3.5. Let A = [aij] = [PQ] and B = [bij] = [   ]
  K be defined as above. Then,


Proof. The matrix products PH and QK are valid as the order of the matrices P,H,Q and K are respectively, n×r,r ×p,n× (m-r) and (m-r) ×p. Also, the matrices PH and QK are of the same order and hence their sum is justified. Now, let P = [Pij],Q = [Qij],H = [Hij], and K = [Kij]. Then, for 1 i n and 1 j p, we have

            ∑m         ∑r          ∑m           ∑r           ∑m
(AB )ij  =      aikbkj =   aikbkj +      aikbkj =    PikHkj +      QikKkj
            k=1        k=1        k=r+1         k=1         k=r+1
        =   (PH )ij + (QK )ij = (P H + QK )ij.
Thus, the required result follows. _

Remark 1.3.6. Theorem 1.3.5 is very useful due to the following reasons:

The order of the matrices P,Q,H and K are smaller than that of A or B.
The matrices P,Q,H and K can be further partitioned so as to form blocks that are either identity or zero or matrices that have nice forms. This partition may be quite useful during different matrix operations.
If we want to prove results using induction then after proving the initial step, one assumes the result for all r×r submatrices and then try to prove it for (r+1)×(r+1) submatrices.

For example, if A = [       ]
 1  2  0

 2  5  0 and B = ⌊     ⌋
 a  b
|⌈c  d |⌉
 e  f then AB = [    ]
 1  2

 2  5[     ]
 a   b


Suppose A =

          [   ]
           P Q
and B =
   [   ]
    E F

. Then, the matrices P,Q,R,S and E,F,G,H, are called the blocks of the matrices A and B, respectively. Note that even if A + B is defined, the orders of P and E need not be the same. But, if the block sums are defined then A + B = [              ]
 P + E   Q + F

 R + G   S + H. Similarly, if the product AB is defined, the product PE may not be defined. Again, if the block products are defined, one can verify that AB = [                    ]
 PE +  QG   PF +  QH
 RE  + SG   RF  + SH. That is, once a partition of A is fixed, the partition of B has to be properly chosen for purposes of block addition or multiplication.

Exercise 1.3.7.

Complete the proofs of Theorems 1.2.5 and 1.2.14.
Let x = [   ]

 x2, y = [  ]

 y2, A = [             ]
 cosα  - sinα

 sin α   cosα and B = [                 ]
 cos(2θ)  sin(2θ)

 sin (2θ)  - cos(2θ).
Then, prove that y = Ax gives the counter-clockwise rotation through an angle α.
Then, prove that y = Bx gives the reflection about the line y = tan(θ)x.
Let α = θ and compute y = (AB)x and y = (BA)x. Do they correspond to reflection? If yes, then about which line(s)?
Further, if y = Cx gives the counter-clockwise rotation through β and y = Dx gives the reflections about the line y = tan(δ)x.
Then, prove that AC = CA and y = (AC)x gives the counter-clockwise rotation through α + β.
Then, prove that y = (BD)x and y = (DB)x give rotations. Which angles do they represent?
Let A be an n × n matrix such that AB = BA for all n × n matrices B. Then, prove that A is a scalar matrix. That is, A = αI for some α (use matrices in Definition
Consider the two coordinate transformations
= a11y1 + a12y2
= a21y1 + a22y2
= b11z1 + b12z2
= b21z1 + b22z2
Compose the two transformations to express x1,x2 in terms of z1,z2.
Does the composition of two transformations obtained in the previous part correspond to multiplying two matrices? Give reasons for your answer.
For An×n = [aij], the trace of A, denoted tr(A), is defined by tr(A) = a11 + a22 + ⋅⋅⋅ + ann.
Compute tr(A) for A = [     ]
  3  2

