Gaurav Kumar

Phone: · +91-9454287637 · |

Welcome to the official website of Gaurav Kumar, PhD Research Scholar and Prime Minister Research Fellow at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. Dive into my world of assistive technology and discover innovations designed to enhance the quality of life for individuals with locomotor disabilities.


Proud Prime Minister Research Fellow (PMRF 2023-2028), dedicated to advancing the field of mobility assistive devices, Assistive Technology and Assistive Medical Devices.



I am Gaurav Kumar, a passionate researcher and innovator in the field of assistive medical devices at IIT Kanpur. Currently, I am pursuing a PhD in the Department of Design, focusing on creating more accessible, functional, and cost-effective solutions for individuals with locomotor disabilities.

Vision Statement

My vision is to empower the differently-abled community with innovative, accessible, and cost-effective technology solutions.

Academic Background

I am honored to be an alumnus of the esteemed Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, where I pursued both my Bachelor's and Master's degrees as part of the integrated BS-MS Dual Degree program. My time at IIT Kanpur was instrumental in building a solid foundation for my career in assistive technology and design.

PhD Department of Design (2023-onwards):

- CPI: 9.0/10

- Research Focus: Currently being developed to further expand on my prior work, focusing on innovative solutions in assistive medical device technology & Assistive technology.

Master’s Degree (BS-MS Dual Degree 2014-19):

- CPI: 9.19/10

- Field: Department of CHM

- Research Focus: Advanced studies in Optical Trapping, with a project focusing on the Kerr effect Nonlinearity in Optical Trapping for Rayleigh Regime. This project not only honed my research skills but also paved the way for my PhD pursuits in assistive medical device innovation.

Bachelor’s Degree (BS-MS Dual Degree 2014-19):

- CPI: 6.2/10

- Field: Department of CHM

- Highlights: Focus on fundamental sciences and engineering with a strong inclination towards practical applications in real-world scenarios.

Research Overview

My research endeavours are focused on pioneering advancements in assistive technologies, aimed at transforming the lives of over 26.8 million differently abled individuals in India. I am committed to developing a suite of sophisticated assistive devices including Smart Callipers and Crutches, multifunctional wheelchairs, cutting-edge Prosthetics & Orthotics, and comprehensive Vehicle Modifications and Transportation Aids, as well as Daily Living Aids. Each innovation is carefully designed to enhance independence, improve mobility, and foster full societal inclusion for people with disabilities. Through meticulous research and inventive engineering, my goal is to deliver transformative solutions that substantially improve quality of life.

Detailed Projects

Smart Calipers and Crutches : Enhancing mobility aids with smart technology for adaptive support and improved user experience.

Prosthetics & Orthotics : Innovating in prosthetics and orthotics with advanced, biomechanical limbs and tailored orthotic devices for enhanced movement, comfort, and improved quality of life.

Multifunctional Wheelchairs : Designing wheelchairs that cater to diverse user needs, incorporating features for terrain adaptability and health monitoring.

Vehicle Modifications and Transportation Aids : Enhancing vehicle accessibility with custom modifications like hand controls, wheelchair ramps, and adjustable seating to cater to the mobility needs of individuals with disabilities.

Daily Living Aids : Creating tools that aid individuals with disabilities in performing daily tasks independently and safely.

Technical Skills

Proficient in programming languages such as C++, Python, and MATLAB, and skilled in using advanced design tools like AutoCAD and Autodesk Fusion 360. These technical skills support my research and development efforts, enabling the creation of innovative and practical assistive device solutions.

Scholarships and Awards

Prime Minister Research Fellow (2023-2028) : Recognized for potential and dedication in the field of assistive device innovation.

Special Appreciation Award from IIT Kanpur (2019) : For outstanding performance and contribution to sports and community service.

Special Appreciation Award from IIT Kanpur (2018) : For outstanding performance and contribution to sports and community service.

Student Benefit Fund Scholarship (2018) : Awarded for outstanding performance during my undergraduate studies at IIT Kanpur.

Best Project Award (2016) : Honored during my undergraduate degree for exceptional project work in manufacturing processes.

Student Benefit Fund Scholarship (2015) : Awarded for outstanding performance during my undergraduate studies at IIT Kanpur.

Multiple Gold Medals in Para-powerlifting : Demonstrated athletic excellence and leadership, breaking records at national level sports meets.

Governor’s Award from Governor of Bihar (2009) : For outstanding performance and contribution to national community service in Bhart Scout & Guides.


For collaborations, inquiries, or more information about my work

please contact me:

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Phone: (+91) 9454287637