Spacelab - 3 Anuradha Experiment

The Indian Cosmic Ray Experiment Anuradha on board Space Shuttle Spacelab-3 was specially designed at TIFR, Mumbai to measure the ionization states of low energy cosmic rays in near earth space. The experiment used high resolution large area CR-39 (DOP) track detectors and a mechanical device to provide time resolution. This instrument was flown in space in NASA's Space Shuttle Spacelab-3 during 1985 April 29 to May 06 at an altitude of 370 Kms and inclination of 57° . This experiment provided first unambiguous direct measurements of ionization states of individual Nitrogen, Oxygen and Neon ions of ACR. For further details see

  • J.S. Yadav & R. K. Singh, Spacelab-3 Anuradha detector response and the expected charge resolution, Nuclear Instrument & Meth. B51 (1990) 63 -68.

  • R. K. Singh, B. Mitra, N.Durgaprasad, S. Biswas, M. N. Vahia, J. S. Yadav, A. Dutta and J. N. Guswami,Ionization states of the Anomalous Cosmic Rays , ApJ, 374 (1991) 753-765.