Module 1 :
Lecture 3 : Energy and Processes

Thermodynamic Equilibrium

Steady state

Under the steady state condition, the properties of the system at any location are independent of time.



At the state of equilibrium, the properties of the system are uniform and only one value can be assigned to it.


In thermodynamics, equilibrium refers to a state of equilibrium with respect to all possible changes, thermal, mechanical and chemical.


  1. Thermal equilibrium

A state of thermal equilibrium can be described as one in which the temperature of the system is uniform.

  1. Mechanical equilibrium

Mechanical equilibrium means there is no unbalanced force. In other words, there is no pressure gradient within the system.

  1. Chemical equilibrium

The criterian for chemical equilibrium is the equality of chemical potential

Superscripts A and B refers to systems and subscript i refers to component


If Gibbs function is given by G, G = U + PV – TS



where ni is the number of moles of substance i . The composition of a system does not undergo any change because of chemical reaction