Ravi Kumar
Ravi Kumar
Ravi Kumar

Hi There! I'm

I love to create.

About Me


Ravi Kumar

About Me

scatter Ravi

I’m Ravi Kumar, a first-year Economics student at IIT Kanpur. Beyond the world of numbers, I find my passion in coding, design, painting, and writing. I'm on a journey of blending the analytical mindset of Economics with the creative expressions of technology and the arts.

Join me as I navigate the exciting intersection of numbers, pixels, and words.

*Selected Questions will be answered in FAQ section below.


Welcome to my painting sanctuary! Here, strokes of vibrant colors breathe life into portraits that capture moments and emotions. Painting is more than an artistic pursuit for me; it's a source of confidence and solace during quiet moments.

Focusing primarily on portraits, I work with both poster colors and acrylics to bring my visual narratives to life. Despite not considering myself a professional artist, each stroke is a personal journey of self-discovery and expression. I paint sporadically, creating 2-3 pieces a year, and my time at IIT Kanpur has sparked a desire to explore this artistic facet more deeply.

Saraswati Mata
Size: 21x29.7 cm
Medium: Poster Colours

Iron Man
Size: 17x24 cm
Medium: Poster Colours

Shivagami (Bahubali)
Size: 17x24 cm
Medium: Poster Colours

Size: 17x24 cm
Medium: Poster Colours

Horse Sketching
Size: 29.7x42 cm
Medium: Pencil

Girl Painting
Size: 17x24 cm
Medium: Poster Colours

Girl Painting 2
Size: 17x24 cm
Medium: Poster Colours

Size: 25x30 cm
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas


The white shirt

I found a pen, the best pen.
Its ink red, the river of cure.
Only then did I realize.....

A regret till Infinity

Those days, I had feeling of depressed.
for I did everything, but I failed.
Those Nights, I never slept....

Poetry, for me, is a journey of self-discovery and a reflection of the world's beauty and complexities. While not a prolific poet, each verse is a sincere attempt to capture moments of inspiration and introspection. I write when the heart feels heavy with thoughts, weaving words into a tapestry of emotions.

The Last Wish

Stood she at the window,
half living and half dead.
Looking out in dismay .....

The Real Me

Under the blanket of tiny twinkling stars,
I dream of a world where I am me, the real me.


अनोखा था वो बचपन,
सब कुछ....