  2  2 and A = [       ]
  4  - 3

 - 5   1.
Let A be a matrix with A[  ]
  2 = 2[ ]
 2 and A[   ]
 - 2 = 3[   ]
 - 2. If B = [      ]
  1   1
  2  - 2 then compute tr(AB).
Let A and B be two square matrices of the same order. Then, prove that
tr(A + B) = tr(A) + tr(B).
tr(AB) = tr(BA).
Prove that there doesn’t exist matrices A,B Mn() such that AB - BA = cI, for any c0.
Let J Mn() be a matrix having each entry 1.
Then, verify that J2 = nJ.
Also, for any α1212 , verify that there exist α33 such that PICT PICT DRAFT
(α1In + β1J )⋅(α2In + β2J) = α3In + β3J.
Let α,β such that α0 and α + 0. Now, define A = αIn + βJ. Then, use the above to prove that A is invertible.
Let A = [       ]
 1  2  3
 2  1  1.
Find a matrix B such that AB = I2.
What can you say about the number of such matrices? Give reasons for your answer.
Does there exist a matrix C such that CA = I3? Give reasons for your answer.
Let A = ⌊       |     ⌋
   1  0 |0  1
|       |     |
|| -0--1-|1--1-||
|⌈  0  1 |1  0 |⌉
   0  1 |0  1 and B = ⌊        |      ⌋
   1   2 |2   1
|        |      |
|⌈  1   1 |1   1 |⌉
  - 1  1 |- 1 1. Compute the matrix product AB using the block matrix multiplication.
Let A = [     ]
 P  Q
 Q  R. If P,Q and R are Hermitian, is the matrix A Hermitian?
Let A = [      ]
 A11  x
 y *  c, where A11 is an n × n invertible matrix and c .
If p = c - y*A11-1x is nonzero, then verify that
    [       ]     [     ]
     A -111  0    1- A -111x  [ * - 1    ]
B =    0   0  + p   - 1    y A11  - 1
is the inverse of A.
Use the above to find the inverse of ⌊          |  ⌋
    0  - 1 |2
|⌈   1    1 |4 |⌉
  - 2    1 |1 and ⌊          |   ⌋
    0  - 1 | 2
|⌈   3    1 | 4 |⌉
   - 2   5 |- 3.
Let x Mn,1() be a unit vector.
Define A = In - 2xxT . Prove that A is symmetric and A2 = I. The matrix A is commonly known as the Householder matrix.
Let α1 be a real number and define A = In - αxxT . Prove that A is symmetric and invertible. [The inverse is also of the form In + βxxT , for some β.]
Let A Mn() be an invertible matrix and let x,y Mn,1(). Also, let β such that α = 1 + βyT A-1x0. Then, verify the famous Shermon-Morrison formula
(A + βxyT )-1 = A -1 - βA -1xyT A- 1.
This formula gives the information about the inverse when an invertible matrix is modified by a rank (see Definition 2.2.26) one matrix.
Suppose the matrices B and C are invertible and the involved partitioned products are defined, then verify that that
[     ] -1   [                ]
 A   B         0       C -1
 C   0    =   B- 1  - B -1AC -1 .
Let A be an m × n matrix. Then, a matrix G of order n×m is called a generalized inverse (for short, g-inverse) of A if AGA = A. For example, a generalized inverse of the matrix A = [1,2] is a matrix G = [       ]
  1- 2α
    α, for all α . A generalized inverse G is called a pseudo inverse or a Moore-Penrose inverse if GAG = G and the matrices AG and GA are symmetric. Check that for α = 2-
5 the matrix G is a pseudo inverse of A. Further, among all the g-inverses, the inverse with the least euclidean norm also has α = 2-

1.4 Summary

In this chapter, we started with the definition of a matrix and came across lots of examples. We recall these examples as they will be used in later chapters to relate different ideas:

The zero matrix of size m × n, denoted 0m×n or 0.
The identity matrix of size n × n, denoted In or I.
Triangular matrices.
Hermitian/Symmetric matrices.
Skew-Hermitian/skew-symmetric matrices.
Unitary/Orthogonal matrices.
Idempotent matrices.
nilpotent matrices.

We also learnt product of two matrices. Even though it seemed complicated, it basically tells that multiplying by a matrix on the

left to a matrix A is same as operating on the rows of A.
right to a matrix A is same as operating on the columns of A.