Frequently Asked Questions
Where is SWAN pointing ?
(See a sample of pointing displays below: courtesy Bhawana)
Sweetspots, as red crosses, shown along with a reference Sky-map at 34.5 MHz in the background.
(The 35 MHz sky-image data are taken from Dwarakanath & Udayashankar 1990).
Zoomed version of the sky area around the present beam pointing (green circle)
What are "sweetspots" in tile beam pointing ?
These are a set of directions, about and including local zenith,
for which near perfect phasing of the (4x4 matrix of) antenna elements within a tile
can be realized, with suitable combinations of available delay steps in the beamformer electronics/hardware.
In the present case, the sweetspot directions are spaced at about 6 degrees, for spots near the zenith,
and the angular spacing becomes wider towards the horizon
(as the spacing is, in fact, uniform in sin(tilt-angle)).